Continual Learning Under Language Shift






Published 6/28/2024 by Evangelia Gogoulou, Timoth'ee Lesort, Magnus Boman, Joakim Nivre



The recent increase in data and model scale for language model pre-training has led to huge training costs. In scenarios where new data become available over time, updating a model instead of fully retraining it would therefore provide significant gains. We study the pros and cons of updating a language model when new data comes from new languages -- the case of continual learning under language shift. Starting from a monolingual English language model, we incrementally add data from Danish, Icelandic, and Norwegian to investigate how forward and backward transfer effects depend on pre-training order and characteristics of languages, for three different model sizes. Our results show that, while forward transfer is largely positive and independent of language order, backward transfer can be positive or negative depending on the order and characteristics of new languages. We explore a number of potentially explanatory factors and find that a combination of language contamination and syntactic similarity best fits our results.

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  • The rapid growth of data and model size for language models has led to massive training costs.
  • Updating an existing model with new data can be more efficient than fully retraining it from scratch.
  • This paper explores the pros and cons of continually updating a language model as new data from different languages becomes available.

Plain English Explanation

The recent explosion of data and the increasing size of language models have made training these models incredibly expensive. In situations where new data becomes available over time, it would be much more efficient to simply update the existing model rather than retraining it completely from the beginning.

This paper looks at what happens when you take a language model that was originally trained on English, and then incrementally add data from other languages like Danish, Icelandic, and Norwegian. The researchers wanted to understand how this "continual learning" process affects the model's performance, both on the original English tasks as well as the new languages.

Their results show that while the model generally benefits from learning the new languages (a positive "forward transfer" effect), the impact on the original English tasks can be either positive or negative depending on factors like the order the languages are introduced and how similar the new languages are to English. The researchers explore a few possible explanations for these findings, including the idea that introducing new languages can "contaminate" the model's understanding of the original language.

Overall, this work provides important insights into the challenges and tradeoffs involved in continually updating large language models as new data becomes available over time. It highlights the need to carefully manage this process to avoid unintended consequences.

Technical Explanation

The authors start with a pre-trained monolingual English language model, and then incrementally add data from Danish, Icelandic, and Norwegian to investigate how this "continual learning" process affects performance. They test three different model sizes to see how the results scale.

Their experiments show that forward transfer (improvements on the original English tasks) is generally positive and relatively independent of language order. However, backward transfer (changes in performance on the original English tasks) can be either positive or negative depending on the characteristics of the new languages and the order they are introduced.

The researchers explore several potential explanatory factors, including language contamination (where introducing new languages alters the model's understanding of the original language) and syntactic similarity between the languages. They find that a combination of these factors best explains the observed results.

The paper provides important insights into the challenges of continually updating large language models as new data becomes available over time. It highlights the need to carefully manage this process to avoid unintended consequences, and the importance of understanding how the characteristics of new languages interact with the original model.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough and well-designed study of the continual learning process for language models, but there are a few areas that could be explored further:

  1. The researchers only tested a limited set of languages (Danish, Icelandic, Norwegian). It would be valuable to see how the results scale to a broader range of languages, particularly those with very different linguistic structures from English.

  2. The paper does not delve deeply into the specific mechanisms by which language contamination and syntactic similarity impact backward transfer. More research is needed to fully understand these phenomena.

  3. The study is limited to incremental additions of new language data. It would be interesting to see how the results change if the model is instead fine-tuned on the new languages, or if the model is allowed to "forget" the original English tasks over time.

  4. The paper does not address potential issues around fairness and inclusivity if continual learning leads to decreased performance on the original language tasks. This is an important consideration for real-world deployment of these models.

Overall, this is a well-executed study that provides valuable insights, but there is still room for further research to fully understand the nuances of continual learning for large language models.


This paper makes important contributions to our understanding of the challenges and tradeoffs involved in continually updating large language models as new data becomes available. The key findings are:

  1. Forward transfer (improvements on the original language tasks) is generally positive and relatively independent of the order new languages are introduced.

  2. Backward transfer (changes in performance on the original language tasks) can be either positive or negative, depending on factors like the characteristics of the new languages and the order they are added.

  3. Language contamination and syntactic similarity appear to be the primary drivers of these backward transfer effects.

These insights highlight the need for careful management of the continual learning process for language models to avoid unintended consequences. Further research is needed to fully understand the underlying mechanisms and extend the findings to a broader range of languages and model update strategies.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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