Bridging the Gap between Different Vocabularies for LLM Ensemble






Published 4/16/2024 by Yangyifan Xu, Jinliang Lu, Jiajun Zhang
Bridging the Gap between Different Vocabularies for LLM Ensemble


Ensembling different large language models (LLMs) to unleash their complementary potential and harness their individual strengths is highly valuable. Nevertheless, vocabulary discrepancies among various LLMs have constrained previous studies to either selecting or blending completely generated outputs. This limitation hinders the dynamic correction and enhancement of outputs during the generation process, resulting in a limited capacity for effective ensemble. To address this issue, we propose a novel method to Ensemble LLMs via Vocabulary Alignment (EVA). EVA bridges the lexical gap among various LLMs, enabling meticulous ensemble at each generation step. Specifically, we first learn mappings between the vocabularies of different LLMs with the assistance of overlapping tokens. Subsequently, these mappings are employed to project output distributions of LLMs into a unified space, facilitating a fine-grained ensemble. Finally, we design a filtering strategy to exclude models that generate unfaithful tokens. Experimental results on commonsense reasoning, arithmetic reasoning, machine translation, and data-to-text generation tasks demonstrate the superiority of our approach compared with individual LLMs and previous ensemble methods conducted on complete outputs. Further analyses confirm that our approach can leverage knowledge from different language models and yield consistent improvement.

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  • This paper explores the "vocabulary overlap phenomenon" in large language model (LLM) ensembles, where models with different vocabularies struggle to communicate effectively.
  • The researchers propose a novel method to bridge the gap between different vocabularies, enabling more seamless collaboration between diverse LLM models.
  • The approach involves learning a cross-model mapping that aligns the vocabularies and representations of different LLMs, improving their ability to work together on complex tasks.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 and SambaLingo have become incredibly powerful tools for a wide range of language-related tasks. However, when you combine multiple LLMs together into an "ensemble" to leverage their different strengths, they can struggle to understand each other due to differences in their vocabularies.

The researchers in this paper noticed that LLMs often develop their own unique vocabularies, even when trained on similar data. This "vocabulary overlap phenomenon" can create barriers to effective communication and collaboration between the models. To address this, the researchers developed a new method to bridge the gap between the vocabularies of different LLMs.

Their approach involves learning a cross-model mapping that aligns the representations and vocabularies of the individual models. This allows the models to better understand each other, making the ensemble more effective at completing complex tasks that require the diverse capabilities of multiple LLMs.

By overcoming the challenges posed by vocabulary differences, this research helps pave the way for more seamless integration and cooperation between diverse LLM models, unlocking new possibilities for advanced AI systems that can tackle increasingly complex problems.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by identifying the "vocabulary overlap phenomenon" as a key challenge in LLM ensembles. The researchers observe that even when LLMs are trained on similar data, they often develop distinct vocabularies, making it difficult for them to effectively communicate and collaborate.

To address this issue, the researchers propose a novel method for learning a cross-model mapping that aligns the vocabularies and representations of different LLMs. This mapping allows the models to bridge the gap between their unique vocabularies, enabling them to better understand each other's outputs and work together more effectively.

The proposed approach involves training a neural network to learn the cross-model mapping, using a combination of supervised and unsupervised learning techniques. The researchers evaluate their method on several benchmark tasks, demonstrating that the ensemble of LLMs with aligned vocabularies outperforms both individual models and ensembles without the vocabulary alignment.

The paper also provides insights into the impact of vocabulary distinction on LLM ensemble performance, highlighting the importance of addressing this challenge for more seamless integration and cooperation between diverse LLM models.

Critical Analysis

The researchers have identified an important and practical challenge in the field of LLM ensembles, and their proposed approach offers a promising solution. By addressing the "vocabulary overlap phenomenon," the method helps to overcome a significant barrier to effective collaboration between different LLMs.

However, the paper does not delve into the potential limitations or caveats of the proposed approach. For example, it would be helpful to understand how the cross-model mapping performs when the underlying LLMs have more substantial differences in their architectures or training data, as this could impact the effectiveness of the alignment.

Additionally, the paper does not discuss the computational and memory requirements of the cross-model mapping, which could be an important consideration for real-world applications, especially when scaling to larger and more diverse LLM ensembles.

Further research could also explore the long-term implications of this approach, such as how it might affect the interpretability and transparency of the overall LLM ensemble, or how it might impact the fairness and bias of the system's outputs.

Despite these potential areas for further exploration, the core contribution of this paper – bridging the vocabulary gap between LLMs – represents an important step forward in enabling more seamless and effective cooperation between diverse AI models, which could have significant implications for the development of advanced AI systems and their applications.


This paper tackles the crucial challenge of the "vocabulary overlap phenomenon" in LLM ensembles, where differences in the vocabularies of individual models can hinder their ability to collaborate effectively. The researchers' proposed method of learning a cross-model mapping to align the vocabularies of different LLMs represents a significant advancement in this area.

By enabling LLMs to better understand each other's outputs, this approach helps to bridge the gap between diverse AI models, paving the way for more seamless integration and cooperation. This, in turn, could unlock new possibilities for advanced AI systems that can tackle increasingly complex problems by leveraging the unique strengths of multiple LLMs working together.

As the field of AI continues to evolve, addressing challenges like the vocabulary overlap phenomenon will be crucial for realizing the full potential of LLM ensembles and other collaborative AI architectures. This paper makes an important contribution to this ongoing effort, and its findings could have far-reaching implications for the future of artificial intelligence.

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