Cameras as Rays: Pose Estimation via Ray Diffusion






Published 4/5/2024 by Jason Y. Zhang, Amy Lin, Moneish Kumar, Tzu-Hsuan Yang, Deva Ramanan, Shubham Tulsiani
Cameras as Rays: Pose Estimation via Ray Diffusion


Estimating camera poses is a fundamental task for 3D reconstruction and remains challenging given sparsely sampled views (<10). In contrast to existing approaches that pursue top-down prediction of global parametrizations of camera extrinsics, we propose a distributed representation of camera pose that treats a camera as a bundle of rays. This representation allows for a tight coupling with spatial image features improving pose precision. We observe that this representation is naturally suited for set-level transformers and develop a regression-based approach that maps image patches to corresponding rays. To capture the inherent uncertainties in sparse-view pose inference, we adapt this approach to learn a denoising diffusion model which allows us to sample plausible modes while improving performance. Our proposed methods, both regression- and diffusion-based, demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on camera pose estimation on CO3D while generalizing to unseen object categories and in-the-wild captures.

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  • This paper presents a novel approach to camera pose estimation by representing cameras as rays and modeling their diffusion through space.
  • The proposed method, called "Cameras as Rays: Pose Estimation via Ray Diffusion," aims to improve the accuracy and robustness of camera pose estimation, which is a fundamental task in computer vision and augmented reality applications.
  • The authors leverage the concept of ray diffusion to model the propagation of camera rays and solve for the optimal camera poses.

Plain English Explanation

Cameras work by capturing light rays that bounce off objects in the world and enter the camera lens. The Cameras as Rays approach treats each camera as a source of these light rays, and models how these rays diffuse or spread out through the 3D space around the camera.

By understanding how the camera rays behave, the researchers can then figure out the precise position and orientation (pose) of the camera in the 3D scene. This is a crucial step for applications like augmented reality, where virtual objects need to be seamlessly integrated into the real-world view.

The key insight is that the diffusion of the camera rays contains valuable information about the camera's pose. By analyzing this diffusion process, the researchers can accurately estimate the camera's position and orientation, even in challenging scenarios with occlusions or moving objects.

Technical Explanation

The core of the "Cameras as Rays" approach is to model each camera as a set of rays emanating from the camera center and diffusing through the 3D space. The researchers leverage the concept of ray diffusion, where the rays are treated as particles that spread out over time according to a diffusion equation.

By observing the diffusion of the camera rays and how they interact with the 3D scene, the algorithm can then solve for the optimal camera pose that best explains the observed ray diffusion. This is formulated as an optimization problem, where the goal is to find the camera pose that minimizes the difference between the observed ray diffusion and the predicted ray diffusion based on the camera model.

The researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on a variety of structure-from-motion and SLAM benchmarks, showing improved performance compared to traditional feature-based methods.

Critical Analysis

The "Cameras as Rays" approach offers a novel and promising perspective on camera pose estimation, leveraging the rich information contained in the diffusion of camera rays. By moving away from the traditional feature-based methods, the researchers have demonstrated the potential for more robust and accurate pose estimation, even in challenging scenarios.

However, the paper does not address potential limitations of the approach, such as its sensitivity to noise or its performance in highly dynamic environments. Additionally, the computational complexity of the ray diffusion optimization may limit its scalability to large-scale applications.

Further research is needed to explore the boundaries of this technique, investigate its robustness to various real-world conditions, and potentially combine it with other complementary methods to create a more comprehensive pose estimation framework.


The "Cameras as Rays" approach presents a novel and promising direction for camera pose estimation, leveraging the rich information contained in the diffusion of camera rays. By modeling cameras as sources of light rays and analyzing their propagation through the 3D scene, the researchers have demonstrated improved accuracy and robustness compared to traditional feature-based methods.

This work has the potential to significantly impact applications such as augmented reality, where accurate camera pose estimation is crucial for seamlessly integrating virtual content into the real world. As the field of computer vision continues to evolve, techniques like "Cameras as Rays" may pave the way for more sophisticated and reliable 3D perception and scene understanding capabilities.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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