Variational Inference for Uncertainty Quantification: an Analysis of Trade-offs






Published 6/10/2024 by Charles C. Margossian, Loucas Pillaud-Vivien, Lawrence K. Saul
Variational Inference for Uncertainty Quantification: an Analysis of Trade-offs


Given an intractable distribution $p$, the problem of variational inference (VI) is to find the best approximation from some more tractable family $Q$. Commonly, one chooses $Q$ to be a family of factorized distributions (i.e., the mean-field assumption), even though~$p$ itself does not factorize. We show that this mismatch leads to an impossibility theorem: if $p$ does not factorize, then any factorized approximation $qin Q$ can correctly estimate at most one of the following three measures of uncertainty: (i) the marginal variances, (ii) the marginal precisions, or (iii) the generalized variance (which can be related to the entropy). In practice, the best variational approximation in $Q$ is found by minimizing some divergence $D(q,p)$ between distributions, and so we ask: how does the choice of divergence determine which measure of uncertainty, if any, is correctly estimated by VI? We consider the classic Kullback-Leibler divergences, the more general R'enyi divergences, and a score-based divergence which compares $nabla log p$ and $nabla log q$. We provide a thorough theoretical analysis in the setting where $p$ is a Gaussian and $q$ is a (factorized) Gaussian. We show that all the considered divergences can be textit{ordered} based on the estimates of uncertainty they yield as objective functions for~VI. Finally, we empirically evaluate the validity of this ordering when the target distribution $p$ is not Gaussian.

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ā€¢ This paper explores an ordering of divergences for variational inference with factorized Gaussian approximations. ā€¢ It presents an impossibility theorem showing that there is no universal best divergence for this setting. ā€¢ The paper analyzes the tradeoff between variance and entropy in variational inference, and proposes a family of divergences that provide a spectrum of variance-entropy behaviors.

Plain English Explanation

This research paper is about a mathematical problem in the field of machine learning called variational inference. Variational inference is a technique used to approximate complex probability distributions, which is important for building accurate statistical models.

The key idea is that the researchers looked at different ways to measure the "distance" between the true probability distribution and the approximate distribution used in variational inference. They call these different ways of measuring distance "divergences." The researchers showed that there is no single "best" divergence that works well in all situations - there is an inherent tradeoff between the variance (or uncertainty) of the approximation and the entropy (or complexity) of the approximation.

To illustrate this tradeoff, the researchers proposed a family of divergences that allow you to control this variance-entropy balance. Depending on your specific modeling needs, you can choose a divergence from this family that strikes the right balance for your problem.

The significance of this work is that it provides a deeper theoretical understanding of the fundamental limitations of variational inference, which is a widely used technique in machine learning and statistics. By characterizing this variance-entropy tradeoff, the researchers give practitioners a principled way to select the right divergence for their particular application.

Technical Explanation

This paper examines the problem of variational inference with factorized Gaussian (FG) approximations. The authors present an impossibility theorem showing that there is no universally optimal divergence measure for this setting.

The core of the paper is an analysis of the variance-entropy tradeoff in FG-VI. The authors show that different divergence measures lead to different compromises between the variance of the approximate posterior and its entropy (complexity).

To explore this tradeoff, the authors propose a family of divergences that interpolate between extremes like the KL-divergence and squared Hellinger distance. This family allows practitioners to choose a divergence that best fits the requirements of their specific modeling problem, whether that prioritizes low variance or high entropy.

The theoretical insights provided in this work contribute to a deeper understanding of the fundamental limitations of variational inference. By characterizing the variance-entropy tradeoff, the authors give guidance to researchers and practitioners on how to select an appropriate divergence measure for their application.

Critical Analysis

The key contribution of this paper is the impossibility theorem showing that there is no universally optimal divergence for FG-VI. This result highlights the inherent tension between variance and entropy in variational approximations, which is an important consideration for practitioners.

One caveat is that the analysis is limited to factorized Gaussian approximations, whereas many real-world applications may require more flexible variational families. Extending this framework to more complex variational distributions could be an area for future research.

Additionally, the proposed family of divergences, while useful, still represents a restricted set of options. Exploring a wider range of divergences, or developing new divergence measures tailored to specific modeling needs, may lead to further insights.

Overall, this work makes a valuable theoretical contribution by characterizing the fundamental limitations of variational inference. The findings encourage practitioners to think carefully about the tradeoffs involved in selecting a divergence measure, rather than defaulting to standard choices like KL-divergence. Maintaining a critical perspective on the strengths and weaknesses of variational methods is crucial as they continue to be widely adopted in machine learning and statistics.


This paper presents an in-depth analysis of the tradeoffs involved in variational inference with factorized Gaussian approximations. The key insight is that there is no universally optimal divergence measure, as different choices lead to different compromises between the variance and entropy of the approximate posterior.

By proposing a family of divergences that span this variance-entropy spectrum, the authors give practitioners a principled way to select the most appropriate divergence for their specific modeling requirements. This work contributes to a deeper theoretical understanding of the limitations of variational inference, which is an important step towards improving the reliability and robustness of these powerful machine learning techniques.

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