Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Approach for a Single Vehicle Persistent Surveillance Problem with Fuel Constraints






Published 5/6/2024 by Manav Mishra, Hritik Bana, Saswata Sarkar, Sujeevraja Sanjeevi, PB Sujit, Kaarthik Sundar
Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Approach for a Single Vehicle Persistent Surveillance Problem with Fuel Constraints


This article presents a deep reinforcement learning-based approach to tackle a persistent surveillance mission requiring a single unmanned aerial vehicle initially stationed at a depot with fuel or time-of-flight constraints to repeatedly visit a set of targets with equal priority. Owing to the vehicle's fuel or time-of-flight constraints, the vehicle must be regularly refueled, or its battery must be recharged at the depot. The objective of the problem is to determine an optimal sequence of visits to the targets that minimizes the maximum time elapsed between successive visits to any target while ensuring that the vehicle never runs out of fuel or charge. We present a deep reinforcement learning algorithm to solve this problem and present the results of numerical experiments that corroborate the effectiveness of this approach in comparison with common-sense greedy heuristics.

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  • Explores a persistent surveillance problem with fuel constraints using deep reinforcement learning
  • Presents an approach to optimize the trajectory of a single vehicle for surveillance while considering fuel limitations
  • Investigates the trade-off between surveillance coverage and fuel consumption

Plain English Explanation

This research paper proposes a deep reinforcement learning-based approach to address a single vehicle persistent surveillance problem, where the vehicle must continuously monitor an area while accounting for fuel constraints. The key challenge is to find an optimal trajectory that maximizes the surveillance coverage while ensuring the vehicle has enough fuel to complete its mission.

The researchers developed a deep reinforcement learning model that can learn to navigate the vehicle efficiently, balancing the need for comprehensive surveillance with the limitations of the vehicle's fuel capacity. By using deep learning techniques, the model can analyze complex environmental factors and make informed decisions about the vehicle's movement to achieve the best overall performance.

The paper explores the trade-offs between maximizing surveillance coverage and minimizing fuel consumption, as these two objectives can sometimes conflict. The deep reinforcement learning approach allows the system to learn how to navigate this balance, finding solutions that provide effective surveillance while ensuring the vehicle can return to its starting point without running out of fuel.

Technical Explanation

The researchers formulated the persistent surveillance problem as a Markov Decision Process (MDP), where the agent (the single vehicle) must learn to navigate the environment and make decisions that optimize the surveillance coverage while respecting the fuel constraints. They designed a deep reinforcement learning algorithm to solve this MDP, utilizing a deep neural network to approximate the value function and policy.

The state of the MDP includes the vehicle's position, orientation, and fuel level, as well as the surveillance coverage of the environment. The action space consists of the vehicle's movement decisions, such as moving forward, turning left or right, or hovering in place. The reward function encourages the vehicle to maximize the surveillance coverage while minimizing fuel consumption.

The researchers trained the deep reinforcement learning model using a combination of techniques, including experience replay and target networks, to improve the stability and convergence of the learning process. They evaluated the performance of their approach through simulation experiments, comparing it to alternative methods and analyzing the trade-offs between surveillance coverage and fuel consumption.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to addressing the persistent surveillance problem with fuel constraints, but it also acknowledges several limitations and areas for further research. One key limitation is the assumption of a single vehicle, which may not be realistic in many real-world scenarios where multiple vehicles or a fleet-based system would be more appropriate.

Additionally, the paper does not consider the potential for dynamic changes in the environment, such as the appearance of new obstacles or targets, which could require the vehicle to adapt its behavior in real-time. Exploring how the deep reinforcement learning model could handle such dynamic situations would be an important area for future research.

While the simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, it would be valuable to validate the findings through real-world experiments or field trials. This would help to assess the practical feasibility and scalability of the method, as well as identify any additional challenges that may arise in a physical implementation.


This research paper presents a novel deep reinforcement learning-based approach to address the persistent surveillance problem with fuel constraints. By formulating the problem as an MDP and developing a deep neural network-based solution, the researchers have demonstrated a promising way to optimize the trajectory of a single vehicle for effective surveillance while considering the limitations of its fuel capacity.

The findings of this study offer valuable insights for researchers and practitioners working on autonomous vehicle control, surveillance systems, and decision-making under uncertainty. The approach could have applications in a wide range of domains, from environmental monitoring to search and rescue operations, where the efficient use of limited resources is a critical concern.

While the paper highlights several areas for further research, the overall contribution of this work lies in its innovative use of deep reinforcement learning to address a complex real-world problem, offering a potential pathway towards more robust and efficient autonomous surveillance systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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