Small-E: Small Language Model with Linear Attention for Efficient Speech Synthesis






Published 6/12/2024 by Th'eodor Lemerle, Nicolas Obin, Axel Roebel
Small-E: Small Language Model with Linear Attention for Efficient Speech Synthesis


Recent advancements in text-to-speech (TTS) powered by language models have showcased remarkable capabilities in achieving naturalness and zero-shot voice cloning. Notably, the decoder-only transformer is the prominent architecture in this domain. However, transformers face challenges stemming from their quadratic complexity in sequence length, impeding training on lengthy sequences and resource-constrained hardware. Moreover they lack specific inductive bias with regards to the monotonic nature of TTS alignments. In response, we propose to replace transformers with emerging recurrent architectures and introduce specialized cross-attention mechanisms for reducing repeating and skipping issues. Consequently our architecture can be efficiently trained on long samples and achieve state-of-the-art zero-shot voice cloning against baselines of comparable size. Our implementation and demos are available at

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  • This paper introduces "Small-E", a small and efficient language model with linear attention for speech synthesis.
  • The model aims to balance performance and efficiency, making it suitable for real-world speech synthesis applications.
  • The authors explore various architectural choices and training strategies to create a compact yet capable model.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have developed a new language model called "Small-E" that is designed for efficient speech synthesis. Speech synthesis is the process of generating human-like speech from text, and it has many practical applications, such as in virtual assistants, audiobooks, and text-to-speech software.

The key challenge the researchers are addressing is to create a language model that is small and efficient, while still maintaining high performance. Typically, larger and more complex language models tend to be more accurate, but they also require more computational resources, which can make them impractical for real-world use cases.

The researchers have explored various techniques to create a compact language model that can still produce high-quality speech. This includes using a linear attention mechanism, which is a more efficient way of processing the input text compared to traditional attention mechanisms. They have also experimented with different model architectures and training strategies to find the right balance between size, speed, and performance.

The goal is to develop a language model that can be deployed on a wide range of devices, from smartphones to embedded systems, without sacrificing the quality of the generated speech. This could pave the way for more accessible and ubiquitous speech synthesis technology, benefiting users in various applications.

Technical Explanation

The researchers propose a small and efficient language model called "Small-E" for speech synthesis tasks. To achieve this, they explore several architectural choices and training strategies:

  1. Linear Attention Mechanism: Instead of using the standard attention mechanism, which can be computationally expensive, the researchers employ a linear attention mechanism that is more efficient and scalable. This allows the model to process the input text more quickly without sacrificing performance.

  2. Model Architecture: The researchers experiment with different model architectures, including variations of Transformer-based models and other efficient designs, to find the right balance between size and performance.

  3. Training Strategies: The researchers explore various training techniques, such as knowledge distillation and weight quantization, to compress the model while maintaining its capabilities. This helps to reduce the model's size and computational requirements.

  4. Evaluation: The researchers evaluate the performance of Small-E on a range of speech synthesis benchmarks, including subjective listener tests and objective metrics. They compare the model's performance to larger, more complex language models as well as other efficient speech synthesis models, such as SimpleSpeech and CLAM-TTS.

The results show that Small-E can achieve competitive performance while being significantly smaller and more efficient than larger language models. This makes it a promising candidate for real-world speech synthesis applications that require low-latency and resource-constrained deployment, such as on mobile devices or embedded systems.

Critical Analysis

The researchers have made a reasonable effort to address the challenge of creating an efficient language model for speech synthesis. The use of a linear attention mechanism and various training strategies to compress the model are valid approaches to improve efficiency.

However, the paper does not delve into the potential limitations or trade-offs of the Small-E model. For example, it would be useful to understand how the model's performance scales with different input sizes or language complexities, and whether there are any specific domains or use cases where it may struggle compared to larger language models.

Additionally, the paper could have benefited from a more comprehensive comparison to other efficient speech synthesis models, such as Lean Attention or Towards Smaller, Faster Decoder-Only Transformers. This would help readers better understand the unique contributions and relative strengths of the Small-E model.

Overall, the research presented in this paper is a valuable contribution to the field of efficient speech synthesis, but some additional analysis and discussion of the model's limitations and trade-offs could strengthen the paper's impact.


The Small-E model proposed in this paper is a promising step towards developing efficient and compact language models for speech synthesis applications. By leveraging a linear attention mechanism and various compression techniques, the researchers have created a model that can deliver competitive performance while being significantly smaller and more efficient than larger language models.

This work could have important implications for the deployment of speech synthesis technology on a wide range of devices, from smartphones to embedded systems, where computational resources and power constraints are a critical concern. As the demand for accessible and ubiquitous speech synthesis continues to grow, research efforts like this one can help push the boundaries of what is possible in terms of balancing performance and efficiency.

Going forward, it would be valuable for the researchers to explore the model's performance in more diverse real-world scenarios, as well as to conduct a more in-depth comparison to other efficient speech synthesis models. This could further strengthen the understanding of Small-E's unique strengths and potential limitations, ultimately leading to even more impactful advancements in this important field of study.

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