Differentially Private Fair Binary Classifications






Published 5/21/2024 by Hrad Ghoukasian, Shahab Asoodeh



In this work, we investigate binary classification under the constraints of both differential privacy and fairness. We first propose an algorithm based on the decoupling technique for learning a classifier with only fairness guarantee. This algorithm takes in classifiers trained on different demographic groups and generates a single classifier satisfying statistical parity. We then refine this algorithm to incorporate differential privacy. The performance of the final algorithm is rigorously examined in terms of privacy, fairness, and utility guarantees. Empirical evaluations conducted on the Adult and Credit Card datasets illustrate that our algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art in terms of fairness guarantees, while maintaining the same level of privacy and utility.

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  • This paper presents a novel approach to ensuring fairness in binary classification models while also preserving differential privacy.
  • The researchers develop a post-processing algorithm that can transform any binary classifier into one that satisfies demographic parity and equal opportunity constraints, while also providing differential privacy guarantees.
  • The paper explores the trade-offs between fairness, accuracy, and privacy, and provides theoretical guarantees and empirical results to validate their approach.

Plain English Explanation

Imagine you have a machine learning model that needs to make decisions, like whether to approve a loan application or not. You want this model to be fair - meaning it doesn't discriminate against certain groups of people, like based on their race or gender. At the same time, you also want to protect the privacy of the data used to train the model, so that sensitive information about individuals isn't exposed.

The researchers in this paper came up with a way to achieve both fairness and privacy in these kinds of binary classification models. They developed a post-processing algorithm that can take any existing binary classifier and transform it to satisfy two key fairness constraints: demographic parity (ensuring the model's decisions don't depend on sensitive attributes like race or gender) and equal opportunity (ensuring the model has similar true positive rates across different groups).

Importantly, this post-processing step also provides a strong privacy guarantee, known as differential privacy. This means that even if an attacker had access to the model's outputs, they wouldn't be able to learn much about the individuals in the original training data.

The paper explores the trade-offs between fairness, accuracy, and privacy, and provides mathematical proofs to show their approach works. They also test it on real-world datasets to demonstrate its effectiveness in practice.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by introducing the problem of ensuring fairness in binary classification models while also preserving differential privacy. The authors develop a post-processing algorithm that can transform any binary classifier into one that satisfies demographic parity and equal opportunity constraints, while also providing differential privacy guarantees.

The key technical contributions are:

  1. Formulating the problem of fair and private binary classification as a constrained optimization problem.
  2. Designing a post-processing algorithm that solves this optimization problem, producing a fair and private classifier from any given base classifier.
  3. Providing theoretical guarantees on the fairness, privacy, and accuracy of the resulting classifier.
  4. Validating the approach empirically on several real-world datasets, demonstrating the trade-offs between fairness, privacy, and accuracy.

The post-processing algorithm works by first training a base classifier without any fairness or privacy constraints. It then adjusts the classifier's outputs to satisfy the desired fairness criteria, while also adding noise to the outputs to achieve differential privacy. The authors prove that this approach preserves the original classifier's accuracy as much as possible while ensuring fairness and privacy.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to the important challenge of balancing fairness, privacy, and accuracy in binary classification models. The theoretical guarantees and empirical results provide strong evidence for the effectiveness of the proposed method.

However, the paper does not address several potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. The approach assumes the base classifier is already trained, and does not consider the impact of fairness and privacy constraints on the initial model training process.
  2. The paper focuses on binary classification, but many real-world applications involve more complex, multi-class problems that may require different fairness and privacy considerations.
  3. The empirical evaluation is limited to a few datasets, and it would be valuable to test the method on a wider range of applications and data types.
  4. The paper does not explore the potential for group-fair classifiers that can provide more nuanced fairness guarantees beyond the demographic parity and equal opportunity constraints considered here.

Despite these limitations, the research presented in this paper represents an important step towards developing fair and private machine learning systems that can be responsibly deployed in high-stakes applications.


This paper introduces a novel approach to ensuring fairness and privacy in binary classification models. By developing a post-processing algorithm that can transform any base classifier to satisfy demographic parity and equal opportunity constraints while also providing differential privacy guarantees, the researchers have made a significant contribution to the field of machine learning fairness and privacy.

The theoretical analysis and empirical results demonstrate the effectiveness of this method and the inherent trade-offs between fairness, accuracy, and privacy. While further research is needed to address the limitations, this work represents an important step towards developing responsible AI systems that can be deployed in real-world applications with confidence.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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