Improving Language Models Trained with Translated Data via Continual Pre-Training and Dictionary Learning Analysis






Published 5/24/2024 by Sabri Boughorbel, MD Rizwan Parvez, Majd Hawasly



Training LLMs in low resources languages usually utilizes data augmentation with machine translation (MT) from English language. However, translation brings a number of challenges: there are large costs attached to translating and curating huge amounts of content with high-end machine translation solutions, the translated content carries over cultural biases, and if the translation is not faithful and accurate, the quality of the data degrades causing issues in the trained model. In this work we investigate the role of translation and synthetic data in training language models. We translate TinyStories, a dataset of 2.2M short stories for 3-4 year old children, from English to Arabic using the free NLLB-3B MT model. We train a number of story generation models of sizes 1M-33M parameters using this data. We identify a number of quality and task-specific issues in the resulting models. To rectify these issues, we further pre-train the models with a small dataset of synthesized high-quality stories, representing 1% of the original training data, using a capable LLM in Arabic. We show using GPT-4 as a judge and dictionary learning analysis from mechanistic interpretability that the suggested approach is a practical means to resolve some of the translation pitfalls. We illustrate the improvement through case studies of linguistic issues and cultural bias.

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  • Explores the use of machine translation (MT) for data augmentation in training language models for low-resource languages
  • Highlights challenges with MT, such as high costs, cultural biases, and degradation of data quality
  • Investigates the role of translation and synthetic data in training story generation models

Plain English Explanation

Training language models for low-resource languages often relies on using machine translation (MT) to translate data from a high-resource language like English. However, this approach comes with several challenges. Translating large amounts of content with high-quality MT solutions can be very expensive. Additionally, the translated content may carry over cultural biases from the source language, and if the translation is not accurate, the quality of the training data can degrade, leading to issues in the trained model.

In this paper, the researchers investigate these challenges by training story generation models using a dataset of 2.2 million short stories for young children, translated from English to Arabic using a free MT model. They find a number of quality and task-specific issues in the resulting models. To address these problems, the researchers further pre-train the models with a small dataset of high-quality, synthesized stories in Arabic, using a capable large language model (LLM).

The researchers show that this approach, using a combination of MT-based data augmentation and fine-tuning with synthetic data, can help resolve some of the translation pitfalls. They demonstrate the improvements through case studies of linguistic issues and cultural bias in the generated stories.

Technical Explanation

The researchers investigate the role of translation and synthetic data in training language models, specifically for story generation. They use the TinyStories dataset, which contains 2.2 million short stories for 3-4 year old children, and translate it from English to Arabic using the free NLLB-3B MT model.

The researchers train a number of story generation models with varying sizes (1M-33M parameters) using the translated data. They identify various quality and task-specific issues in these models, such as linguistic problems and cultural biases. To address these issues, the researchers further pre-train the models with a small dataset of synthesized high-quality stories in Arabic, representing 1% of the original training data. This synthetic data is generated using a capable LLM.

The researchers use GPT-4 as a judge to evaluate the quality of the generated stories and perform dictionary learning analysis from mechanistic interpretability to understand the improvements. They show that the suggested approach of combining MT-based data augmentation and fine-tuning with synthetic data is a practical way to resolve some of the translation pitfalls.

Critical Analysis

The researchers acknowledge the limitations of their approach, such as the potential for the synthetic data to introduce new biases or issues. Additionally, the paper does not provide a comprehensive comparison of their method to other techniques for addressing the challenges of training language models in low-resource languages, such as using machine translation to augment multilingual classification, adapting open-source generative large language models, or eliciting translation ability in large language models.

Further research could explore the scalability of the proposed approach, the long-term effects of fine-tuning with synthetic data, and the potential to fine-tune large language models to translate directly from the low-resource language, rather than relying on translation from English.


This paper investigates the use of machine translation and synthetic data for training language models in low-resource languages. The researchers demonstrate that combining MT-based data augmentation with fine-tuning on a small dataset of high-quality, synthesized stories can help address some of the challenges associated with translation, such as cultural biases and degradation of data quality. The insights from this work can inform future research and development of language models for underrepresented languages, with the goal of improving accessibility and inclusivity in the field of natural language processing.

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