Fairness and Unfairness in Binary and Multiclass Classification: Quantifying, Calculating, and Bounding






Published 4/9/2024 by Sivan Sabato, Eran Treister, Elad Yom-Tov



We propose a new interpretable measure of unfairness, that allows providing a quantitative analysis of classifier fairness, beyond a dichotomous fair/unfair distinction. We show how this measure can be calculated when the classifier's conditional confusion matrices are known. We further propose methods for auditing classifiers for their fairness when the confusion matrices cannot be obtained or even estimated. Our approach lower-bounds the unfairness of a classifier based only on aggregate statistics, which may be provided by the owner of the classifier or collected from freely available data. We use the equalized odds criterion, which we generalize to the multiclass case. We report experiments on data sets representing diverse applications, which demonstrate the effectiveness and the wide range of possible uses of the proposed methodology. An implementation of the procedures proposed in this paper and as the code for running the experiments are provided in https://github.com/sivansabato/unfairness.

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  • Proposes a new way to measure the unfairness of machine learning classifiers
  • Allows for a quantitative analysis of fairness beyond just "fair" or "unfair"
  • Describes methods for auditing classifiers when the full details of how they work are not available

Plain English Explanation

This paper introduces a new approach for measuring the unfairness of machine learning models, such as those used for making important decisions like loan approvals or bail determinations. The traditional way of evaluating fairness is simply to label a model as either "fair" or "unfair," but the researchers wanted to develop a more nuanced and quantitative way to assess fairness.

Their new unfairness measure allows for a deeper analysis, providing a score that indicates how much a model's decisions differ across different demographic groups. This can help identify areas where a model may be biased, even if it's not considered outright "unfair."

The paper also describes methods for auditing the fairness of models when the full details of how they work are not available. This is important because often organizations don't want to share the inner workings of their models. The proposed techniques can estimate unfairness based on aggregate statistics, without needing access to the model's "black box."

Overall, this research aims to provide a more rigorous and practical way to assess the fairness of AI systems, which is crucial as these technologies become more widely used in high-stakes decision-making.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a new metric called "unfairness" that quantifies how much a classifier's performance differs across demographic groups, based on the equalized odds fairness criterion. This metric can be calculated when the classifier's confusion matrices (which describe its errors) are known for each group.

When the full details of the classifier are not available, the researchers develop techniques to lower-bound the unfairness based only on aggregate statistics. This involves using the classifier's overall accuracy and the demographic breakdown of the dataset to estimate a minimum level of unfairness.

The paper reports experiments on real-world datasets spanning diverse applications, such as predicting recidivism and credit approvals. These experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed unfairness measure and auditing methods in quantifying and identifying fairness issues in practical machine learning systems.

Critical Analysis

The researchers acknowledge that their unfairness measure has some limitations. It relies on the equalized odds fairness criterion, which may not capture all nuances of fairness. Additionally, the lower-bound estimation technique can only provide a minimum level of unfairness, not a precise value.

Further research could explore other fairness definitions and develop tighter bounds on unfairness without access to detailed model information. There is also a need to understand how these fairness evaluation techniques scale to larger, more complex models, such as those used in natural language processing.

Overall, this paper makes an important contribution by moving beyond simplistic "fair/unfair" labels and providing more sophisticated tools for measuring and auditing algorithmic fairness. As AI systems become more influential in high-stakes decision-making, these kinds of advancements will be crucial for ensuring they are used responsibly and equitably.


This research proposes a new, more nuanced approach for quantifying the unfairness of machine learning classifiers. The unfairness measure allows for a deeper analysis of how a model's performance differs across demographic groups, going beyond a binary "fair/unfair" designation.

The paper also introduces methods for auditing classifier fairness when the full details of the model are not available, which is an important practical consideration. Experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of these techniques in identifying and measuring unfairness in AI systems.

While the proposed approaches have some limitations, this work represents an important step forward in developing rigorous and transparent ways to evaluate the fairness of algorithms that are increasingly shaping consequential decisions in people's lives. As AI systems become more ubiquitous, tools like these will be crucial for promoting accountability and fairness in their use.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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