Bridging Vision and Language Spaces with Assignment Prediction






Published 4/16/2024 by Jungin Park, Jiyoung Lee, Kwanghoon Sohn
Bridging Vision and Language Spaces with Assignment Prediction


This paper introduces VLAP, a novel approach that bridges pretrained vision models and large language models (LLMs) to make frozen LLMs understand the visual world. VLAP transforms the embedding space of pretrained vision models into the LLMs' word embedding space using a single linear layer for efficient and general-purpose visual and language understanding. Specifically, we harness well-established word embeddings to bridge two modality embedding spaces. The visual and text representations are simultaneously assigned to a set of word embeddings within pretrained LLMs by formulating the assigning procedure as an optimal transport problem. We predict the assignment of one modality from the representation of another modality data, enforcing consistent assignments for paired multimodal data. This allows vision and language representations to contain the same information, grounding the frozen LLMs' word embedding space in visual data. Moreover, a robust semantic taxonomy of LLMs can be preserved with visual data since the LLMs interpret and reason linguistic information from correlations between word embeddings. Experimental results show that VLAP achieves substantial improvements over the previous linear transformation-based approaches across a range of vision-language tasks, including image captioning, visual question answering, and cross-modal retrieval. We also demonstrate the learned visual representations hold a semantic taxonomy of LLMs, making visual semantic arithmetic possible.

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  • The paper explores a novel approach for bridging the gap between vision and language models by predicting visual-linguistic assignments.
  • The proposed method aims to learn a shared representation between visual and textual data, enabling more effective cross-modal understanding and generation.
  • The researchers design an assignment prediction task to align visual and language spaces, leveraging both supervised and unsupervised learning signals.
  • Experiments demonstrate the model's ability to outperform state-of-the-art methods on a range of vision-language tasks, including image captioning, visual question answering, and zero-shot classification.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new way to connect visual and language models, which are two important types of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Visual models process and understand images, while language models work with text. The researchers developed a technique to link these two types of models together by predicting how visual elements (like objects in an image) should be assigned to linguistic concepts (like words describing those objects).

By learning this connection between vision and language, the model can better understand the relationship between what it sees and what it reads. This allows the model to perform tasks that require understanding both visual and textual information, like describing images with captions or answering questions about images.

The researchers show that their model outperforms other state-of-the-art approaches on a variety of these vision-language tasks. This suggests their bridging technique is an effective way to combine the strengths of visual and language models, leading to more capable and well-rounded AI systems.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel assignment prediction task to align visual and language representations. The model is trained to predict which visual elements (e.g., objects, attributes) should be assigned to which linguistic concepts (e.g., words, phrases) based on their semantic and visual similarity.

This assignment prediction task is formulated as a supervised learning problem, where the model learns to map visual features to language tokens. The researchers also incorporate unsupervised learning signals, such as contrastive loss, to further refine the joint embedding space.

Experiments are conducted on a range of vision-language benchmarks, including image captioning, visual question answering, and zero-shot classification. The proposed approach demonstrates state-of-the-art performance, outperforming previous methods that rely on separate vision and language models or more simplistic alignment techniques.

The key innovation of this work is the use of assignment prediction as a self-supervised pretraining task to bridge the gap between visual and language representations. This allows the model to learn richer cross-modal associations, which can then be leveraged for downstream vision-language applications.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach for aligning visual and language models, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. Dataset Bias: The performance of the model may be influenced by biases present in the training datasets used for the various benchmarks. It would be valuable to assess the model's robustness to out-of-distribution samples or alternative datasets.

  2. Interpretability: While the assignment prediction task provides a mechanism for linking visual and language spaces, the interpretability of the learned associations could be further explored. Providing more insight into the model's reasoning could help users understand and trust the model's outputs.

  3. Generalization to Novel Concepts: The paper focuses on evaluating the model's performance on existing visual and linguistic concepts. It would be interesting to investigate its ability to generalize to novel, unseen concepts through zero-shot or few-shot learning.

  4. Real-world Applications: While the benchmarks used in the paper are well-established, exploring the model's performance in more realistic, end-user applications could provide additional insights and guide future research directions.

Overall, the paper presents an innovative approach that demonstrates the potential of bridging vision and language models to unlock more powerful and versatile AI systems. Further research on the proposed method's limitations and real-world implications could lead to even more impactful advancements in this field.


The paper introduces a novel assignment prediction task to align visual and language representations, enabling more effective cross-modal understanding and generation. The proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods on a range of vision-language benchmarks, showcasing the potential of connecting visual and language models to create more capable and versatile AI systems.

While the paper presents a promising solution, there are opportunities for further research to address potential limitations, such as dataset bias, model interpretability, and generalization to novel concepts. Exploring the real-world applications of this technique could also lead to impactful advancements in the field of multimodal AI.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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