Convergence analysis of controlled particle systems arising in deep learning: from finite to infinite sample size






Published 4/9/2024 by Huafu Liao, Alp'ar R. M'esz'aros, Chenchen Mou, Chao Zhou
Convergence analysis of controlled particle systems arising in deep learning: from finite to infinite sample size


This paper deals with a class of neural SDEs and studies the limiting behavior of the associated sampled optimal control problems as the sample size grows to infinity. The neural SDEs with N samples can be linked to the N-particle systems with centralized control. We analyze the Hamilton--Jacobi--Bellman equation corresponding to the N-particle system and establish regularity results which are uniform in N. The uniform regularity estimates are obtained by the stochastic maximum principle and the analysis of a backward stochastic Riccati equation. Using these uniform regularity results, we show the convergence of the minima of objective functionals and optimal parameters of the neural SDEs as the sample size N tends to infinity. The limiting objects can be identified with suitable functions defined on the Wasserstein space of Borel probability measures. Furthermore, quantitative algebraic convergence rates are also obtained.

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  • This paper analyzes the convergence properties of controlled particle systems, which are used in deep learning algorithms.
  • The analysis examines the transition from finite to infinite sample sizes, providing insights into the behavior of these systems as the number of samples approaches infinity.
  • The research has implications for the theoretical understanding and practical implementation of deep learning algorithms.

Plain English Explanation

In the field of deep learning, algorithms often use controlled particle systems to optimize and train neural networks. These particle systems represent the parameters of the neural network, and their movement and interactions during training are crucial to the algorithm's performance.

This paper Convergence analysis of controlled particle systems arising in deep learning: from finite to infinite sample size looks at how these particle systems behave as the number of samples (or data points) used in training increases. When there are a finite number of samples, the particle system has certain characteristics, but as the number of samples approaches infinity, the system's behavior can change in important ways.

The researchers analyze the mathematical properties of these controlled particle systems, exploring how the convergence and stability of the system is affected by the transition from a finite to an infinite sample size. This understanding can help improve the design and performance of deep learning algorithms, as well as provide insights into the fundamental theoretical properties of these systems.

Technical Explanation

The paper Convergence analysis of controlled particle systems arising in deep learning: from finite to infinite sample size examines the convergence properties of controlled particle systems used in deep learning algorithms, such as those found in mean-field analysis of two-layer neural networks and neural network-based approaches to hybrid systems.

The researchers analyze the transition from finite to infinite sample size, studying how the behavior of these particle systems changes as the number of data points used in training approaches infinity. They establish mathematical results on the convergence, stability, and approximation properties of the particle systems under various assumptions.

The insights gained from this analysis can inform the design and implementation of deep learning algorithms that rely on controlled particle systems, such as those used in analysis of approximation to parabolic optimal control problems and singular control of reflected Brownian motion. The findings can also contribute to the broader theoretical understanding of these systems and their behavior in the infinite sample size limit.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a rigorous mathematical analysis of controlled particle systems in deep learning, addressing an important theoretical question about the convergence properties of these systems as the number of samples approaches infinity.

One potential limitation of the research is that it relies on several standing assumptions, such as the smoothness and boundedness of the underlying functions and the specific structure of the particle system. While these assumptions are reasonable and common in the literature, they may not always hold in practical deep learning scenarios, where the functions and system dynamics can be more complex.

Additionally, the analysis focuses on the theoretical convergence properties of the particle systems, but does not directly address the practical implications for deep learning algorithms and their performance. Further research may be needed to understand how the insights from this analysis translate to improvements in the design, training, and generalization of deep learning models.

Overall, this paper contributes valuable theoretical insights that can inform the development of more robust and efficient deep learning algorithms. However, the findings should be considered in the context of the stated assumptions and the need for further empirical validation and practical applications.


This paper presents a detailed analysis of the convergence properties of controlled particle systems used in deep learning algorithms, examining the transition from finite to infinite sample sizes. The results provide important theoretical insights into the behavior of these particle systems and can inform the design and implementation of deep learning algorithms that rely on them.

The findings have the potential to contribute to the broader understanding of controlled particle systems and their role in machine learning, as well as to inspire further research into the practical implications of these theoretical insights for deep learning applications. By bridging the gap between the finite and infinite sample size regimes, this work advances the field's knowledge and lays the groundwork for continued advancements in deep learning theory and practice.

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