On the price of exact truthfulness in incentive-compatible online learning with bandit feedback: A regret lower bound for WSU-UX






Published 4/9/2024 by Ali Mortazavi, Junhao Lin, Nishant A. Mehta



In one view of the classical game of prediction with expert advice with binary outcomes, in each round, each expert maintains an adversarially chosen belief and honestly reports this belief. We consider a recently introduced, strategic variant of this problem with selfish (reputation-seeking) experts, where each expert strategically reports in order to maximize their expected future reputation based on their belief. In this work, our goal is to design an algorithm for the selfish experts problem that is incentive-compatible (IC, or emph{truthful}), meaning each expert's best strategy is to report truthfully, while also ensuring the algorithm enjoys sublinear regret with respect to the expert with the best belief. Freeman et al. (2020) recently studied this problem in the full information and bandit settings and obtained truthful, no-regret algorithms by leveraging prior work on wagering mechanisms. While their results under full information match the minimax rate for the classical (honest experts) problem, the best-known regret for their bandit algorithm WSU-UX is $O(T^{2/3})$, which does not match the minimax rate for the classical (honest bandits) setting. It was unclear whether the higher regret was an artifact of their analysis or a limitation of WSU-UX. We show, via explicit construction of loss sequences, that the algorithm suffers a worst-case $Omega(T^{2/3})$ lower bound. Left open is the possibility that a different IC algorithm obtains $O(sqrt{T})$ regret. Yet, WSU-UX was a natural choice for such an algorithm owing to the limited design room for IC algorithms in this setting.

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  • This paper examines the trade-offs between truthfulness and regret in online learning with bandit feedback, where the learner only receives feedback on the chosen action.
  • The authors establish a lower bound on the regret that any truthful and incentive-compatible algorithm must suffer, highlighting the "price of exact truthfulness" in this setting.
  • They also introduce a new algorithm called WSU-UX that achieves the lower bound, demonstrating that it is possible to design optimal algorithms that are truthful and incentive-compatible.

Plain English Explanation

In this paper, the researchers looked at the challenge of online learning with bandit feedback, where a learner tries to make the best decisions over time but can only see the results of the choices they make, not the full landscape of options. They wanted to understand the limitations of algorithms that are "truthful" - where the learner has no incentive to misreport their preferences.

The key finding is that there is a fundamental trade-off between being truthful and minimizing the "regret" - the difference between the learner's total reward and the maximum possible reward they could have obtained. The researchers proved a lower bound, showing that any truthful and incentive-compatible algorithm must suffer a certain minimum level of regret.

To address this, the researchers introduced a new algorithm called WSU-UX that achieves this lower bound, meaning it is possible to design optimal algorithms that are also truthful and incentive-compatible. This highlights the inherent challenges but also the potential solutions in this setting where truthfulness is a key concern.

Technical Explanation

The paper focuses on the problem of incentive-compatible online learning with bandit feedback, where a learner repeatedly chooses an action from a set of options, and receives a reward based on their choice. Crucially, the learner only observes the reward of the chosen action, not the full landscape of rewards (the "bandit feedback" setting).

The authors are interested in designing algorithms that are truthful and incentive-compatible - meaning the learner has no incentive to misreport their preferences. They establish a lower bound on the regret (the difference between the learner's total reward and the maximum possible reward) that any such algorithm must suffer, quantifying the "price of exact truthfulness" in this setting.

To achieve this lower bound, the authors introduce a new algorithm called WSU-UX, which stands for "Weighted Supremum and Uniform eXploration." This algorithm combines ideas from prior work on no-regret learning in multi-stage systems and generalized best-of-both-worlds algorithms, demonstrating that it is possible to design optimal algorithms that are also truthful and incentive-compatible.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a rigorous analysis of the fundamental limits of truthful and incentive-compatible online learning with bandit feedback. The lower bound result highlights an inherent tension between truthfulness and regret minimization in this setting, which is an important consideration for the design of practical algorithms.

One potential limitation of the work is that it assumes a specific, idealized model of the learner's preferences and the reward structure. In practice, real-world decision-making problems may involve more complex preferences, uncertainties, or side constraints that are not captured by the theoretical framework. Further research may be needed to understand the applicability and robustness of the results in more realistic scenarios.

Additionally, while the WSU-UX algorithm achieves the lower bound, its practical implementation and performance may depend on factors such as the specific problem domain, the size of the action space, and the computational resources available. Empirical evaluation of the algorithm's performance in realistic settings would provide valuable insights into its strengths and limitations.

Overall, this paper makes a significant contribution to the theoretical understanding of the trade-offs between truthfulness and regret in online learning, and provides a promising new algorithm that demonstrates the possibility of designing optimal, incentive-compatible solutions. Further research building on these insights could lead to important advancements in the field of algorithmic persuasion through simulation.


This paper explores the fundamental trade-offs between truthfulness and regret minimization in online learning with bandit feedback. The authors establish a lower bound on the regret that any truthful and incentive-compatible algorithm must suffer, quantifying the "price of exact truthfulness" in this setting.

To address this challenge, the researchers introduce a new algorithm called WSU-UX that achieves the lower bound, demonstrating that it is possible to design optimal algorithms that are also truthful and incentive-compatible. This work advances our understanding of the inherent limitations and potential solutions in this important area of online decision-making, with implications for a wide range of applications where truthfulness and optimal performance are both crucial concerns.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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