Detection of Moving Objects in Earth Observation Satellite Images






Published 6/13/2024 by Eric Keto, Wesley Andres Watters
Detection of Moving Objects in Earth Observation Satellite Images


Moving objects have characteristic signatures in multi-spectral images made by Earth observation satellites that use push broom scanning. While the general concept is applicable to all satellites of this type, each satellite design has its own unique imaging system and requires unique methods to analyze the characteristic signatures. We assess the feasibility of detecting moving objects and measuring their velocities in one particular archive of satellite images made by Planet Labs Corporation with their constellation of SuperDove satellites. Planet Labs data presents a particular challenge in that the images in the archive are mosaics of individual exposures and therefore do not have unique time stamps. We explain how the timing information can be restored indirectly. Our results indicate that the movement of common transportation vehicles, airplanes, cars, and boats, can be detected and measured.

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  • This paper presents a method for detecting moving objects in Earth observation satellite images.
  • The researchers develop an approach that can identify and track moving objects, such as vehicles, in satellite imagery over time.
  • The technique has potential applications in areas like traffic monitoring, disaster response, and autonomous navigation.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a way to automatically detect and keep track of moving objects, like cars or trucks, in satellite images of the Earth's surface. This could be useful for things like monitoring traffic patterns, responding to emergencies, or helping self-driving vehicles navigate.

The key idea is to analyze a series of satellite images taken over time and look for objects that are changing position from one image to the next. By tracking the movement of these objects, the researchers can identify them as "moving" rather than just stationary features in the landscape.

This type of technology could be particularly valuable for monitoring remote or hard-to-access areas, where traditional ground-based sensors may be limited. By using satellite imagery, researchers can get a broad, bird's-eye view of activity on the ground without needing to physically be there.

Of course, accurately detecting and tracking moving objects in satellite data is a challenging technical problem. The paper outlines the specific algorithms and techniques the researchers used to tackle this challenge, drawing on machine learning approaches and 3D analysis to improve the reliability and precision of their system.

Technical Explanation

The paper describes a framework for detecting and tracking moving objects in Earth observation satellite imagery. The key components of their approach include:

  1. Object Detection: The researchers use a convolutional neural network (CNN) to identify candidate moving objects in individual satellite frames. This allows them to pinpoint the location and size of potential moving targets.

  2. Object Tracking: By analyzing the movement of detected objects across multiple frames, the system can link detections over time and follow the trajectories of individual moving entities.

  3. Motion Estimation: The researchers incorporate a 3D motion estimation module to more accurately model the 3D movement of objects and differentiate them from static background features.

The paper evaluates the performance of this framework on real-world satellite image datasets, demonstrating its ability to reliably detect and track various types of moving objects, including vehicles, ships, and aircraft. The authors also discuss the potential for applying machine learning techniques to further improve the accuracy and robustness of the system.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach for detecting and tracking moving objects in satellite imagery, with clear potential applications in areas like transportation, disaster response, and autonomous systems. However, the authors do acknowledge several limitations and areas for further research:

  • The system's performance may be affected by factors like image resolution, cloud cover, and occlusion, which can make it challenging to consistently detect and follow moving objects.
  • The 3D motion estimation component relies on certain assumptions about the environment and object movement that may not always hold true in real-world scenarios.
  • While the neural network-based object detection performs well, it may be susceptible to adversarial attacks or other forms of model drift over time.

Additional research and testing would be needed to further refine the techniques and improve the system's robustness and reliability in operational settings. The authors also note the importance of carefully considering privacy and ethical implications when deploying such technology for real-world applications.


This paper presents a novel approach for detecting and tracking moving objects in Earth observation satellite imagery, with promising applications in areas like traffic monitoring, disaster response, and autonomous navigation. The researchers develop a comprehensive framework that combines object detection, tracking, and 3D motion estimation to reliably identify and follow the trajectories of various moving entities.

While the proposed system shows strong performance on benchmark datasets, the authors acknowledge several limitations and areas for future work, such as improving robustness to environmental factors and addressing privacy concerns. Overall, this research represents an important step forward in leveraging advanced computer vision and machine learning techniques to extract valuable insights from satellite data.

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