ConMe: Rethinking Evaluation of Compositional Reasoning for Modern VLMs






Published 6/13/2024 by Irene Huang, Wei Lin, M. Jehanzeb Mirza, Jacob A. Hansen, Sivan Doveh, Victor Ion Butoi, Roei Herzig, Assaf Arbelle, Hilde Kuhene, Trevor Darrel and 4 others
ConMe: Rethinking Evaluation of Compositional Reasoning for Modern VLMs


Compositional Reasoning (CR) entails grasping the significance of attributes, relations, and word order. Recent Vision-Language Models (VLMs), comprising a visual encoder and a Large Language Model (LLM) decoder, have demonstrated remarkable proficiency in such reasoning tasks. This prompts a crucial question: have VLMs effectively tackled the CR challenge? We conjecture that existing CR benchmarks may not adequately push the boundaries of modern VLMs due to the reliance on an LLM-only negative text generation pipeline. Consequently, the negatives produced either appear as outliers from the natural language distribution learned by VLMs' LLM decoders or as improbable within the corresponding image context. To address these limitations, we introduce ConMe -- a compositional reasoning benchmark and a novel data generation pipeline leveraging VLMs to produce `hard CR Q&A'. Through a new concept of VLMs conversing with each other to collaboratively expose their weaknesses, our pipeline autonomously generates, evaluates, and selects challenging compositional reasoning questions, establishing a robust CR benchmark, also subsequently validated manually. Our benchmark provokes a noteworthy, up to 33%, decrease in CR performance compared to preceding benchmarks, reinstating the CR challenge even for state-of-the-art VLMs.

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  • The paper "ConMe: Rethinking Evaluation of Compositional Reasoning for Modern VLMs" explores new ways to evaluate the compositional reasoning abilities of large language models (LLMs) that combine vision and language.
  • The authors argue that current evaluation methods for compositional reasoning in vision-language models (VLMs) are limited and propose a new framework called ConMe to better assess these capabilities.
  • ConMe involves creating a diverse set of compositional reasoning tasks that go beyond simple visual reasoning and explore more complex interactions between visual and language understanding.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on a key challenge in the field of artificial intelligence (AI): evaluating the ability of large language models (LLMs) to reason about the world in a compositional way. Compositional reasoning involves the ability to understand and combine different concepts or elements to solve complex problems.

The authors note that current methods for assessing compositional reasoning in vision-language models (VLMs), which are LLMs that can process both visual and textual information, are limited. They often test only simple visual reasoning tasks, like identifying objects in an image. The researchers argue that we need more comprehensive ways to evaluate these models' true understanding of the world.

To address this, the authors propose a new framework called ConMe. ConMe involves creating a diverse set of reasoning tasks that go beyond basic visual recognition. These tasks explore how well VLMs can combine visual information with language understanding to tackle more complex problems. For example, a ConMe task might ask a model to reason about the relationship between multiple objects in an image and then answer a question about that relationship.

By developing this richer set of compositional reasoning tests, the researchers hope to gain a deeper understanding of the inner workings of VLMs and identify areas where these models still struggle. This knowledge could then inform the development of more capable and versatile AI systems that can truly comprehend the world around them.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new framework called ConMe (Compositional Reasoning Metric) to rethink the evaluation of compositional reasoning in modern vision-language models (VLMs). The authors argue that existing evaluation methods for compositional reasoning in VLMs are limited, often focusing on simple visual reasoning tasks that do not adequately capture the models' true understanding of the world.

To address this, the ConMe framework involves creating a diverse set of compositional reasoning tasks that go beyond basic visual recognition. These tasks explore how well VLMs can combine visual information with language understanding to tackle more complex problems, such as reasoning about the relationships between multiple objects in an image or answering questions that require integrating visual and textual cues.

The paper outlines the key components of the ConMe framework, including task design principles, dataset creation, and evaluation metrics. The authors describe their process for systematically constructing a comprehensive set of compositional reasoning tasks that cover a wide range of visual and linguistic phenomena.

Through extensive experiments, the researchers evaluate the performance of state-of-the-art VLMs on the ConMe tasks and provide insights into the models' strengths and limitations in compositional reasoning. The results suggest that current VLMs still struggle with certain types of compositional reasoning, particularly when it comes to reasoning about more abstract and relational concepts.

The paper also discusses the potential implications of the ConMe framework for the development of more capable and versatile AI systems, as well as the broader challenges in evaluating the compositional reasoning abilities of large language models.

Critical Analysis

The authors of the paper make a compelling case for the need to rethink the evaluation of compositional reasoning in modern vision-language models (VLMs). They highlight the limitations of current evaluation methods, which often focus on simple visual reasoning tasks and do not fully capture the models' true understanding of the world.

The ConMe framework proposed in the paper is a promising approach to addressing this issue. By creating a diverse set of compositional reasoning tasks that go beyond basic visual recognition, the researchers aim to gain deeper insights into the capabilities and limitations of VLMs. This is an important step forward in the field of AI, as the ability to reason in a compositional way is widely recognized as a key challenge in developing more capable and versatile AI systems.

However, the paper also acknowledges several caveats and areas for further research. For example, the authors note that the ConMe tasks may not fully capture all aspects of compositional reasoning, and that more work is needed to understand the nuances of how VLMs approach these types of problems.

Additionally, the paper does not address the potential biases or limitations of the dataset used to create the ConMe tasks. It would be important to consider how the selection and construction of these tasks might influence the evaluation results and the conclusions drawn about VLM capabilities.

Overall, the ConMe framework presented in this paper represents an important step forward in the quest to better understand and evaluate the compositional reasoning abilities of large language models. The insights gained from this research could have significant implications for the development of more advanced AI systems capable of truly comprehending the world around them.


The paper "ConMe: Rethinking Evaluation of Compositional Reasoning for Modern VLMs" proposes a new framework for assessing the compositional reasoning abilities of large language models that combine vision and language understanding. The authors argue that current evaluation methods are limited and do not fully capture the models' true understanding of the world.

The ConMe framework involves creating a diverse set of compositional reasoning tasks that go beyond simple visual recognition, exploring how well VLMs can integrate visual and linguistic information to tackle more complex problems. By developing this richer set of evaluation tasks, the researchers aim to gain deeper insights into the strengths and limitations of these models and inform the development of more capable and versatile AI systems.

The insights and methodologies presented in this paper could have significant implications for the field of artificial intelligence, as the ability to reason in a compositional way is widely recognized as a key challenge in advancing the state of the art in AI. While the paper acknowledges several caveats and areas for further research, it represents an important step forward in the quest to better understand and evaluate the compositional reasoning abilities of large language models.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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