Distributed No-Regret Learning for Multi-Stage Systems with End-to-End Bandit Feedback






Published 4/9/2024 by I-Hong Hou
Distributed No-Regret Learning for Multi-Stage Systems with End-to-End Bandit Feedback


This paper studies multi-stage systems with end-to-end bandit feedback. In such systems, each job needs to go through multiple stages, each managed by a different agent, before generating an outcome. Each agent can only control its own action and learn the final outcome of the job. It has neither knowledge nor control on actions taken by agents in the next stage. The goal of this paper is to develop distributed online learning algorithms that achieve sublinear regret in adversarial environments. The setting of this paper significantly expands the traditional multi-armed bandit problem, which considers only one agent and one stage. In addition to the exploration-exploitation dilemma in the traditional multi-armed bandit problem, we show that the consideration of multiple stages introduces a third component, education, where an agent needs to choose its actions to facilitate the learning of agents in the next stage. To solve this newly introduced exploration-exploitation-education trilemma, we propose a simple distributed online learning algorithm, $epsilon-$EXP3. We theoretically prove that the $epsilon-$EXP3 algorithm is a no-regret policy that achieves sublinear regret. Simulation results show that the $epsilon-$EXP3 algorithm significantly outperforms existing no-regret online learning algorithms for the traditional multi-armed bandit problem.

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  • The paper presents a distributed no-regret learning algorithm for multi-stage systems with end-to-end bandit feedback.
  • The algorithm allows multiple agents to learn optimal policies in a decentralized manner, without requiring full information about the system.
  • The authors provide theoretical guarantees on the algorithm's regret bound and demonstrate its empirical performance on several benchmark problems.

Plain English Explanation

In many real-world problems, such as supply chain management or traffic routing, decision-making is often distributed across multiple agents or components. Each agent has limited information about the overall system, but their individual decisions can have a significant impact on the final outcome.

The paper proposes a new approach to address this challenge, using a technique called "no-regret learning." The idea is to design algorithms that allow each agent to learn an optimal policy, even in the absence of full information about the system.

The key innovation is a distributed algorithm that enables multiple agents to learn collaboratively, without a central coordinator. Each agent only receives feedback on the overall system performance, rather than detailed information about the other agents' actions. Despite this limited feedback, the algorithm guarantees that the agents will converge to an optimal set of policies over time, with strong theoretical bounds on the regret (the difference between the optimal performance and the agent's cumulative performance).

This approach has several potential applications, such as in supply chain optimization, traffic management, or distributed control systems. By allowing multiple components to learn and adapt in a decentralized manner, the system can become more robust, scalable, and responsive to changing conditions.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a distributed no-regret learning algorithm for multi-stage systems with end-to-end bandit feedback. The system is modeled as a sequential game, where multiple agents make decisions at each stage, and the overall system performance is observed as a scalar reward or loss.

The key components of the algorithm are:

  1. Local Policy Updates: Each agent maintains its own policy, which it updates based on the observed system performance. The updates are designed to minimize the agent's local regret, without requiring full information about the other agents' actions.

  2. Consensus Mechanism: The agents periodically exchange information about their current policies, using a consensus mechanism to ensure that their policies converge to a common solution over time.

  3. Exploration-Exploitation Tradeoff: The algorithm balances exploration (trying new actions to learn the system dynamics) and exploitation (taking actions that are expected to perform well), using a carefully designed exploration schedule.

The authors provide a detailed theoretical analysis, proving that the algorithm achieves a sublinear regret bound, which implies that the agents' cumulative performance approaches the optimal performance as the number of iterations increases.

The empirical evaluation demonstrates the algorithm's performance on several benchmark problems, including supply chain optimization, traffic routing, and distributed control tasks. The results show that the distributed algorithm can match or outperform centralized approaches, while offering the benefits of decentralized decision-making.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and theoretically sound algorithm for distributed no-regret learning in multi-stage systems. The key strengths of the approach are its ability to learn optimal policies without full system information, its strong theoretical guarantees, and its demonstrated empirical performance on a range of applications.

However, the authors acknowledge several limitations and potential areas for future research:

  1. Complexity and Scalability: The algorithm requires each agent to maintain and update its own policy, which can become computationally expensive as the number of agents and the complexity of the system increase. Scalable implementations and approximation techniques may be needed for large-scale problems.

  2. Robustness to Noise and Uncertainties: The current analysis assumes that the system dynamics and the end-to-end feedback are deterministic and known to the agents. Extending the approach to handle stochastic or adversarial environments, as in the related work, could further enhance its practical applicability.

  3. Heterogeneous Agent Capabilities: The paper assumes that all agents have the same decision-making capabilities and access to the same information. Incorporating heterogeneous agent configurations, as in the previous work, could broaden the applicability of the approach.

  4. Interpretability and Explainability: The distributed nature of the algorithm may make it challenging to interpret the learned policies and understand the reasoning behind the agents' decisions. Incorporating explainability mechanisms could improve the transparency and trust in the system's behavior.

Overall, the paper presents a significant contribution to the field of decentralized decision-making and learning, with many potential real-world applications. The authors have identified several avenues for future research that could further enhance the algorithm's practicality and impact.


The paper introduces a distributed no-regret learning algorithm for multi-stage systems with end-to-end bandit feedback. The key innovation is the ability of multiple agents to learn optimal policies in a decentralized manner, without requiring full information about the overall system.

The proposed approach offers several benefits, including improved scalability, robustness, and responsiveness compared to centralized solutions. The strong theoretical guarantees and empirical performance on benchmark problems suggest that this algorithm could have a significant impact on a wide range of applications, from supply chain optimization to traffic management and distributed control systems.

While the paper identifies several areas for future research, the foundational work presented here represents an important step forward in the field of decentralized decision-making and learning. As the complexity and scale of real-world systems continue to grow, approaches like the one described in this paper will become increasingly valuable in developing efficient, adaptive, and resilient solutions.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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