I2VEdit: First-Frame-Guided Video Editing via Image-to-Video Diffusion Models






Published 5/28/2024 by Wenqi Ouyang, Yi Dong, Lei Yang, Jianlou Si, Xingang Pan
I2VEdit: First-Frame-Guided Video Editing via Image-to-Video Diffusion Models


The remarkable generative capabilities of diffusion models have motivated extensive research in both image and video editing. Compared to video editing which faces additional challenges in the time dimension, image editing has witnessed the development of more diverse, high-quality approaches and more capable software like Photoshop. In light of this gap, we introduce a novel and generic solution that extends the applicability of image editing tools to videos by propagating edits from a single frame to the entire video using a pre-trained image-to-video model. Our method, dubbed I2VEdit, adaptively preserves the visual and motion integrity of the source video depending on the extent of the edits, effectively handling global edits, local edits, and moderate shape changes, which existing methods cannot fully achieve. At the core of our method are two main processes: Coarse Motion Extraction to align basic motion patterns with the original video, and Appearance Refinement for precise adjustments using fine-grained attention matching. We also incorporate a skip-interval strategy to mitigate quality degradation from auto-regressive generation across multiple video clips. Experimental results demonstrate our framework's superior performance in fine-grained video editing, proving its capability to produce high-quality, temporally consistent outputs.

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  • Presents a novel video editing technique called I2VEdit that leverages image-to-video diffusion models
  • Allows users to edit videos by providing a first frame and target image, with the model generating the edited video
  • Addresses the challenge of video editing, which is typically more complex than image editing due to the temporal dimension

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new way to edit videos called I2VEdit. Traditionally, editing videos can be quite complicated because you have to work with multiple frames over time. However, this new technique makes it much easier.

With I2VEdit, you start by providing a single first frame of the video you want to edit. You also provide a target image that shows how you want the video to look. The model then uses a special kind of AI called an "image-to-video diffusion model" to generate the edited video for you, based on those two inputs.

This is a significant advance, as it allows users to edit videos in a much more intuitive and easy-to-use way, compared to traditional video editing tools. Instead of having to manually adjust each frame, you can simply provide a starting point and a target, and let the AI do the rest.

The key innovation here is leveraging these powerful "diffusion models" that are great at generating video from just a few inputs. This makes video editing much more accessible and user-friendly for a wide range of people.

Technical Explanation

The core innovation of the I2VEdit technique is the use of image-to-video diffusion models to enable first-frame-guided video editing. Diffusion models are a type of generative AI that can create new content from scratch or based on limited inputs.

In this case, the authors leverage a diffusion model that can take a single "first frame" of a video and a target image, and then generate the full edited video sequence. This addresses the challenge that video editing is inherently more complex than image editing due to the temporal dimension.

The researchers demonstrate that their I2VEdit approach outperforms other [zero-shot video editing techniques](https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/slicedit-zero-shot-video-editing-text-to, https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/videdit-zero-shot-spatially-aware-text-driven) in terms of both efficiency and visual quality of the edited videos. This highlights the power of diffusion models for general-purpose video generation.

Critical Analysis

One potential limitation of the I2VEdit approach is that it relies on the quality and capabilities of the underlying image-to-video diffusion model. If the diffusion model struggles with certain types of content or editing operations, this could impact the effectiveness of the I2VEdit technique.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the limits of the approach in terms of the complexity of edits that can be performed. It's possible that I2VEdit may work well for simpler edits, but struggle with more intricate or large-scale changes to a video.

Further research could investigate the robustness of I2VEdit to different types of input data, as well as expanding its capabilities to handle more sophisticated video editing tasks. Exploring ways to make the approach more interpretable and controllable for users could also be a valuable direction.


The I2VEdit technique presented in this paper represents an exciting advance in the field of video editing. By leveraging powerful image-to-video diffusion models, it enables a more intuitive and accessible approach to editing videos, where users can simply provide a starting frame and a target image, and let the AI handle the rest.

This has the potential to democratize video editing, making it possible for a wider range of people to create and manipulate video content. As diffusion models continue to improve, we may see even more impressive and user-friendly video editing capabilities emerge in the future.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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