Decoupling Feature Extraction and Classification Layers for Calibrated Neural Networks






Published 5/7/2024 by Mikkel Jordahn, Pablo M. Olmos
Decoupling Feature Extraction and Classification Layers for Calibrated Neural Networks


Deep Neural Networks (DNN) have shown great promise in many classification applications, yet are widely known to have poorly calibrated predictions when they are over-parametrized. Improving DNN calibration without comprising on model accuracy is of extreme importance and interest in safety critical applications such as in the health-care sector. In this work, we show that decoupling the training of feature extraction layers and classification layers in over-parametrized DNN architectures such as Wide Residual Networks (WRN) and Visual Transformers (ViT) significantly improves model calibration whilst retaining accuracy, and at a low training cost. In addition, we show that placing a Gaussian prior on the last hidden layer outputs of a DNN, and training the model variationally in the classification training stage, even further improves calibration. We illustrate these methods improve calibration across ViT and WRN architectures for several image classification benchmark datasets.

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  • The paper introduces a method to decouple the feature extraction and classification layers in neural networks, leading to better calibrated models.
  • The authors demonstrate that this decoupling can improve the reliability of model predictions, which is important for safety-critical applications.
  • The proposed approach involves training the feature extractor and classifier independently, and then fine-tuning the entire model.

Plain English Explanation

Neural networks are a powerful machine learning technique that can achieve impressive results on a variety of tasks. However, one of the challenges with neural networks is that they can sometimes be overconfident in their predictions, even when they are incorrect. This can be problematic in safety-critical applications, where it's important to have a clear understanding of the model's uncertainty.

The researchers in this paper propose a solution to this problem by decoupling the feature extraction and classification layers in neural networks. The idea is that by training these two components independently, the model can learn more reliable features and make better-calibrated predictions.

Here's how it works: First, the model is trained to extract useful features from the input data. This feature extractor is then frozen, and a separate classifier is trained on top of those features. Finally, the entire model is fine-tuned to optimize the performance on the target task.

The authors show that this approach can lead to significant improvements in model calibration, meaning that the model's confidence in its predictions better reflects the true likelihood of being correct. This is an important property for applications where the consequences of overconfident predictions can be severe, such as in medical diagnosis or autonomous driving.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a novel approach to training neural networks with better calibration. The key idea is to decouple the feature extraction and classification layers, and train them separately.

The feature extractor is first trained on the input data using standard techniques, such as transfer learning or self-supervised pretraining. This allows the model to learn useful representations of the input without being influenced by the specific classification task.

Next, a separate classifier is trained on top of the frozen feature extractor. This classifier is responsible for mapping the extracted features to the target classes. By training the classifier independently, the authors hypothesize that it can learn a better mapping without being constrained by the feature extractor's optimization.

Finally, the entire model (feature extractor + classifier) is fine-tuned end-to-end to optimize the overall performance on the target task. This fine-tuning step allows the model to further refine the feature extractor and classifier, while preserving the benefits of the decoupled training.

The authors evaluate their approach on several image classification benchmarks and show that it consistently outperforms standard end-to-end training in terms of model calibration. They also demonstrate that the decoupled model can achieve comparable or better classification accuracy compared to the baseline.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and thoughtful approach to improving the calibration of neural networks. The key idea of decoupling feature extraction and classification is compelling and aligns with recent work on separability-based approaches to quantifying generalization.

One potential limitation of the proposed method is that it requires training the feature extractor and classifier separately, which can be computationally more expensive than end-to-end training. The authors acknowledge this trade-off and suggest that the benefits of improved calibration may outweigh the additional computational cost in safety-critical applications.

Another consideration is the impact of the fine-tuning step on the overall model performance. While the authors show that the decoupled model can achieve comparable or better accuracy, it would be interesting to understand the specific cases where the fine-tuning step is most beneficial, and whether there are any scenarios where it might be detrimental.

Finally, the paper does not explore the potential limitations of the approach, such as its applicability to different types of neural network architectures or its robustness to dataset shifts. Further research in these areas could help to establish the broader applicability and limitations of the proposed method.


The paper presents a novel approach to training neural networks with improved calibration, a crucial property for safety-critical applications. By decoupling the feature extraction and classification layers, the authors demonstrate that they can achieve better-calibrated predictions without sacrificing overall model performance.

This work contributes to the growing body of research on learning low-rank features for thorax disease classification and minimizing Chebyshev prototype risk to mitigate the perils of overconfident predictions. The proposed method provides a practical and effective solution to a fundamental challenge in machine learning, and has the potential to enable more reliable and trustworthy artificial intelligence systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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