Can LLMs Learn from Previous Mistakes? Investigating LLMs' Errors to Boost for Reasoning






Published 6/10/2024 by Yongqi Tong, Dawei Li, Sizhe Wang, Yujia Wang, Fei Teng, Jingbo Shang
Can LLMs Learn from Previous Mistakes? Investigating LLMs' Errors to Boost for Reasoning


Recent works have shown the benefits to LLMs from fine-tuning golden-standard Chain-of-Thought (CoT) rationales or using them as correct examples in few-shot prompting. While humans can indeed imitate correct examples, learning from our mistakes is another vital aspect of human cognition. Hence, a question naturally arises: textit{can LLMs learn and benefit from their mistakes, especially for their reasoning? } This study investigates this problem from both the prompting and model-tuning perspectives. We begin by introducing textsc{CoTErrorSet}, a new benchmark with 609,432 questions, each designed with both correct and error references, and demonstrating the types and reasons for making such mistakes. To explore the effectiveness of those mistakes, we design two methods: (1) textbf{Self-rethinking} prompting guides LLMs to rethink whether they have made similar previous mistakes; and (2) textbf{Mistake tuning} involves finetuning models in both correct and incorrect reasoning domains, rather than only tuning models to learn ground truth in traditional methodology. We conduct a series of experiments to prove LLMs can obtain benefits from mistakes in both directions. Our two methods offer potentially cost-effective strategies by leveraging errors to enhance reasoning capabilities, which costs significantly less than creating meticulously hand-crafted golden references. We ultimately make a thorough analysis of the reasons behind LLMs' errors, which provides directions that future research needs to overcome. textsc{CoTErrorSet} will be published soon on texttt{url{}}.

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Figure 1: The overview pipeline of our work includes (1). Mistake collection and analysis (Section 3). (2) Two novel methods to instruct LLMs to learn from mistakes(Section 4 and Section 5).

Figure 1: The overview pipeline of our work includes (1). Mistake collection and analysis (Section 3). (2) Two novel methods to instruct LLMs to learn from mistakes(Section 4 and Section 5).

The provided text discusses how large language models (LLMs) can be further improved by leveraging their mistakes during the learning process. Key points:

  • LLMs have demonstrated strong capabilities across various tasks, but there is a need to better align their reasoning with human logic. Recent studies have explored Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting to instruct LLMs to solve problems in a step-by-step manner.

  • Another critical learning pattern for humans is rethinking and learning from past mistakes, but few studies have focused on this for LLMs.

  • The authors aim to explore the potential for LLMs to learn from their mistakes to boost reasoning abilities. They created a large dataset called CoTErrorSet, which contains over 600,000 questions with both correct references and incorrect rationales collected from LLM responses.

  • Two innovative approaches are introduced: 1) "mistake tuning" that incorporates both correct and incorrect rationales during fine-tuning, and 2) "self-rethinking" that exposes LLMs to both correct and incorrect rationales to iteratively refine their answers.

  • Experiments show these methods consistently improve LLM performance across diverse reasoning tasks, and the authors provide insights into common error types exhibited by LLMs.

Related Work

This paper explores the potential of using large language models (LLMs) to develop human-like reasoning capabilities. The authors highlight various logical and structural reasoning strategies that have been proposed to better align LLMs' thinking processes with those of humans. These enhanced reasoning approaches have been applied to tasks such as commonsense reasoning, logical reasoning, and mathematical reasoning, with promising results.

The focus of this work is to investigate whether LLMs can benefit from rethinking and learning from previous mistakes, which is a key learning pattern in humans. The authors discuss several studies that have explored techniques for adjusting LLMs' reasoning pathways to arrive at better solutions. These include the use of "self-improve" methods that employ chain-of-thought and self-consistency approaches, as well as "self-refine" techniques that encourage LLMs to autonomously correct their outputs.

However, the paper notes that some researchers have argued that LLMs face challenges in self-correcting their responses in the absence of external feedback, and that such attempts might even deteriorate their performance under certain conditions. To address this, the authors suggest fine-tuning LLMs using pairs of errors and their respective corrections generated by a more advanced model, such as GPT-4, as a supervisory mechanism.

Importantly, the paper emphasizes that this work is pioneering in highlighting the impact of exposing LLMs to mistake examples on in-context learning. The authors' experiments reveal that during model tuning, learning from mistakes can inherently enhance itself merely by being exposed to correct examples and errors, without depending on explicit corrections from teacher models.

A Novel Dataset: CoTErrorSet

The paper introduces CoTErrorSet, a novel benchmark dataset for investigating how incorrect rationales can contribute to the reasoning performance of large language models (LLMs). The dataset is built upon various domains, including multiple-choice QA, extractive QA, closed-book QA, formal logic, natural language inference, and arithmetic reasoning.

The questions and references in the dataset are obtained from existing datasets, and each task includes an incorrect response generated by PaLM2, along with demonstrations from PaLM2 on why it made such mistakes. This systematic collection of incorrect rationales aims to provide a new perspective for improving LLM reasoning performance.

To gain a better understanding of the diverse error types in the dataset, the paper employs an LLM-based unsupervised clustering approach to group the errors into more general categories, such as calculation error, numeric error, logical error, commonsense error, linguistic error, and context error. This error analysis provides insights for future enhancement efforts.

Our Methodology: Self-rethinking

The text describes an innovative approach called "self-rethinking" to encourage large language models (LLMs) to consider if they are repeating past errors. The method starts with an initial chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning, then the model uses the provided reasoning outputs and a random selection of examples from a CoTErrorSet to assess if the most recent response includes similar inaccuracies. If errors are detected, the model formulates a new rationale and undergoes the evaluation process again, repeating this cycle until the model deems its latest answer to be correct or it reaches a set limit of evaluation rounds. The core of self-rethinking lies in the backward-checking stage, where the LLM reviews its reasoning chain with a specific focus on the error types it previously identified. This targeted review helps the LLM to consciously avoid repeating the same types of mistakes it has made in the past. The process includes a loop for error correction and confirmation, and a crucial repeating boundary to prevent the LLM from being caught in an endless loop of self-rethinking.

Our Methodology: Mistake Tuning

The text introduces "mistake tuning," a method to further improve large language models' (LLMs') abilities to distinguish between correct and incorrect reasoning. Mistake tuning involves finetuning LLMs on a combination of correct and incorrect rationales, where the rationales are prefixed with "[CORRECT RATIONALE]" and "[INCORRECT RATIONALE]" respectively.

This process allows LLMs to learn from the implicit reasons and types of mistakes they make during chain-of-thought reasoning, as outlined in the "self-rethinking" approach. The training objective is to maximize the likelihood of the correct rationale given the previous rationales.

Mistake tuning is presented as a cost-effective, straightforward, and efficient alternative to improve LLMs' reasoning abilities without the need for additional annotated golden reasoning references. Previous work has shown that pretraining on controlled signals based on human feedback can lead to better content generation by LLMs.


The text summarizes a series of experiments conducted to compare the proposed self-rethinking methods with existing approaches on arithmetic and commonsense reasoning benchmarks. The experiment setup involved selecting various baselines, including standard prompting, Chain-of-Thought (CoT), self-refine, and self-consistency, as well as using the PaLM2 and GPT4 models. The benchmarks considered were GSM8K, AQuA, MathQA, Openbook, LogiQA, and Critical Reasoning in MARB.

The results showed that the self-rethinking method achieved superior performance with significant improvements, particularly in GSM8K, AQuA, MathQA, and LogiQA, outperforming self-consistency under similar computing costs. However, the self-rethinking method fell short of self-refine's results on the MathQA dataset, which is specifically tailored towards operation-based arithmetic problems.

The paper also presented results on the 8-shot examples of CoT and self-rethinking using the PaLM2 model, demonstrating a clear advantage of the self-rethinking method over the standard 8-shot CoT approach in few-shot learning scenarios for complex problem-solving tasks.

Additionally, the paper explored the concept of "mistake tuning," where both correct and incorrect rationales were combined to fine-tune the Flan-T5 models. The results showed that mistake tuning consistently outperformed standard fine-tuning with only correct rationales, suggesting the value of engaging with incorrect reasoning to enhance the models' problem-solving and reasoning capabilities.

In conclusion, the self-rethinking method proved effective in improving the accuracy and reliability of responses in large language models, particularly in tasks requiring strong logic and prone to minor errors. The paper also highlighted the potential benefits of incorporating incorrect rationales in the training process to further enhance the models' problem-solving and reasoning abilities.

Further Studies

Figure 4: Accuracy of different re-thinking iterations(k𝑘kitalic_k). As the value of k𝑘kitalic_k increases, the overall prediction accuracy improves.

Figure 4: Accuracy of different re-thinking iterations(k𝑘kitalic_k). As the value of k𝑘kitalic_k increases, the overall prediction accuracy improves.

The paper examines the impact of different numbers of rethinking iterations, denoted as k, on the performance of the framework on two benchmarks - GSM8K and LogiQA. As k increases from 1 to 24, the GSM8K performance increases by 8.11% and the LogiQA performance increases by 12.37%, indicating a positive correlation between the number of rethinking iterations and the reasoning abilities of the language models.

The paper also includes an ablation study on the rethinking process, examining the impact of different component combinations in the prompts guiding the language models to self-rethink. The results show that the inclusion or exclusion of different components has varying effects on the accuracy in the GSM8K and LogiQA domains, but the overall performance across the different component combinations is relatively similar, indicating the flexibility and stability of the method.

Unveiling LLM’s Reasoning Errors

(a) Commonsense Reasnoing

(a) Commonsense Reasnoing

The text provides a detailed analysis of the different types of mistakes that can occur in large language model (LLM) inference processes. The authors sampled mistake examples from the GSM8K and LogiQA datasets to conduct an in-depth analysis of both arithmetic and commonsense reasoning errors.

For commonsense reasoning, the authors found that errors often arise from the model's limitations in understanding and accurately applying context. This reveals that current LLMs may still fall short in consistently recalling precise factual knowledge within a given context. The authors suggest that Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems hold promise for yielding more faithful and contextually aligned results.

Regarding arithmetic reasoning, the analysis shows that the most common errors made by LLMs are related to calculation. This can be attributed to the different nature of LLMs compared to tools like calculators. The authors suggest that using a Program-of-Thought (PoT) approach, as proposed by Chen et al. (2022), is a promising way to instruct LLMs to generate code to solve problems, leading to more accurate calculation results.

Additionally, the text highlights that logical errors are another type of error that LLMs suffer from. The causes of these logical errors are more complicated and nuanced, often stemming from the model's limitations in comprehending mathematical concepts or its inability to correctly infer the needed function from the context of the question. The authors note that more fine-grained analysis and methods are needed to address such complex logical errors in arithmetic reasoning.

Conclusions and Future Work

The paper explores whether large language models (LLMs) can learn from their mistakes. To investigate this, the authors introduce CoTErrorSet, a new benchmark that collects both correct and incorrect chain-of-thought (CoT) rationales across various domains. The benchmark is designed to demonstrate mistakes for LLMs.

The paper proposes two potential solutions to expose the effects of mistakes from different perspectives: self-rethinking and mistake tuning. These approaches achieve consistent and significant improvements, demonstrating the benefits of learning from reasoning errors.

The paper also conducts a comprehensive analysis of common mistakes made by LLMs in both arithmetic and commonsense reasoning. The findings from this analysis aim to provide clear directions for future improvements.

For future work, the authors envision developing algorithms or loss functions to help LLMs learn from implicit information within mistakes. Incorporating contrastive learning to differentiate correct and incorrect references, as well as leveraging memorization and retrieval-augmented skills, are suggested as potential avenues to further improve performance by learning from mistakes.

The primary goal of this work is to establish a new paradigm for LLMs to learn from their errors.


The paper acknowledges several limitations in their study beyond the challenge of fine-tuning commercial large language models (LLMs). The self-rethinking methodology they used may not be entirely suitable for tasks where a distinct, objective label is not readily available, such as in machine translation or dialogue generation. These areas pose a unique challenge as the correctness of outputs can often be subjective or context-dependent, making it difficult to apply their approach effectively. Additionally, their utilization of the CoTErrorSet collection for mistake tuning necessitates a ground truth label for each sample, which could pose a potential impediment to the applicability of their method in low-resource scenarios. The paper states that future work will continually improve the method and bring the concept of learning from mistakes to wider scenarios and applications.

Appendix A An example in CoTErrorSet

Appendix B Algorithm for self-rethinking

Appendix C Reasoning Mistake Examples

Appendix D More Details about LLM-based Clustering Approach

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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