On Computing Plans with Uniform Action Costs






Published 5/27/2024 by Alberto Pozanco, Daniel Borrajo, Manuela Veloso


In many real-world planning applications, agents might be interested in finding plans whose actions have costs that are as uniform as possible. Such plans provide agents with a sense of stability and predictability, which are key features when humans are the agents executing plans suggested by planning tools. This paper adapts three uniformity metrics to automated planning, and introduce planning-based compilations that allow to lexicographically optimize sum of action costs and action costs uniformity. Experimental results both in well-known and novel planning benchmarks show that the reformulated tasks can be effectively solved in practice to generate uniform plans.

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  • Agents in real-world planning applications may want to find plans with uniform action costs to provide stability and predictability
  • This paper adapts three uniformity metrics to automated planning and introduces planning-based compilations to optimize for both sum of action costs and action costs uniformity
  • Experiments show these reformulated tasks can effectively generate uniform plans in both well-known and novel planning benchmarks

Plain English Explanation

In many real-world situations where planning is used, such as robots navigating a factory floor or AI systems scheduling tasks, the agents (e.g., robots, AI systems) may want to find plans where the actions they take have costs that are as similar or "uniform" as possible. This provides the agents with a sense of stability and predictability, which is important when humans are the ones ultimately executing the plans suggested by the planning tools.

This paper takes three existing ways of measuring how uniform a set of numbers are and adapts them to work with automated planning systems. It also introduces new planning techniques that allow the systems to optimize both for the total cost of the plan and how uniform the individual action costs are. When tested on both well-known planning challenges and some new ones, these reformulated planning tasks were able to effectively generate plans with very uniform action costs.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes adapting three different uniformity metrics - the coefficient of variation, Gini coefficient, and Variance of Logarithms - to the automated planning domain. It then introduces planning-based compilations that allow these uniformity metrics to be optimized for alongside the total cost of the plan in a lexicographic fashion (optimizing for one objective first, then the other).

Through experimentation on both established planning benchmarks and new custom tasks, the paper demonstrates that these reformulated planning problems can be solved effectively to produce plans with highly uniform action costs. This allows agents to gain the benefits of stability and predictability when executing the plans in the real world.

Critical Analysis

The paper acknowledges that finding plans with perfectly uniform action costs may not always be possible, and provides the ability to balance total plan cost and uniformity as needed. However, it does not discuss potential cases where optimizing for uniformity could lead to less efficient or effective plans overall.

Additionally, the paper focuses on single-agent planning, so further research would be needed to understand how these techniques apply to multi-agent settings where there may be more complex interactions and tradeoffs to consider. Extending this work to handle uncertain or dynamic environments could also be an interesting avenue for future study.


This research provides a way for automated planning systems to generate plans with highly uniform action costs, which can be beneficial for real-world applications where stability and predictability are important. By adapting existing uniformity metrics and introducing new planning-based compilations, the paper demonstrates that these reformulated planning tasks can be solved effectively to produce the desired plans. While there are still some open questions and potential limitations, this work represents a valuable contribution to the field of automated planning.

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