Data-Efficient Learning with Neural Programs






Published 6/11/2024 by Alaia Solko-Breslin, Seewon Choi, Ziyang Li, Neelay Velingker, Rajeev Alur, Mayur Naik, Eric Wong
Data-Efficient Learning with Neural Programs


Many computational tasks can be naturally expressed as a composition of a DNN followed by a program written in a traditional programming language or an API call to an LLM. We call such composites neural programs and focus on the problem of learning the DNN parameters when the training data consist of end-to-end input-output labels for the composite. When the program is written in a differentiable logic programming language, techniques from neurosymbolic learning are applicable, but in general, the learning for neural programs requires estimating the gradients of black-box components. We present an algorithm for learning neural programs, called ISED, that only relies on input-output samples of black-box components. For evaluation, we introduce new benchmarks that involve calls to modern LLMs such as GPT-4 and also consider benchmarks from the neurosymolic learning literature. Our evaluation shows that for the latter benchmarks, ISED has comparable performance to state-of-the-art neurosymbolic frameworks. For the former, we use adaptations of prior work on gradient approximations of black-box components as a baseline, and show that ISED achieves comparable accuracy but in a more data- and sample-efficient manner.

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  • This paper introduces a novel approach called "Neural Programs" for data-efficient learning.
  • Neural Programs combine the representational power of neural networks with the structured and modular nature of programs.
  • The paper demonstrates how Neural Programs can learn complex tasks from fewer training examples compared to traditional neural network approaches.

Plain English Explanation

Neural networks are powerful machine learning models that can learn to perform a wide variety of tasks. However, they often require large amounts of training data to achieve good performance. In contrast, humans can often learn new concepts and skills from just a few examples.

The key insight of this paper is that by incorporating program-like structures into neural networks, we can create models that are more data-efficient. Neural Programs combine the flexibility of neural networks with the structured and modular nature of computer programs. This allows them to learn complex tasks from fewer training examples.

For example, imagine you wanted to teach an AI system how to add two numbers together. A traditional neural network might require thousands of examples of addition problems to learn this skill. In contrast, a Neural Program could learn the underlying algorithm for addition from just a handful of examples, and then apply that algorithm to solve new addition problems.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of Neural Programs across a range of tasks, including learning to generate visual programs, compositional generalization, and neuro-symbolic inference. By combining the strengths of neural networks and programs, Neural Programs offer a promising path towards more data-efficient and interpretable machine learning.

Technical Explanation

The key innovation of this paper is the Neural Program architecture, which combines neural networks with program-like structures. Neural Programs consist of a neural encoder that maps inputs to a latent program representation, a program executor that interprets and executes the latent program, and a neural decoder that generates the final output.

The authors demonstrate how this architecture can be trained end-to-end using gradient-based optimization. During training, the model learns to construct the appropriate program structure to solve each task, while the neural components learn to efficiently execute those programs.

Experiments show that Neural Programs can achieve strong performance on a variety of tasks, including learning to generate visual programs, compositional generalization, and neuro-symbolic inference, while requiring significantly less training data than traditional neural network approaches.

Critical Analysis

The authors acknowledge several limitations and areas for future work. One key challenge is scaling Neural Programs to handle more complex programs and tasks. The current architecture may struggle with highly nested or recursive program structures.

Additionally, the paper does not extensively explore the interpretability and explainability of the learned Neural Programs. While the modular structure offers potential benefits, more work is needed to ensure the programs are transparent and understandable to human users.

Overall, this paper represents an exciting step towards more data-efficient and interpretable machine learning. By combining the strengths of neural networks and programs, Neural Programs offer a promising path forward. However, significant research is still needed to fully realize the potential of this approach.


This paper introduces the concept of Neural Programs, a novel architecture that combines the representational power of neural networks with the structured and modular nature of computer programs. The authors demonstrate how Neural Programs can learn complex tasks from fewer training examples compared to traditional neural network approaches.

The key innovation is the ability of Neural Programs to construct appropriate program structures to solve each task, while the neural components learn to efficiently execute those programs. Experiments show the effectiveness of this approach across a range of applications, including learning to generate visual programs, compositional generalization, and neuro-symbolic inference.

While the paper highlights several promising directions, more research is needed to address the challenges of scaling Neural Programs to handle more complex tasks and improving the interpretability of the learned program structures. Nevertheless, this work represents an important step towards the development of more data-efficient and interpretable machine learning systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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