Incentive-compatible Bandits: Importance Weighting No More






Published 5/13/2024 by Julian Zimmert, Teodor V. Marinov

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We study the problem of incentive-compatible online learning with bandit feedback. In this class of problems, the experts are self-interested agents who might misrepresent their preferences with the goal of being selected most often. The goal is to devise algorithms which are simultaneously incentive-compatible, that is the experts are incentivised to report their true preferences, and have no regret with respect to the preferences of the best fixed expert in hindsight. citet{freeman2020no} propose an algorithm in the full information setting with optimal $O(sqrt{T log(K)})$ regret and $O(T^{2/3}(Klog(K))^{1/3})$ regret in the bandit setting. In this work we propose the first incentive-compatible algorithms that enjoy $O(sqrt{KT})$ regret bounds. We further demonstrate how simple loss-biasing allows the algorithm proposed in Freeman et al. 2020 to enjoy $tilde O(sqrt{KT})$ regret. As a byproduct of our approach we obtain the first bandit algorithm with nearly optimal regret bounds in the adversarial setting which works entirely on the observed loss sequence without the need for importance-weighted estimators. Finally, we provide an incentive-compatible algorithm that enjoys asymptotically optimal best-of-both-worlds regret guarantees, i.e., logarithmic regret in the stochastic regime as well as worst-case $O(sqrt{KT})$ regret.

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This paper addresses the challenge of designing incentive-compatible bandits, which are algorithms that can optimize decision-making in scenarios where the data being used is provided by self-interested agents. The authors propose a novel approach that eliminates the need for importance weighting, a common technique in previous work that can be computationally expensive and introduce additional complexities.

Problem setting and related work

Incentive-compatible Bandits: Importance Weighting No More

The key problem this paper tackles is how to design bandit algorithms that can effectively optimize decision-making when the data being used comes from self-interested agents who may have incentives to misreport their information. Previous approaches have relied on importance weighting, which can be computationally costly and introduce other challenges.

The authors build on prior work on exact truthfulness in online learning and doubly optimal no-regret online learning, as well as research showing that no-regret is not enough for incentive-compatibility in bandits and studies of adversarial combinatorial bandits with switching costs.

Plain English Explanation

The paper tackles the challenge of designing bandit algorithms - a type of machine learning model used to make decisions in uncertain environments - that can work well even when the data they use comes from self-interested agents who may have incentives to provide inaccurate information.

Previous approaches to this problem have relied on a technique called importance weighting, which can be computationally expensive and introduce additional complexities. The authors propose a new method that eliminates the need for importance weighting, potentially making the algorithms simpler and more efficient.

The authors build on several prior research efforts in related areas, such as work on truthfulness in online learning and no-regret online learning, as well as studies of how bandits behave in adversarial environments.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a novel approach to designing incentive-compatible bandits that does not require importance weighting. The authors build on previous work on exact truthfulness in online learning and doubly optimal no-regret online learning, as well as research showing that no-regret is not enough for incentive-compatibility in bandits and studies of adversarial combinatorial bandits with switching costs.

The key insight is that by carefully designing the algorithm's reward structure, it is possible to create incentives for agents to truthfully report their information, eliminating the need for computationally expensive importance weighting.

The authors provide theoretical analysis and empirical experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach compared to prior methods.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising new approach to incentive-compatible bandits, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  • The theoretical analysis relies on several assumptions, such as the agents having linear utility functions. It would be valuable to explore how the approach performs under more complex real-world scenarios.

  • The paper focuses on a specific bandit setting, and it's unclear how well the techniques would generalize to other types of bandit problems or machine learning tasks. Further research on non-truthful auctions and budgets may provide useful insights.

  • The empirical evaluation, while promising, is limited in scope. Larger-scale experiments across a wider range of benchmarks would help better assess the practical impact of the proposed methods.

Overall, this paper makes an important contribution to the field of incentive-compatible machine learning, but there is still room for further exploration and refinement of the ideas.


This paper presents a novel approach to designing incentive-compatible bandits that eliminates the need for importance weighting, a computationally expensive technique used in previous work. By carefully structuring the algorithm's rewards, the authors are able to create incentives for agents to truthfully report their information, simplifying the overall design.

While the theoretical analysis and initial empirical results are promising, there are still some limitations and open questions that warrant further research. Exploring how the techniques perform in more complex real-world scenarios and assessing their generalizability to other machine learning tasks could yield valuable insights for the field.

Overall, this paper represents an important step forward in the development of incentive-compatible machine learning algorithms, which have significant potential to improve decision-making in a wide range of applications where the data comes from self-interested agents.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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