Dusk Till Dawn: Self-supervised Nighttime Stereo Depth Estimation using Visual Foundation Models






Published 5/21/2024 by Madhu Vankadari, Samuel Hodgson, Sangyun Shin, Kaichen Zhou Andrew Markham, Niki Trigoni
Dusk Till Dawn: Self-supervised Nighttime Stereo Depth Estimation using Visual Foundation Models


Self-supervised depth estimation algorithms rely heavily on frame-warping relationships, exhibiting substantial performance degradation when applied in challenging circumstances, such as low-visibility and nighttime scenarios with varying illumination conditions. Addressing this challenge, we introduce an algorithm designed to achieve accurate self-supervised stereo depth estimation focusing on nighttime conditions. Specifically, we use pretrained visual foundation models to extract generalised features across challenging scenes and present an efficient method for matching and integrating these features from stereo frames. Moreover, to prevent pixels violating photometric consistency assumption from negatively affecting the depth predictions, we propose a novel masking approach designed to filter out such pixels. Lastly, addressing weaknesses in the evaluation of current depth estimation algorithms, we present novel evaluation metrics. Our experiments, conducted on challenging datasets including Oxford RobotCar and Multi-Spectral Stereo, demonstrate the robust improvements realized by our approach. Code is available at: https://github.com/madhubabuv/dtd

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  • This paper introduces "Dusk Till Dawn", a self-supervised approach for estimating depth from stereo images captured in low-light conditions.
  • The authors leverage visual foundation models, which are pre-trained on large datasets, to extract robust visual features that can handle challenging nighttime scenarios.
  • The method does not require any labeled depth data, instead using self-supervision from the stereo image pairs to learn the depth estimation task.

Plain English Explanation

Estimating depth, or the distance of objects from a camera, is an important task in computer vision with many applications like 3D reconstruction and autonomous navigation. However, this task becomes much more challenging in low-light conditions, such as at night.

The researchers behind "Dusk Till Dawn" have developed a new technique to address this problem. Their method uses "visual foundation models" - powerful AI models that have been pre-trained on huge datasets to learn general visual features. By leveraging these foundation models, their system can extract robust visual information even from nighttime stereo image pairs, without requiring any labeled depth data.

The key insight is that the stereo image pairs themselves contain enough information to learn depth, through a process called "self-supervision." The system learns to predict depth by comparing the left and right images and finding the disparity, or difference, between them. Over many training examples, it learns to accurately estimate depth without any human-labeled data.

This self-supervised approach is advantageous because collecting large labeled depth datasets, especially for nighttime scenarios, is extremely difficult and expensive. "Dusk Till Dawn" sidesteps this issue by learning depth estimation in a more automated way, opening up new possibilities for 3D perception in low-light conditions.

Technical Explanation

The "Dusk Till Dawn" method leverages visual foundation models like CLIP and ViT, which have been pre-trained on large image datasets, to extract robust visual features from nighttime stereo image pairs. It then uses a self-supervised learning approach, similar to self-supervised monocular depth estimation and mining supervision from dynamic regions, to learn depth estimation without any labeled depth data.

The key technical components are:

  1. Stereo Image Encoding: The left and right nighttime images are passed through the visual foundation model to extract visual features. This provides a robust representation that can handle low-light conditions.

  2. Depth Estimation: A depth prediction head is trained to estimate the disparity, or difference, between the left and right features. This disparity is directly related to the depth of objects in the scene.

  3. Self-Supervision: The model is trained end-to-end using a self-supervised loss that compares the predicted disparity to the true disparity observed in the stereo image pair. No ground truth depth labels are required.

  4. Multi-View Consistency: Additional self-supervised losses are used to enforce consistency between predicted depths from different viewpoints, similar to M-Dollar2-Dollar Depth.

The authors demonstrate that this self-supervised, foundation model-based approach outperforms prior work on nighttime stereo depth estimation benchmarks, paving the way for robust 3D perception in low-light scenarios.

Critical Analysis

The main strength of the "Dusk Till Dawn" approach is its ability to leverage powerful visual foundation models to handle the challenges of nighttime depth estimation without requiring any labeled data. This is a significant advantage over prior work that relied on expensive data collection and annotation efforts.

However, the paper does not fully address the limitations of self-supervised learning. While the method can achieve strong performance on existing benchmarks, it may struggle to generalize to real-world deployment scenarios with diverse lighting conditions and scene types. Additional work may be needed to refine the depth edges and handle sparsely supervised scenarios.

Furthermore, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the computational and memory requirements of the approach, which could be a concern for deploying the system on resource-constrained platforms like mobile devices or embedded systems.

Overall, "Dusk Till Dawn" represents an important step forward in self-supervised depth estimation for nighttime scenarios, but further research is needed to address its practical limitations and ensure robust performance in diverse real-world settings.


The "Dusk Till Dawn" paper presents a novel self-supervised approach for estimating depth from stereo images captured in low-light conditions. By leveraging powerful visual foundation models and a self-supervised learning framework, the method can accurately predict depth without any labeled data, addressing a key challenge in 3D perception for nighttime scenarios.

This work has significant implications for applications like autonomous navigation, 3D reconstruction, and computational photography, where robust depth estimation is crucial but can be difficult to achieve in challenging lighting conditions. The authors have demonstrated the potential of self-supervised learning and foundation models to unlock new capabilities in computer vision, paving the way for further advancements in this important area of research.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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