Learning to Infer Generative Template Programs for Visual Concepts






Published 6/11/2024 by R. Kenny Jones, Siddhartha Chaudhuri, Daniel Ritchie
Learning to Infer Generative Template Programs for Visual Concepts


People grasp flexible visual concepts from a few examples. We explore a neurosymbolic system that learns how to infer programs that capture visual concepts in a domain-general fashion. We introduce Template Programs: programmatic expressions from a domain-specific language that specify structural and parametric patterns common to an input concept. Our framework supports multiple concept-related tasks, including few-shot generation and co-segmentation through parsing. We develop a learning paradigm that allows us to train networks that infer Template Programs directly from visual datasets that contain concept groupings. We run experiments across multiple visual domains: 2D layouts, Omniglot characters, and 3D shapes. We find that our method outperforms task-specific alternatives, and performs competitively against domain-specific approaches for the limited domains where they exist.

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  • This paper proposes a novel approach to learning visual concepts by inferring generative template programs.
  • The key idea is to learn a neural program that can generate instances of a visual concept, rather than just recognizing it.
  • The authors demonstrate how this approach can be used for a variety of visual concepts, including simple shapes, complex objects, and even scenes.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers in this paper have developed a new way to teach computers about visual concepts, like different shapes, objects, and even entire scenes. Rather than just having the computer recognize these concepts, the approach allows the computer to actually generate, or create, new examples of the concepts.

The basic idea is to have the computer learn a "program" that can be used to generate new instances of a visual concept. This program is like a set of instructions that the computer can follow to create new examples of the concept. For example, the program for a circle might say "draw a loop with this radius," while the program for a house might say "draw a rectangle, add a triangle on top, and put windows and a door in certain places."

By learning these generative programs, the computer can do more than just recognize visual concepts - it can actually create new examples of them. This could be useful for all sorts of applications, like generating concept art or editing visual programs in an efficient way.

The paper shows how this approach can be applied to a wide range of visual concepts, from simple shapes to complex objects and even entire scenes. It's an interesting step towards data-efficient learning of neural programs and language-informed visual concept learning.

Technical Explanation

The key innovation in this paper is the use of generative template programs to represent visual concepts. Instead of just learning to recognize visual concepts, the authors propose learning a neural program that can generate new instances of those concepts.

The program induction process involves two main steps:

  1. Program Encoding: The authors use a neural network to encode a set of example instances of a visual concept into a compact program representation.
  2. Program Execution: This program representation is then executed by a differentiable program executor to generate new instances of the concept.

The authors demonstrate this approach on a variety of visual concepts, including simple shapes, complex objects, and even compositional visual scenes. They show that the learned programs can be used to efficiently generate new examples of the concepts, even in a few-shot learning setting.

Critical Analysis

One potential limitation of this approach is the reliance on a fixed set of low-level "primitives" that the programs can use to generate new instances. While the authors show that this can be effective, it may limit the expressiveness and flexibility of the learned programs. Exploring more open-ended program representations could be an interesting direction for future work.

Additionally, the training process for the program induction model is quite complex, involving a combination of supervised and unsupervised learning. It's not clear how robust this approach would be to different types of visual concepts or data distributions, and further research would be needed to understand its limitations and failure modes.

Overall, this paper represents an intriguing step towards more data-efficient learning of neural programs and language-informed visual concept learning. While there are still some open challenges, the idea of learning generative template programs for visual concepts is a promising direction for advancing our understanding of how humans and machines can learn and represent visual knowledge.


This paper presents a novel approach to learning visual concepts by inferring generative template programs. By learning a neural program that can generate new instances of a concept, rather than just recognizing it, the authors demonstrate a more flexible and expressive way of representing visual knowledge.

The potential applications of this work are wide-ranging, from more efficient and intuitive visual editing tools to better data-efficient learning of neural programs and deeper language-informed visual concept learning. While there are still some challenges to overcome, this research represents an exciting step towards more advanced and versatile visual understanding systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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