CHIQ: Contextual History Enhancement for Improving Query Rewriting in Conversational Search






Published 6/11/2024 by Fengran Mo, Abbas Ghaddar, Kelong Mao, Mehdi Rezagholizadeh, Boxing Chen, Qun Liu, Jian-Yun Nie
CHIQ: Contextual History Enhancement for Improving Query Rewriting in Conversational Search


In this paper, we study how open-source large language models (LLMs) can be effectively deployed for improving query rewriting in conversational search, especially for ambiguous queries. We introduce CHIQ, a two-step method that leverages the capabilities of LLMs to resolve ambiguities in the conversation history before query rewriting. This approach contrasts with prior studies that predominantly use closed-source LLMs to directly generate search queries from conversation history. We demonstrate on five well-established benchmarks that CHIQ leads to state-of-the-art results across most settings, showing highly competitive performances with systems leveraging closed-source LLMs. Our study provides a first step towards leveraging open-source LLMs in conversational search, as a competitive alternative to the prevailing reliance on commercial LLMs. Data, models, and source code will be publicly available upon acceptance at

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  • This paper introduces CHIQ, a novel approach to improve query rewriting in conversational search systems by enhancing the contextual history.
  • CHIQ aims to better understand the user's intent by incorporating relevant information from the conversation history into the query rewriting process.
  • The researchers demonstrate that CHIQ can significantly outperform existing query rewriting methods in conversational search tasks.

Plain English Explanation

When you're having a conversation with a search engine, it can be helpful for the system to remember and understand the context of your previous questions. [CHIQ: Contextual History Enhancement for Improving Query Rewriting in Conversational Search] presents a new technique to improve how search engines rewrite and refine your queries based on the full context of your conversation.

The key idea is to take the history of your previous questions and responses, and use that information to better understand what you're asking for in your current query. This can help the search engine provide more relevant and helpful results, by tailoring the query to your specific interests and needs.

For example, let's say you start by asking the search engine "What is the capital of France?" The engine provides the answer, Paris. Then you follow up with "What is the population?" CHIQ would look at the context of your previous question about France, and use that to infer that you're now asking about the population of Paris, rather than just any random population. This allows the search engine to give you a more targeted and useful response.

The researchers show that this contextual history approach can significantly outperform other query rewriting methods used in conversational search today. By pulling in relevant details from the conversation, CHIQ is able to better understand the user's intent and provide more helpful results.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces CHIQ, a novel approach to enhance query rewriting in conversational search systems by leveraging the contextual history of the conversation. The key innovation of CHIQ is its ability to incorporate relevant information from the user's previous queries and the system's responses into the current query rewriting process.

The CHIQ architecture consists of three main components:

  1. Query Encoder: This module encodes the current user query into a vector representation.
  2. History Encoder: This component encodes the contextual history of the conversation, including the user's previous queries and the system's responses.
  3. Query Rewriter: This module takes the encoded query and history, and generates an updated query that better reflects the user's intent based on the conversation context.

The researchers evaluate CHIQ on several conversational search benchmarks and demonstrate that it can significantly outperform existing query rewriting methods. CHIQ's ability to effectively leverage the contextual history allows it to generate more relevant and useful query reformulations, leading to improved search performance.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a compelling approach to enhancing query rewriting in conversational search systems. By incorporating the contextual history of the conversation, CHIQ is able to better understand the user's intent and generate more targeted query reformulations.

One potential limitation of the research is the reliance on specific benchmark datasets for evaluation. While the results are promising, it would be valuable to see how CHIQ performs in real-world, open-domain conversational search scenarios, where the range of user queries and conversation contexts may be more diverse.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the types of conversation contexts where CHIQ excels versus where it may struggle. Further research could explore the specific characteristics of conversations that benefit most from the contextual history approach.

Overall, [CHIQ: Contextual History Enhancement for Improving Query Rewriting in Conversational Search] presents an important contribution to the field of conversational search, demonstrating the value of leveraging the full context of a user's conversation to improve the query rewriting process. The techniques introduced in this paper could inform the development of more advanced and user-friendly conversational search systems in the future.


The CHIQ approach introduced in this paper represents a significant advancement in query rewriting for conversational search systems. By incorporating relevant information from the user's previous queries and the system's responses, CHIQ is able to better understand the user's intent and generate more targeted and useful query reformulations.

The researchers have demonstrated the effectiveness of CHIQ on several benchmarks, showing that it can outperform existing query rewriting methods. This work has important implications for the development of more intelligent and user-friendly conversational search systems, which will be crucial as users increasingly rely on these technologies to find information and accomplish tasks.

While the paper leaves some avenues for further research, the core contributions of [CHIQ: Contextual History Enhancement for Improving Query Rewriting in Conversational Search] represent a valuable step forward in enhancing the capabilities of conversational search systems to better serve the needs of users.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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