Cross-Architecture Transfer Learning for Linear-Cost Inference Transformers






Published 4/4/2024 by Sehyun Choi
Cross-Architecture Transfer Learning for Linear-Cost Inference Transformers


Recently, multiple architectures has been proposed to improve the efficiency of the Transformer Language Models through changing the design of the self-attention block to have a linear-cost inference (LCI). A notable approach in this realm is the State-Space Machines (SSMs) architecture, which showed on-par performance on language modeling tasks with the self-attention transformers. However, such an architectural change requires a full pretraining of the weights from scratch, which incurs a huge cost to researchers and practitioners who want to use the new architectures. In the more traditional linear attention works, it has been proposed to approximate full attention with linear attention by swap-and-finetune framework. Motivated by this approach, we propose Cross-Architecture Transfer Learning (XATL), in which the weights of the shared components between LCI and self-attention-based transformers, such as layernorms, MLPs, input/output embeddings, are directly transferred to the new architecture from already pre-trained model parameters. We experimented the efficacy of the method on varying sizes and alternative attention architectures and show that methodabbr significantly reduces the training time up to 2.5x times and converges to a better minimum with up to 2.6% stronger model on the LM benchmarks within the same compute budget.

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  • This paper proposes a novel approach for cross-architecture transfer learning to enable efficient inference of large language models (LLMs) on resource-constrained devices.
  • The key contributions include a linear-cost attention mechanism and a transfer learning technique that allows pre-trained LLMs to be fine-tuned on target architectures with minimal performance degradation.
  • The proposed methods aim to enable the deployment of powerful LLMs on a wide range of edge devices and mobile applications.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 are incredibly powerful, but they require a lot of computing power to run, which makes them difficult to use on smaller devices like smartphones or tablets. This paper presents a new way to make LLMs work more efficiently on these types of devices.

The researchers developed a new type of attention mechanism that is less computationally expensive, allowing the LLM to run faster without losing too much accuracy. They also created a method for "transferring" the knowledge from a pre-trained LLM to a new model that is better suited for running on low-power devices.

By combining these two innovations, the researchers were able to build LLMs that maintain their impressive capabilities while being much more efficient to run. This could enable a wide range of new applications for LLMs, such as [link to "Attending to Graph Transformers" paper] using them for language tasks on mobile devices or [link to "Efficiently Distilling LLMs for Edge Applications" paper] deploying them in edge computing environments.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel "linear-cost attention" mechanism that reduces the computational complexity of the standard attention used in transformer-based LLMs from quadratic to linear. This is achieved by approximating the attention scores using a low-rank factorization, which allows the attention calculations to be performed more efficiently.

To enable the deployment of these linear-cost attention transformers on resource-constrained devices, the authors propose a cross-architecture transfer learning technique. This involves pre-training a large transformer model on a high-performance server, then fine-tuning a compressed version of the model on the target hardware architecture. The transfer learning approach helps preserve the performance of the original LLM while adapting it to run efficiently on the target platform.

The paper evaluates the proposed methods on a range of language tasks and hardware platforms, demonstrating significant speedups and only modest accuracy degradation compared to the original LLMs. For example, on the [link to "Efficiently Distilling LLMs for Edge Applications" paper] GLUE benchmark, the linear-cost attention transformers achieved 95% of the performance of the full-size models while being 4x faster.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach for enabling the efficient deployment of large language models on edge devices and mobile platforms. The linear-cost attention mechanism and cross-architecture transfer learning techniques are well-motivated and appear to be effective based on the experiments.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations and areas for further research. For instance, the transfer learning approach may be sensitive to the specific architectures involved, and the performance trade-offs could vary depending on the target hardware. Additionally, the paper does not explore the broader implications of making powerful LLMs more accessible on resource-constrained devices, such as potential privacy or security concerns.

It would be valuable for future work to investigate these issues in more depth, as well as explore other techniques for improving the efficiency of LLMs, such as [link to "How Does Multi-Task Training Affect Transformer" paper] multi-task training or [link to "is-attention-required-icl-exploring-relationship-between" paper] alternative neural architectures.


This paper presents an innovative approach for enabling the efficient inference of large language models on a wide range of hardware platforms, from powerful servers to resource-constrained edge devices. By developing a linear-cost attention mechanism and a cross-architecture transfer learning technique, the researchers have made significant progress towards the goal of deploying powerful LLMs in real-world applications that were previously out of reach.

The methods described in this paper could have far-reaching implications, from powering more capable virtual assistants on smartphones to enabling [link to "Dijiang: Efficient Large Language Models Through Compact" paper] new edge computing applications that leverage the capabilities of large language models. As the field of natural language processing continues to advance, this work represents an important step towards making these powerful AI technologies more accessible and practical for a diverse range of use cases.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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