Differentially Private Post-Processing for Fair Regression






Published 5/8/2024 by Ruicheng Xian, Qiaobo Li, Gautam Kamath, Han Zhao



This paper describes a differentially private post-processing algorithm for learning fair regressors satisfying statistical parity, addressing privacy concerns of machine learning models trained on sensitive data, as well as fairness concerns of their potential to propagate historical biases. Our algorithm can be applied to post-process any given regressor to improve fairness by remapping its outputs. It consists of three steps: first, the output distributions are estimated privately via histogram density estimation and the Laplace mechanism, then their Wasserstein barycenter is computed, and the optimal transports to the barycenter are used for post-processing to satisfy fairness. We analyze the sample complexity of our algorithm and provide fairness guarantee, revealing a trade-off between the statistical bias and variance induced from the choice of the number of bins in the histogram, in which using less bins always favors fairness at the expense of error.

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  • This paper proposes a differentially private algorithm for learning fair machine learning models that satisfy statistical parity.
  • The algorithm addresses both privacy concerns of training on sensitive data and fairness concerns of propagating historical biases.
  • It consists of three steps: estimating output distributions, computing a Wasserstein barycenter, and using optimal transports to satisfy fairness.
  • The algorithm provides a trade-off between statistical bias and variance by adjusting the number of bins used in the histogram.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a way to make machine learning models more fair and protect people's privacy. Machine learning models trained on sensitive data can sometimes reflect historical biases, leading to unfair outcomes. This algorithm helps fix that by post-processing the model's outputs to satisfy statistical parity - ensuring the model treats different groups equally.

To do this, the algorithm first estimates the distribution of the model's outputs privately using a technique called histogram density estimation. It then computes an "average" of these distributions, called a Wasserstein barycenter. Finally, it adjusts the model's outputs to match this average distribution, ensuring fairness.

The key trade-off is that using fewer bins in the histogram leads to more fairness but more error in the model's predictions. So the algorithm allows tuning this parameter to balance fairness and accuracy.

Technical Explanation

The core of the algorithm is a three-step process:

  1. Privately Estimate Output Distributions: The algorithm first estimates the distribution of the model's outputs for each group using a differentially private histogram density estimation technique. This involves adding noise to the histogram to protect privacy.

  2. Compute Wasserstein Barycenter: Next, it computes the Wasserstein barycenter - a statistical summary that represents the "average" of these group-specific distributions. The Wasserstein distance is a metric that quantifies the difference between distributions.

  3. Post-process using Optimal Transports: Finally, the algorithm finds the optimal transport maps to remap the model's outputs to match the Wasserstein barycenter, ensuring statistical parity across groups.

The authors provide a theoretical analysis of the sample complexity and fairness guarantees of this algorithm. They show a trade-off between statistical bias and variance, where using fewer histogram bins favors fairness but can increase error.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a thoughtful approach to addressing both privacy and fairness concerns in machine learning models. The authors acknowledge that there is an inherent tension between fairness and model accuracy, and their algorithm allows tuning this trade-off.

One potential limitation is the reliance on group-level notions of fairness, like statistical parity. While this is a common fairness metric, there are other perspectives, like individual fairness, that may be worth considering. The authors could explore how their technique might extend to these other fairness notions.

Additionally, the paper focuses on post-processing a pre-trained model. An interesting area for future work could be to integrate this fairness-promoting technique directly into the training process, potentially leading to more robust and fair models from the ground up.

Overall, this is a valuable contribution that tackles important challenges at the intersection of privacy, fairness, and machine learning. The technical insights and algorithmic framework provide a solid foundation for further research and real-world applications.


This paper presents a differentially private algorithm for learning fair machine learning models that satisfy statistical parity. By estimating output distributions, computing a Wasserstein barycenter, and using optimal transports, the algorithm can post-process a pre-trained model to improve fairness while managing the trade-off with model accuracy.

The approach is an important step towards building machine learning systems that are both private and fair, addressing critical concerns around the propagation of historical biases. Further research could explore integrating fairness directly into the training process and extending the techniques to other notions of fairness beyond statistical parity.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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