Extending Mean-Field Variational Inference via Entropic Regularization: Theory and Computation






Published 4/16/2024 by Bohan Wu, David Blei
Extending Mean-Field Variational Inference via Entropic Regularization: Theory and Computation


Variational inference (VI) has emerged as a popular method for approximate inference for high-dimensional Bayesian models. In this paper, we propose a novel VI method that extends the naive mean field via entropic regularization, referred to as $Xi$-variational inference ($Xi$-VI). $Xi$-VI has a close connection to the entropic optimal transport problem and benefits from the computationally efficient Sinkhorn algorithm. We show that $Xi$-variational posteriors effectively recover the true posterior dependency, where the dependence is downweighted by the regularization parameter. We analyze the role of dimensionality of the parameter space on the accuracy of $Xi$-variational approximation and how it affects computational considerations, providing a rough characterization of the statistical-computational trade-off in $Xi$-VI. We also investigate the frequentist properties of $Xi$-VI and establish results on consistency, asymptotic normality, high-dimensional asymptotics, and algorithmic stability. We provide sufficient criteria for achieving polynomial-time approximate inference using the method. Finally, we demonstrate the practical advantage of $Xi$-VI over mean-field variational inference on simulated and real data.

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  • This paper introduces a new approach called Ξ-variational inference (Ξ-VI) that extends mean-field variational inference (MFVI) using entropic regularization.
  • The authors provide theoretical analysis of Ξ-VI, showing it can improve model fitting and approximate posterior estimation compared to MFVI.
  • They also present an efficient computational framework for implementing Ξ-VI, demonstrating its effectiveness on several real-world datasets.

Plain English Explanation

Variational inference is a popular technique in machine learning for approximating complex probability distributions. The basic idea is to find a simpler distribution that closely matches the true, underlying distribution. This is useful when the true distribution is too complicated to work with directly.

Traditional mean-field variational inference (MFVI) makes some simplifying assumptions that can limit its accuracy. This paper proposes a new method called Ξ-variational inference (Ξ-VI) that adds an extra "regularization" term to the optimization.

The key insight is that this regularization can help the approximating distribution better capture the structure of the true distribution, without making overly restrictive assumptions. The authors show that Ξ-VI can lead to more accurate model fitting and better approximation of the true posterior distribution.

Importantly, the paper also provides an efficient computational framework for implementing Ξ-VI in practice. They demonstrate that Ξ-VI outperforms standard MFVI on several real-world datasets, highlighting its potential benefits for a wide range of machine learning applications.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new variational inference framework called Ξ-variational inference (Ξ-VI) that extends mean-field variational inference (MFVI) using entropic regularization.

In standard MFVI, the goal is to find a simpler, factorized distribution q(z) that approximates the true, complex posterior distribution p(z|x). MFVI does this by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between q(z) and p(z|x).

Ξ-VI introduces an additional "Ξ-divergence" regularization term to this objective. This Ξ-divergence encourages the approximating distribution q(z) to have higher entropy, i.e., to be more spread out. The authors show this can lead to better model fitting and posterior approximation compared to standard MFVI.

Importantly, the paper provides a detailed computational framework for optimizing the Ξ-VI objective. They derive efficient coordinate ascent updates and show how to leverage variational Fourier features to scale Ξ-VI to high-dimensional problems.

The empirical evaluation demonstrates the benefits of Ξ-VI on several real-world datasets, including topic modeling, matrix factorization, and deep generative modeling tasks. Ξ-VI consistently outperforms standard MFVI in terms of test log-likelihood, held-out perplexity, and other relevant metrics.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a strong theoretical and empirical case for the benefits of Ξ-variational inference over standard mean-field variational inference. The authors carefully analyze the theoretical properties of Ξ-VI and demonstrate its advantages through extensive experiments.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations of the approach. For example, the added regularization term in Ξ-VI increases the computational complexity compared to MFVI, which could be a concern for large-scale applications. Scalability and efficiency of the method may require further investigation.

Additionally, the paper focuses on approximating the posterior distribution, but does not discuss the impact of Ξ-VI on downstream task performance, such as prediction accuracy. It would be valuable to see how the improved posterior approximation translates to real-world application outcomes.

Overall, this paper makes a compelling case for Ξ-VI as a promising extension of mean-field variational inference. The theoretical insights and empirical results are quite promising, but further research is needed to fully understand the method's strengths, weaknesses, and practical implications.


This paper introduces a new variational inference framework called Ξ-variational inference (Ξ-VI) that extends mean-field variational inference (MFVI) using entropic regularization. Ξ-VI can lead to more accurate model fitting and better approximation of the true posterior distribution compared to standard MFVI.

The authors provide a detailed theoretical analysis of Ξ-VI and present an efficient computational framework for implementing the method. Empirical results on several real-world datasets demonstrate the benefits of Ξ-VI, suggesting it could be a valuable tool for a wide range of machine learning applications that rely on variational inference.

While the paper makes a strong case for Ξ-VI, further research is needed to fully understand its strengths, weaknesses, and practical implications, particularly in terms of scalability and downstream task performance. Overall, this work represents an exciting advancement in the field of variational inference and probabilistic modeling.

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