Hint-enhanced In-Context Learning wakes Large Language Models up for knowledge-intensive tasks






Published 4/19/2024 by Yifan Wang, Qingyan Guo, Xinzhe Ni, Chufan Shi, Lemao Liu, Haiyun Jiang, Yujiu Yang



In-context learning (ICL) ability has emerged with the increasing scale of large language models (LLMs), enabling them to learn input-label mappings from demonstrations and perform well on downstream tasks. However, under the standard ICL setting, LLMs may sometimes neglect query-related information in demonstrations, leading to incorrect predictions. To address this limitation, we propose a new paradigm called Hint-enhanced In-Context Learning (HICL) to explore the power of ICL in open-domain question answering, an important form in knowledge-intensive tasks. HICL leverages LLMs' reasoning ability to extract query-related knowledge from demonstrations, then concatenates the knowledge to prompt LLMs in a more explicit way. Furthermore, we track the source of this knowledge to identify specific examples, and introduce a Hint-related Example Retriever (HER) to select informative examples for enhanced demonstrations. We evaluate HICL with HER on 3 open-domain QA benchmarks, and observe average performance gains of 2.89 EM score and 2.52 F1 score on gpt-3.5-turbo, 7.62 EM score and 7.27 F1 score on LLaMA-2-Chat-7B compared with standard setting.

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  • The paper explores a new approach called Hint-enhanced In-Context Learning (HICL) to improve the performance of large language models (LLMs) on open-domain question answering tasks.
  • Standard in-context learning (ICL) methods may sometimes cause LLMs to neglect query-related information in demonstrations, leading to incorrect predictions.
  • HICL aims to address this limitation by leveraging LLMs' reasoning ability to extract query-related knowledge from demonstrations and concatenate it to the prompt in a more explicit way.
  • The paper also introduces a Hint-related Example Retriever (HER) to select informative examples for enhanced demonstrations.
  • Evaluation on open-domain question answering benchmarks shows significant performance gains with HICL and HER compared to the standard ICL setting.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) have become increasingly capable at learning from a few examples, a process known as in-context learning (ICL). However, in some cases, LLMs may overlook important information related to the query when learning from the provided examples. This can lead to incorrect predictions on the task at hand.

To address this limitation, the researchers propose a new approach called Hint-enhanced In-Context Learning (HICL). HICL aims to help LLMs better extract and leverage the query-related knowledge from the example demonstrations. The key idea is to explicitly provide this query-related information as a "hint" to the LLM, along with the original examples.

The researchers also introduce a Hint-related Example Retriever (HER) to select the most informative examples for the enhanced demonstrations. This helps ensure that the LLM has access to the most relevant information to solve the task.

The researchers evaluate HICL with HER on several open-domain question answering benchmarks, and observe significant performance improvements compared to the standard ICL setting. This suggests that explicitly providing relevant knowledge can help LLMs learn more effectively from a few examples, with potential applications in privacy-preserving prompt engineering and other knowledge-intensive tasks.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a new paradigm called Hint-enhanced In-Context Learning (HICL) to improve the performance of large language models (LLMs) on open-domain question answering tasks. The standard in-context learning (ICL) setting may sometimes cause LLMs to neglect query-related information in the provided demonstrations, leading to incorrect predictions.

To address this limitation, HICL leverages the reasoning ability of LLMs to extract relevant knowledge from the demonstrations and concatenates this knowledge to the prompt in a more explicit way. The researchers introduce a Hint-related Example Retriever (HER) to select informative examples for the enhanced demonstrations, ensuring that the LLM has access to the most relevant information to solve the task.

The researchers evaluate HICL with HER on three open-domain question answering benchmarks. They observe average performance gains of 2.89 Exact Match (EM) score and 2.52 F1 score on the GPT-3.5-Turbo model, and 7.62 EM score and 7.27 F1 score on the LLaMA-2-Chat-7B model, compared to the standard ICL setting.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach to address a limitation of standard in-context learning methods, where LLMs may overlook important query-related information in the provided demonstrations. The proposed HICL and HER techniques aim to explicitly provide relevant knowledge to the LLM, which can help it learn more effectively from a few examples.

One potential limitation of the paper is that the evaluation is primarily focused on open-domain question answering tasks, and it's unclear how well the HICL and HER techniques would generalize to other knowledge-intensive tasks. Further research is needed to explore the broader applicability of the proposed methods.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the types of examples or knowledge that are most beneficial for the HICL approach. Understanding the characteristics of the most informative demonstrations could help guide the development of more sophisticated example retrieval strategies.

Finally, the paper does not address potential issues related to privacy-preserving prompt engineering, such as the potential for the HICL approach to reveal sensitive information about the training data or the model's internal knowledge. Exploring these concerns would be an important direction for future research.


The Hint-enhanced In-Context Learning (HICL) approach proposed in this paper represents a promising step forward in improving the performance of large language models on open-domain question answering tasks. By explicitly providing relevant knowledge to the LLM, the HICL method helps address a limitation of standard in-context learning, where LLMs may overlook important query-related information.

The significant performance gains observed on benchmark datasets suggest that the HICL and HER techniques have the potential to enhance LLMs' ability to learn effectively from a few examples, with potential applications in various knowledge-intensive tasks. However, further research is needed to explore the broader applicability of these methods and address potential privacy and security concerns.

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