Doubly Optimal No-Regret Online Learning in Strongly Monotone Games with Bandit Feedback






Published 4/1/2024 by Wenjia Ba, Tianyi Lin, Jiawei Zhang, Zhengyuan Zhou



We consider online no-regret learning in unknown games with bandit feedback, where each player can only observe its reward at each time -- determined by all players' current joint action -- rather than its gradient. We focus on the class of textit{smooth and strongly monotone} games and study optimal no-regret learning therein. Leveraging self-concordant barrier functions, we first construct a new bandit learning algorithm and show that it achieves the single-agent optimal regret of $tilde{Theta}(nsqrt{T})$ under smooth and strongly concave reward functions ($n geq 1$ is the problem dimension). We then show that if each player applies this no-regret learning algorithm in strongly monotone games, the joint action converges in the textit{last iterate} to the unique Nash equilibrium at a rate of $tilde{Theta}(nT^{-1/2})$. Prior to our work, the best-known convergence rate in the same class of games is $tilde{O}(n^{2/3}T^{-1/3})$ (achieved by a different algorithm), thus leaving open the problem of optimal no-regret learning algorithms (since the known lower bound is $Omega(nT^{-1/2})$). Our results thus settle this open problem and contribute to the broad landscape of bandit game-theoretical learning by identifying the first doubly optimal bandit learning algorithm, in that it achieves (up to log factors) both optimal regret in the single-agent learning and optimal last-iterate convergence rate in the multi-agent learning. We also present preliminary numerical results on several application problems to demonstrate the efficacy of our algorithm in terms of iteration count.

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  • This paper explores no-regret learning in unknown games with limited feedback, where players can only observe their own rewards rather than full information about the game.
  • The researchers focus on a specific class of games called "smooth and strongly monotone" games, and develop a new algorithm that achieves optimal performance in these games.
  • The algorithm is shown to have two key properties: it achieves the best-known single-agent regret bound, and it leads to convergence of the players' joint actions to the unique Nash equilibrium at an optimal rate.

Plain English Explanation

Imagine you're playing a game with other people, but you can only see your own score after each round - you don't know how the other players are doing. This type of limited information is called "bandit feedback." The researchers in this paper looked at this situation and tried to find the best way for each player to learn and improve their strategy over time, even without full information about the game.

They focused on a special type of game where the payoffs to each player have two key properties: they change smoothly as the players' actions change, and there is a unique best outcome (called the Nash equilibrium) that all the players are trying to reach. In these types of games, the researchers developed a new learning algorithm that each player can use.

This algorithm has two big advantages. First, it allows each individual player to minimize their own "regret" - the difference between their actual score and the best score they could have gotten if they knew the game perfectly. Second, when all the players use this algorithm, the overall joint actions of the players converge to the Nash equilibrium at the fastest possible rate.

Prior to this work, no algorithm was known that achieved both of these optimal properties at the same time. So this new algorithm represents a significant advance in our understanding of how to learn effectively in complex, uncertain environments where players have limited information.

Technical Explanation

The researchers consider a multi-player game setting where each player can only observe their own reward (their "payoff") after taking an action, rather than having full information about the game. They focus on the class of "smooth and strongly monotone" games, which have nice mathematical properties that enable stronger learning and convergence guarantees.

Building on the technique of self-concordant barrier functions, the researchers first construct a new bandit learning algorithm for the single-agent setting. They show that this algorithm achieves the optimal regret bound of Ī˜Ģƒ(nāˆšT) for smooth and strongly concave reward functions, where n is the problem dimension and T is the number of rounds.

They then analyze what happens when each player uses this no-regret learning algorithm in a strongly monotone multi-player game. They prove that the joint actions of the players will converge to the unique Nash equilibrium at a rate of Ī˜Ģƒ(nT^(-1/2)). This improves upon the previously best-known convergence rate of ƕ(n^(2/3)T^(-1/3)) for this class of games.

By establishing these two optimal properties - optimal single-agent regret and optimal multi-agent convergence - the researchers solve an open problem and advance the state-of-the-art in bandit game-theoretical learning.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes several important contributions, but also has some limitations that could be explored further. A key strength is the identification of the first "doubly optimal" bandit learning algorithm, which is a significant theoretical advance.

However, the analysis is restricted to the specific class of "smooth and strongly monotone" games. It would be interesting to see how the algorithm performs in more general game settings. Additionally, the paper does not provide a detailed discussion of the practical considerations and potential challenges in implementing this algorithm in real-world applications.

Another area for further research could be the robustness of the algorithm to things like model misspecification, communication delays, or other real-world complications that may arise in multi-agent systems. Exploring these aspects could help bridge the gap between the theoretical guarantees and practical deployments.

Overall, this is a technically impressive piece of work that makes valuable contributions to the field of bandit game-theoretical learning. The new algorithm represents an important step forward, but there remain opportunities to expand the scope and real-world applicability of this line of research.


This paper presents a novel bandit learning algorithm that achieves optimal performance in a specific class of multi-player games with limited feedback. By proving bounds on both individual regret and the convergence rate of the joint actions to the Nash equilibrium, the researchers solve an open problem and advance the state-of-the-art in this area.

The algorithm's ability to deliver these strong theoretical guarantees is a significant accomplishment. While there are still some limitations to address, this work lays the groundwork for further developments in bandit game-theoretical learning, with potential applications in fields like network optimization, resource allocation, and multi-agent decision-making. Overall, this research represents an important contribution that pushes the boundaries of what is possible when players have access to only partial information about the game they are playing.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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