Real-World Deployment of a Hierarchical Uncertainty-Aware Collaborative Multiagent Planning System






Published 4/29/2024 by Martina Stadler Kurtz, Samuel Prentice, Yasmin Veys, Long Quang, Carlos Nieto-Granda, Michael Novitzky, Ethan Stump, Nicholas Roy
Real-World Deployment of a Hierarchical Uncertainty-Aware Collaborative Multiagent Planning System


We would like to enable a collaborative multiagent team to navigate at long length scales and under uncertainty in real-world environments. In practice, planning complexity scales with the number of agents in the team, with the length scale of the environment, and with environmental uncertainty. Enabling tractable planning requires developing abstract models that can represent complex, high-quality plans. However, such models often abstract away information needed to generate directly-executable plans for real-world agents in real-world environments, as planning in such detail, especially in the presence of real-world uncertainty, would be computationally intractable. In this paper, we describe the deployment of a planning system that used a hierarchy of planners to execute collaborative multiagent navigation tasks in real-world, unknown environments. By developing a planning system that was robust to failures at every level of the planning hierarchy, we enabled the team to complete collaborative navigation tasks, even in the presence of imperfect planning abstractions and real-world uncertainty. We deployed our approach on a Clearpath Husky-Jackal team navigating in a structured outdoor environment, and demonstrated that the system enabled the agents to successfully execute collaborative plans.

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  • This paper presents the real-world deployment of a hierarchical, uncertainty-aware collaborative multiagent planning system.
  • The system is designed to coordinate the actions of multiple autonomous agents in complex, dynamic environments with uncertainty.
  • The authors demonstrate the system's effectiveness through a real-world deployment in an industrial warehouse setting.

Plain English Explanation

In this paper, the researchers describe a system they developed that can coordinate the actions of multiple autonomous agents, like robots or drones, in challenging real-world environments. These environments are often unpredictable and have a lot of uncertainty, making it difficult for individual agents to plan and act effectively on their own.

The key innovation of the researchers' system is that it takes a hierarchical approach to planning. This means it breaks down the overall task into smaller, more manageable subtasks that the individual agents can work on collaboratively. Crucially, the system also accounts for the uncertainty inherent in these environments, allowing the agents to adapt their plans as situations change.

The researchers put this system to the test by deploying it in a real-world industrial warehouse setting. This is an important step, as many AI systems work well in simulation but struggle when faced with the complexities of the real world. The results show that the researchers' hierarchical, uncertainty-aware approach allowed the agents to coordinate effectively and complete their tasks efficiently, even in the face of unpredictable events and changing conditions.

Overall, this research represents an important step forward in the development of collaborative multiagent systems that can operate reliably in the real world. By incorporating uncertainty awareness and hierarchical planning, the researchers have created a system that can adapt and respond to the challenges of complex, dynamic environments. This could have valuable applications in areas like warehouse automation, search and rescue operations, and transportation logistics.

Technical Explanation

The researchers' system uses a hierarchical planning approach to coordinate the actions of multiple autonomous agents. At the highest level, a central planner decomposes the overall task into smaller subtasks that can be executed by individual agents. These subtasks are then further refined into low-level plans that account for the specific capabilities and constraints of each agent.

Crucially, the system also incorporates uncertainty awareness at every level of the hierarchy. This allows the agents to continuously monitor and update their plans based on changes in the environment, such as unexpected obstacles or failures of individual agents. The researchers use a combination of probabilistic models and multi-agent coordination algorithms to enable this adaptive planning capability.

The researchers evaluated their system in a real-world industrial warehouse setting, where a team of autonomous agents was tasked with transporting and storing a variety of items. The results showed that the hierarchical, uncertainty-aware approach allowed the agents to coordinate effectively and complete their tasks efficiently, even in the face of dynamic changes and unpredictable events.

Critical Analysis

The researchers have done a commendable job of taking their multiagent planning system out of the lab and into a real-world setting. This is an important step, as many AI systems that perform well in simulation can struggle when faced with the complexities and uncertainties of the real world.

However, the paper does not provide much detail on the specific challenges encountered during the real-world deployment or how the system was adapted to overcome them. It would be helpful to have a more in-depth discussion of the practical issues that arose and how the researchers addressed them.

Additionally, the paper does not extensively explore the limitations of the researchers' approach. For example, it is not clear how the system would scale to larger or more complex environments, or how it might perform in scenarios with more agents or more frequent disruptions. Further research and testing would be needed to fully understand the system's capabilities and boundaries.

Overall, this paper represents a significant contribution to the field of collaborative multiagent planning, but there is still room for additional exploration and refinement of the researchers' approach to address the challenges of real-world deployment.


This paper presents the real-world deployment of a hierarchical, uncertainty-aware collaborative multiagent planning system. The system's ability to coordinate the actions of multiple autonomous agents in complex, dynamic environments with uncertainty is a significant advancement in the field of multiagent systems.

The researchers' hierarchical planning approach, which breaks down tasks into smaller, more manageable subtasks, and their incorporation of uncertainty awareness at every level of the hierarchy, allow the agents to adapt and respond to changing conditions. The successful real-world deployment in an industrial warehouse setting demonstrates the practical value of this technology and its potential for applications in areas like warehouse automation, search and rescue, and transportation logistics.

While the paper does not delve deeply into the specific challenges encountered during the real-world deployment, it still represents an important step forward in bringing advanced multiagent planning systems out of the lab and into the real world. Further research and testing will be needed to fully understand the system's capabilities and limitations, but this work lays the groundwork for continued progress in this critical area of AI and robotics.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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