CCIL: Continuity-based Data Augmentation for Corrective Imitation Learning






Published 6/5/2024 by Liyiming Ke, Yunchu Zhang, Abhay Deshpande, Siddhartha Srinivasa, Abhishek Gupta



We present a new technique to enhance the robustness of imitation learning methods by generating corrective data to account for compounding errors and disturbances. While existing methods rely on interactive expert labeling, additional offline datasets, or domain-specific invariances, our approach requires minimal additional assumptions beyond access to expert data. The key insight is to leverage local continuity in the environment dynamics to generate corrective labels. Our method first constructs a dynamics model from the expert demonstration, encouraging local Lipschitz continuity in the learned model. In locally continuous regions, this model allows us to generate corrective labels within the neighborhood of the demonstrations but beyond the actual set of states and actions in the dataset. Training on this augmented data enhances the agent's ability to recover from perturbations and deal with compounding errors. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our generated labels through experiments in a variety of robotics domains in simulation that have distinct forms of continuity and discontinuity, including classic control problems, drone flying, navigation with high-dimensional sensor observations, legged locomotion, and tabletop manipulation.

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  • Presents a new technique to enhance the robustness of imitation learning methods
  • Generates corrective data to account for compounding errors and disturbances
  • Leverages local continuity in the environment dynamics to generate corrective labels
  • Demonstrates effectiveness in various robotics domains with distinct continuity and discontinuity

Plain English Explanation

This paper introduces a new approach to improve the robustness of imitation learning methods. Imitation learning is a way for AI systems to learn by observing expert behavior, rather than through trial-and-error. However, these systems can struggle when faced with unexpected situations or compounding errors.

The key insight of this work is to leverage the local continuity of the environment dynamics. By constructing a model of the expert's behavior that encourages local smoothness, the researchers can generate additional "corrective" data points beyond the original expert demonstrations. This helps the AI system learn to recover from perturbations and deal with compounding errors.

Unlike prior methods that require additional expert labeling, offline datasets, or domain-specific assumptions, this approach has minimal additional requirements. The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their generated labels across a variety of robotics domains, including classic control problems, drone flying, navigation, legged locomotion, and tabletop manipulation.

Technical Explanation

The core of this work is a technique to generate corrective labels from the expert demonstrations. The researchers first construct a dynamics model of the expert's behavior, encouraging the model to have local Lipschitz continuity.

In regions where the model is locally continuous, the researchers can then generate additional data points within the neighborhood of the demonstrations but beyond the original states and actions. This augmented dataset helps the agent learn to better recover from perturbations and compounding errors during deployment.

The authors evaluate their approach across a diverse set of simulated robotics domains, including classic control problems, drone flying, high-dimensional navigation, legged locomotion, and tabletop manipulation. These environments exhibit varying degrees of continuity and discontinuity in their dynamics, allowing the researchers to assess the generality of their technique.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a clever and principled approach to enhancing the robustness of imitation learning methods. By leveraging local continuity in the environment dynamics, the researchers are able to generate corrective labels without requiring additional expert interaction or domain-specific assumptions.

However, the technique is still reliant on having access to a good dynamics model of the expert's behavior. In highly complex or stochastic environments, constructing such a model may be challenging. The authors acknowledge this as a potential limitation and suggest further research into model-free approaches.

Additionally, the evaluation is conducted entirely in simulation, leaving open questions about the real-world applicability and robustness to modeling errors. Validating the approach on physical robotic systems would be an important next step to demonstrate its practical value.

Overall, this work presents a promising direction for improving the robustness and data-efficiency of imitation learning, with opportunities for further research and real-world deployment.


This paper introduces a new technique to enhance the robustness of imitation learning methods by generating corrective data based on the local continuity of the environment dynamics. The approach is able to improve the agent's ability to recover from perturbations and deal with compounding errors without requiring additional expert labeling or domain-specific assumptions.

The researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of their generated labels across a variety of simulated robotics domains, showcasing the generality of the technique. While the reliance on a good dynamics model and the lack of real-world validation present some limitations, this work represents an important step forward in improving the robustness and data-efficiency of imitation learning.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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