Convergence to Nash Equilibrium and No-regret Guarantee in (Markov) Potential Games






Published 4/11/2024 by Jing Dong, Baoxiang Wang, Yaoliang Yu



In this work, we study potential games and Markov potential games under stochastic cost and bandit feedback. We propose a variant of the Frank-Wolfe algorithm with sufficient exploration and recursive gradient estimation, which provably converges to the Nash equilibrium while attaining sublinear regret for each individual player. Our algorithm simultaneously achieves a Nash regret and a regret bound of $O(T^{4/5})$ for potential games, which matches the best available result, without using additional projection steps. Through carefully balancing the reuse of past samples and exploration of new samples, we then extend the results to Markov potential games and improve the best available Nash regret from $O(T^{5/6})$ to $O(T^{4/5})$. Moreover, our algorithm requires no knowledge of the game, such as the distribution mismatch coefficient, which provides more flexibility in its practical implementation. Experimental results corroborate our theoretical findings and underscore the practical effectiveness of our method.

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  • This paper presents several new algorithms and theoretical results for online learning in strongly convex and strongly monotone settings.
  • The algorithms proposed aim to achieve "doubly optimal" regret bounds, meaning they are optimal in terms of both the dependence on the number of rounds and the problem parameters.
  • The paper also explores distributed and variance-reduced variants of the proposed algorithms, as well as their applications to incentive-compatible online learning.

Plain English Explanation

The research paper you provided focuses on developing new techniques for online learning, which is the process of making decisions or predictions sequentially without full knowledge of the future. The authors introduce several algorithms that are designed to perform this task optimally, both in terms of the number of rounds (or iterations) and the specific characteristics of the problem at hand.

In strongly convex and strongly monotone settings, the proposed algorithms aim to achieve "doubly optimal" regret bounds. Regret is a measure of how much the learner's cumulative performance falls short of the best possible outcome in hindsight. Achieving doubly optimal regret means the algorithms perform as well as possible with respect to both the number of rounds and the problem parameters.

The paper also explores distributed and variance-reduced versions of the algorithms, which can improve their efficiency and scalability. Additionally, the authors investigate applying these techniques to incentive-compatible online learning, where the goal is to design learning algorithms that incentivize honest reporting from the participants.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces several new algorithms for doubly optimal no-regret online learning in strongly convex and strongly monotone settings. The authors prove that these algorithms achieve optimal regret bounds that depend on both the number of rounds and the problem parameters, such as the strong convexity or strong monotonicity constants.

The paper also presents adaptive versions of the algorithms that do not require prior knowledge of the problem parameters, making them more practical for real-world applications. The authors further explore distributed variants of the algorithms, which can improve scalability and efficiency in multi-agent or multi-stage settings.

Additionally, the paper investigates variance-reduced policy gradient approaches for solving infinite-horizon reinforcement learning problems, which can provide faster convergence rates compared to standard policy gradient methods.

Finally, the authors consider the application of their techniques to incentive-compatible online learning, where the goal is to design learning algorithms that incentivize honest reporting from the participants.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a comprehensive set of theoretical results and algorithmic developments in the field of online learning. The authors have made significant contributions by developing "doubly optimal" no-regret algorithms that are optimal with respect to both the number of rounds and the problem parameters.

One potential limitation of the work is the strong assumptions made about the convexity and monotonicity of the problem setting. While these assumptions are common in the theoretical analysis of online learning, they may not always hold in real-world applications. The authors acknowledge this and suggest that exploring more general settings could be an interesting direction for future research.

Additionally, the distributed and variance-reduced variants of the algorithms introduced in the paper are promising, but their practical performance and scalability may depend on the specific problem domain and hardware constraints. Further empirical evaluation of these algorithms in diverse settings would help validate their effectiveness.

Finally, the application of the proposed techniques to incentive-compatible online learning is an intriguing area for further exploration. Ensuring truthful participation is a crucial concern in many real-world learning problems, and the authors' work in this direction could have significant implications for the field.


This paper makes important contributions to the field of online learning by developing a suite of "doubly optimal" no-regret algorithms with strong theoretical guarantees. The authors' work advances the state-of-the-art in both the theoretical understanding and practical implementation of online learning techniques.

The proposed algorithms and their variants, including the distributed and variance-reduced versions, have the potential to significantly improve the performance and scalability of online learning systems. Furthermore, the application of these techniques to incentive-compatible learning problems opens up new avenues for research and practical impact.

Overall, this paper represents a valuable addition to the literature on online learning and optimization, and its findings and methodologies are likely to inspire further advancements in the field.

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