Did the Neurons Read your Book? Document-level Membership Inference for Large Language Models

Read original: arXiv:2310.15007 - Published 7/17/2024 by Matthieu Meeus, Shubham Jain, Marek Rei, Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye
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  • As large language models (LLMs) become more prevalent in our daily lives, questions are emerging about the data they were trained on and the potential issues it could cause.
  • The paper introduces the task of document-level membership inference for real-world LLMs, which aims to determine whether an LLM has seen a given document during its training.
  • The researchers propose a method to perform this task and evaluate it on the OpenLLaMA-7B model, showing it can accurately predict document-level membership.
  • They also explore potential mitigation strategies and the implications of their findings for the transparency of LLM technology.

Plain English Explanation

As large language models (LLMs) become more common in our daily lives, like in virtual assistants or content generation, there are growing concerns about the data these models were trained on. The researchers in this paper wanted to investigate whether it's possible to figure out if an LLM has seen a specific document during its training.

To do this, the researchers developed a method that can predict whether an LLM has been "exposed" to a given document or not. They tested this on the OpenLLaMA-7B model, which is a large language model, using both books and academic papers. The results showed their method was quite accurate, successfully predicting document-level membership most of the time.

Interestingly, the researchers found their approach worked better than previous techniques that only looked at individual sentences. They also tested a smaller version of the OpenLLaMA model (the 3B version) and found it was about as sensitive to this kind of document-level inference as the larger 7B version.

The researchers also explored ways to make it harder to figure out if an LLM has seen a document, like only showing partial documents or reducing the model's precision. However, even with these approaches, the document-level membership could still be predicted with reasonable accuracy.

Overall, this research shows that it's possible to look at an LLM and get a good idea of what documents it was trained on, even if the model's developers don't want to share that information. This raises important questions about the transparency and accountability of these powerful language models as they become more widespread.

Technical Explanation

The researchers began by proposing a procedure for developing and evaluating document-level membership inference attacks on real-world LLMs. This involved leveraging commonly used data sources for training and the model release date to establish ground truth about what documents the model may have seen.

They then developed a practical, black-box method to predict document-level membership. This approach was instantiated on the OpenLLaMA-7B model, using both books and academic papers as the test documents.

The results showed their methodology performed very well, reaching an AUC (Area Under the Curve) of 0.856 for books and 0.678 for papers. Importantly, this outperformed the sentence-level membership inference attacks commonly used in the privacy literature when applied to the document-level task.

The researchers also evaluated whether smaller models might be less sensitive to this type of document-level inference. They found the OpenLLaMA-3B model to be approximately as sensitive as the 7B version to their approach.

Finally, the paper considered two potential mitigation strategies. They found the AUC slowly decreased when only partial documents were considered, but it remained fairly high even when the model's precision was reduced. This suggests accurately predicting document-level membership remains challenging to prevent, even with countermeasures.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a significant contribution by introducing the novel task of document-level membership inference for real-world LLMs and proposing an effective method to perform this attack. The researchers' findings raise important questions about the transparency and privacy implications of LLM training data.

One potential limitation is the reliance on a single model (OpenLLaMA) for the evaluation. While this serves as a useful case study, testing the approach on a broader range of LLMs would help validate the generalizability of the results.

Additionally, the paper does not delve deeply into the potential ethical concerns or societal implications of this type of membership inference. As LLMs become more ubiquitous, these privacy and accountability issues will need to be carefully considered by the research community, model developers, and policymakers.

Overall, this work makes a valuable contribution to the emerging field of LLM transparency and accountability. The findings highlight the need for more rigorous data governance and increased disclosure around the training of these powerful models that are poised to become integral parts of our daily lives.


This paper introduces the novel task of document-level membership inference for real-world large language models (LLMs) and proposes an effective method to perform this attack. The researchers show they can accurately predict whether an LLM, such as OpenLLaMA-7B, has been exposed to specific documents during training, even outperforming previous sentence-level inference techniques.

The implications of this research are significant, as it reveals potential transparency and privacy issues surrounding the training data of LLMs, which are becoming increasingly embedded in our daily lives. The findings underscore the need for more robust data governance and disclosure practices from model developers to ensure these powerful technologies are developed and deployed responsibly.

While the researchers explore potential mitigation strategies, the fundamental challenges of preventing accurate document-level membership inference remain. As LLMs continue to advance, the research community, industry, and policymakers will need to work together to address these complex issues and ensure the responsible development and use of these transformative technologies.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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