Disguised Copyright Infringement of Latent Diffusion Model






Published 6/5/2024 by Yiwei Lu, Matthew Y. R. Yang, Zuoqiu Liu, Gautam Kamath, Yaoliang Yu



Copyright infringement may occur when a generative model produces samples substantially similar to some copyrighted data that it had access to during the training phase. The notion of access usually refers to including copyrighted samples directly in the training dataset, which one may inspect to identify an infringement. We argue that such visual auditing largely overlooks a concealed copyright infringement, where one constructs a disguise that looks drastically different from the copyrighted sample yet still induces the effect of training Latent Diffusion Models on it. Such disguises only require indirect access to the copyrighted material and cannot be visually distinguished, thus easily circumventing the current auditing tools. In this paper, we provide a better understanding of such disguised copyright infringement by uncovering the disguises generation algorithm, the revelation of the disguises, and importantly, how to detect them to augment the existing toolbox. Additionally, we introduce a broader notion of acknowledgment for comprehending such indirect access. Our code is available at https://github.com/watml/disguised_copyright_infringement.

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  • The paper discusses how generative models, like Latent Diffusion Models, can potentially infringe on copyrighted data used during the training process.
  • It argues that current methods for identifying copyright infringement, which focus on visually inspecting the model's outputs, overlook a more subtle form of infringement where the model learns to generate "disguised" samples that still induce the effect of the copyrighted material.
  • The paper aims to provide a better understanding of this "disguised" copyright infringement and introduce ways to detect it.

Plain English Explanation

Generative models, like Latent Diffusion Models, are powerful tools that can create new content by learning from existing data. However, this raises concerns about copyright infringement if the models are trained on copyrighted material without permission.

The traditional approach to detecting copyright infringement involves visually inspecting the model's outputs to see if they closely resemble the copyrighted data. But the paper argues that this approach can be limited, as it may not catch more subtle forms of infringement.

Imagine a scenario where a model is trained on copyrighted material, but the resulting outputs don't look exactly the same as the original content. Instead, the model has learned to generate "disguised" samples that still capture the essence or "effect" of the copyrighted material, even though they appear quite different visually. These disguised samples can be created with only indirect access to the copyrighted data, making them difficult to detect using current methods.

The paper aims to shed light on this issue by uncovering the process behind generating these disguised samples, revealing how they can be detected, and introducing a broader concept of "acknowledgment" to better understand this type of indirect access to copyrighted material.

Technical Explanation

The paper explores the concept of "disguised copyright infringement," where generative models like Latent Diffusion Models can learn to create samples that are visually distinct from the copyrighted data used in training, but still induce a similar "effect."

Unlike traditional copyright infringement, where the model's outputs directly resemble the copyrighted material, this disguised infringement can occur with only indirect access to the protected content. The paper presents an algorithm for generating these disguised samples and discusses how to reveal their true nature.

The authors also introduce the broader idea of "acknowledgment" to understand the various ways models can gain indirect access to copyrighted data, beyond just including it directly in the training set. This includes techniques like Gaussian Shading and DiffHarmony, which can leave subtle "watermarks" in the model's outputs.

By uncovering these hidden forms of copyright infringement and providing methods to detect them, the paper aims to enhance the existing toolbox for ensuring responsible and ethical development of generative models, preventing unauthorized uses of copyrighted text-to-image data and other protected content.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling and novel perspective on the issue of copyright infringement in generative models. By highlighting the potential for "disguised" infringement, where the model outputs do not directly copy the copyrighted material, the authors shine a light on a potential blind spot in current auditing methods.

One strength of the paper is the introduction of the broader concept of "acknowledgment," which goes beyond just direct inclusion of copyrighted data in the training set. This allows for a more nuanced understanding of how models can gain indirect access to protected content, such as through techniques like Gaussian Shading and DiffHarmony.

However, the paper could benefit from a more detailed discussion of the practical implications and challenges of detecting these disguised forms of infringement. While the authors provide an algorithm for generating the disguised samples, they do not delve deeply into the technical specifics of how to reliably identify them. Further research and experimentation may be needed to develop robust detection methods that can be widely adopted.

Additionally, the paper could explore the broader ethical and legal considerations around this issue, such as the evolving landscape of intellectual property rights in the era of generative AI, and the potential need for policy updates or new regulatory frameworks to address these challenges.


This paper offers a thought-provoking exploration of a previously overlooked form of copyright infringement in generative models. By introducing the concept of "disguised" infringement, where models can learn to generate samples that capture the essence of copyrighted material without directly copying it, the authors highlight the need for more sophisticated auditing and detection methods.

The broader notion of "acknowledgment" presented in the paper also provides a valuable framework for understanding the various ways models can gain indirect access to protected content, beyond just including it in the training data. This could inform the development of more comprehensive strategies for ensuring responsible and ethical use of generative AI technologies.

As the field of generative AI continues to advance, addressing these hidden forms of copyright infringement will be crucial for maintaining trust, protecting intellectual property rights, and fostering sustainable and ethical innovation in this rapidly evolving domain.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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