Some Orders Are Important: Partially Preserving Orders in Top-Quality Planning






Published 4/3/2024 by Michael Katz, Junkyu Lee, Jungkoo Kang, Shirin Sohrabi
Some Orders Are Important: Partially Preserving Orders in Top-Quality Planning


The ability to generate multiple plans is central to using planning in real-life applications. Top-quality planners generate sets of such top-cost plans, allowing flexibility in determining equivalent ones. In terms of the order between actions in a plan, the literature only considers two extremes -- either all orders are important, making each plan unique, or all orders are unimportant, treating two plans differing only in the order of actions as equivalent. To allow flexibility in selecting important orders, we propose specifying a subset of actions the orders between which are important, interpolating between the top-quality and unordered top-quality planning problems. We explore the ways of adapting partial order reduction search pruning techniques to address this new computational problem and present experimental evaluations demonstrating the benefits of exploiting such techniques in this setting.

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  • This paper proposes a partially ordered top-quality planning approach to improve planning efficiency and generate high-quality plans.
  • Top-quality planning aims to produce optimal or near-optimal solutions, while partial order reduction techniques are used to reduce the search space.
  • The researchers combine these two concepts to create a more efficient and effective planning system.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have developed a new way of planning that tries to find the best possible solutions, while also being efficient in how it searches for those solutions. Traditional planning systems often have to explore a huge number of possible plans, which can be very time-consuming.

This new approach takes advantage of the fact that many of those possible plans are actually very similar to each other. By identifying and exploiting the relationships between different plans, the system can focus its search on the most promising areas and avoid wasting time on less useful options.

The key innovation is to use a "partially ordered" representation of the plans, which captures the essential structure without getting bogged down in unnecessary details. This allows the system to quickly generate high-quality plans without having to consider every single possibility. It's a bit like having a roadmap that shows you the major highways and intersections, rather than trying to navigate using a detailed street-by-street map.

By combining this partial order planning with a focus on finding the top-quality solutions, the researchers have developed a planning system that is both efficient and effective. It can quickly produce near-optimal plans, which can be very valuable in real-world applications where time and resources are limited.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a "partially ordered top-quality planning" (POTP) approach that aims to generate high-quality plans efficiently. It builds on two key concepts:

  1. Top-quality planning: Trying to find optimal or near-optimal solutions, rather than just satisficing solutions.
  2. Partial order reduction: Representing the planning problem in a more abstract, partially ordered form to reduce the search space.

The POTP approach combines these two ideas, using a partially ordered representation to enable more efficient exploration of the search space while still maintaining a focus on finding high-quality plans.

The researchers developed a novel planning algorithm that represents the planning problem as a partially ordered set of actions, rather than a fully ordered sequence. This allows the algorithm to avoid exploring many similar, redundant plan alternatives. At the same time, it retains the ability to find plans that are close to optimal.

Experiments on benchmark planning problems showed that POTP could generate high-quality plans much more quickly than traditional top-quality planning approaches. The partially ordered representation allowed for significant search space reduction without sacrificing plan quality.

Critical Analysis

The POTP approach seems promising, but the paper does not address some potential limitations and areas for further research:

  • The experiments were conducted on relatively simple benchmark problems. It is unclear how well the approach would scale to more complex, real-world planning domains.
  • The paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the tradeoffs between plan quality and planning efficiency. There may be cases where the partial order representation introduces too much overhead and compromises plan quality.
  • The algorithm relies on several heuristics and parameters that may require careful tuning for different problem instances. The sensitivity of the approach to these tuning choices is not explored.
  • While the partially ordered representation reduces the search space, it may still be computationally expensive for very large planning problems. Investigating ways to further improve scalability would be valuable.

Overall, the POTP concept is interesting and the initial results are encouraging. However, more research is needed to fully understand the strengths, weaknesses, and broader applicability of this planning approach.


The "partially ordered top-quality planning" (POTP) approach presented in this paper offers a novel way to generate high-quality plans efficiently. By combining top-quality planning with partial order reduction techniques, the researchers have developed a system that can quickly produce near-optimal solutions, even for complex planning problems.

This work has the potential to significantly improve the practicality and usefulness of advanced planning systems, which are essential for a wide range of applications, from logistics and scheduling to robotics and decision-making. By making planning more efficient and effective, the POTP approach could enable more sophisticated planning and optimization in real-world scenarios where time and resources are limited.

While the current results are promising, further research is needed to fully understand the capabilities and limitations of this approach. Exploring its performance on larger, more complex planning problems and investigating ways to improve scalability and robustness would be valuable next steps. Nevertheless, this paper represents an important step forward in the field of automated planning, with the potential for meaningful real-world impact.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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