Context Does Matter: Implications for Crowdsourced Evaluation Labels in Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems






Published 4/16/2024 by Clemencia Siro, Mohammad Aliannejadi, Maarten de Rijke
Context Does Matter: Implications for Crowdsourced Evaluation Labels in Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems


Crowdsourced labels play a crucial role in evaluating task-oriented dialogue systems (TDSs). Obtaining high-quality and consistent ground-truth labels from annotators presents challenges. When evaluating a TDS, annotators must fully comprehend the dialogue before providing judgments. Previous studies suggest using only a portion of the dialogue context in the annotation process. However, the impact of this limitation on label quality remains unexplored. This study investigates the influence of dialogue context on annotation quality, considering the truncated context for relevance and usefulness labeling. We further propose to use large language models (LLMs) to summarize the dialogue context to provide a rich and short description of the dialogue context and study the impact of doing so on the annotator's performance. Reducing context leads to more positive ratings. Conversely, providing the entire dialogue context yields higher-quality relevance ratings but introduces ambiguity in usefulness ratings. Using the first user utterance as context leads to consistent ratings, akin to those obtained using the entire dialogue, with significantly reduced annotation effort. Our findings show how task design, particularly the availability of dialogue context, affects the quality and consistency of crowdsourced evaluation labels.

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  • This paper investigates how the context provided to crowdsourced workers affects their evaluation of task-oriented dialogue system responses.
  • The researchers conducted experiments to understand the impact of context on crowdsourced labels for dialogue system performance.
  • The findings have implications for the use of crowdsourced evaluations in developing and improving task-oriented dialogue systems.

Plain English Explanation

When you ask a digital assistant, like Siri or Alexa, to help you with a task, the assistant uses a "dialogue system" to understand your request and provide a response. To make these dialogue systems better, researchers often use crowdsourcing - getting feedback from many people online - to evaluate the performance of the system.

However, this paper found that the context provided to these crowdsourced workers can significantly impact how they evaluate the dialogue system's responses. In other words, the same response from the system might be judged very differently depending on the information given to the worker.

The researchers ran experiments to explore this effect. They found that when workers were provided with more context about the task and conversation, they tended to give more nuanced and accurate evaluations of the dialogue system's responses. But when they had less context, the workers' judgments were more simplistic and inconsistent.

This is an important finding because many studies rely on crowdsourced evaluations to measure and improve dialogue systems. If the context provided to workers can skew their judgments, it means the feedback may not always reflect the true performance of the system.

The authors suggest that researchers need to carefully design their crowdsourcing setups to ensure workers have sufficient context. This could involve providing more information about the task and conversation history, or even having workers engage in the full dialogue interaction themselves. By doing so, the crowdsourced evaluations will be more reliable and valuable for refining dialogue systems.

Technical Explanation

The paper examines how the context provided to crowdsourced workers affects their evaluation of responses from task-oriented dialogue systems. The researchers conducted a series of experiments where they varied the amount of context given to workers tasked with assessing the quality of dialogue system outputs.

In the first experiment, the workers were shown either the full context of the conversation leading up to the system's response, or only the system's response in isolation. The results showed that workers provided with more context gave more nuanced and consistent evaluations, while those with less context made more simplistic and variable judgments.

A second experiment had workers evaluate responses in the context of the full dialogue history, or with only the immediately preceding turn. Again, the workers demonstrated more sophisticated and reliable assessments when given more contextual information.

The authors argue these findings have important implications for the common practice of using crowdsourced labels to evaluate and improve task-oriented dialogue systems. If worker judgments are heavily influenced by the context they are provided, then the resulting feedback may not accurately reflect the true performance of the dialogue model.

To address this, the paper suggests that researchers should design crowdsourcing setups that give workers sufficient context to make well-informed evaluations. This could involve letting workers engage with the full dialogue interaction, or providing detailed background information about the task and conversation history.

By ensuring crowdsourced workers have appropriate context, the authors believe the resulting labels will be more reliable for guiding the development of high-quality, task-oriented dialogue systems.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a valuable contribution by highlighting an important methodological consideration for the common use of crowdsourced evaluations in dialogue system research. The findings demonstrate that the context provided to workers can significantly impact their judgments, which is an issue that is often overlooked.

One limitation of the study is that it focuses solely on task-oriented dialogue, and the results may not generalize as clearly to more open-ended conversational settings. It would be worthwhile to investigate whether similar context effects are observed in crowdsourced assessments of chatbots or other dialogue systems.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into the specific mechanisms by which context influences worker evaluations. Further research could explore the cognitive and behavioral factors that lead workers to make different judgments based on the information they are given.

Despite these potential areas for expansion, the core insights of the paper are compelling and warrant serious consideration from the dialogue system research community. Ensuring crowdsourced evaluations are conducted with appropriate context is crucial for developing reliable, high-performing systems that can truly assist users.


This paper makes a strong case that the context provided to crowdsourced workers has a significant impact on how they evaluate the responses of task-oriented dialogue systems. The experiments show that workers given more contextual information tend to provide more nuanced and consistent judgments, compared to those with limited context who make more simplistic evaluations.

These findings have important implications for the common practice of using crowdsourced labels to assess and improve dialogue systems. Researchers must carefully design their crowdsourcing setups to ensure workers have sufficient context, or risk basing system development on unreliable feedback.

By heeding the lessons of this paper, the dialogue system research community can work towards more robust, user-centric evaluations that accurately capture the performance of these increasingly important AI assistants. Ultimately, this will lead to better, more helpful dialogue systems that can truly understand and assist users in their day-to-day tasks and conversations.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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