Dynamic Matching Bandit For Two-Sided Online Markets






Published 5/30/2024 by Yuantong Li, Chi-hua Wang, Guang Cheng, Will Wei Sun



Two-sided online matching platforms are employed in various markets. However, agents' preferences in the current market are usually implicit and unknown, thus needing to be learned from data. With the growing availability of dynamic side information involved in the decision process, modern online matching methodology demands the capability to track shifting preferences for agents based on contextual information. This motivates us to propose a novel framework for this dynamic online matching problem with contextual information, which allows for dynamic preferences in matching decisions. Existing works focus on online matching with static preferences, but this is insufficient: the two-sided preference changes as soon as one side's contextual information updates, resulting in non-static matching. In this paper, we propose a dynamic matching bandit algorithm to adapt to this problem. The key component of the proposed dynamic matching algorithm is an online estimation of the preference ranking with a statistical guarantee. Theoretically, we show that the proposed dynamic matching algorithm delivers an agent-optimal stable matching result with high probability. In particular, we prove a logarithmic regret upper bound $mathcal{O}(log(T))$ and construct a corresponding instance-dependent matching regret lower bound. In the experiments, we demonstrate that dynamic matching algorithm is robust to various preference schemes, dimensions of contexts, reward noise levels, and context variation levels, and its application to a job-seeking market further demonstrates the practical usage of the proposed method.

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  • Two-sided online matching platforms are used in various markets, but agents' preferences are often implicit and unknown, needing to be learned from data.
  • With growing availability of dynamic side information, modern online matching methods need to track shifting preferences based on contextual information.
  • This paper proposes a novel framework for dynamic online matching with contextual information, allowing for dynamic preferences in matching decisions.
  • Existing works focus on online matching with static preferences, which is insufficient as preferences can change with contextual updates.
  • The proposed dynamic matching bandit algorithm adapts to this problem by online estimation of preference ranking with statistical guarantees.

Plain English Explanation

In many markets, online platforms are used to match people or businesses on two sides of a transaction, such as job seekers and employers, or buyers and sellers. However, the preferences of the people or businesses involved are often not explicitly stated and need to be inferred from the data.

As more dynamic information, or "context," becomes available about the people or businesses (e.g., a job seeker's current skills and location), modern matching systems need to be able to adapt and change the matches they suggest based on this new information. The preferences of the people on each side of the platform can shift as the context changes.

This paper introduces a new framework to handle this dynamic matching problem with contextual information. Unlike previous work that assumed static preferences, this approach allows the preferences to change over time as the context changes. The key innovation is an algorithm that can continuously estimate the preferences of each side and update the matches accordingly.

Theoretically, the authors show this algorithm can find a stable, optimal matching between the two sides with high probability, and they provide mathematical bounds on how quickly the algorithm can learn and adapt. In experiments, the algorithm is shown to work well under different conditions, including varying levels of preference changes, noisy data, and different numbers of contextual factors.

Overall, this work addresses an important problem in online platforms - the need to dynamically match people or businesses as their preferences shift over time based on changing circumstances. The proposed algorithm provides a robust solution with strong theoretical guarantees.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a novel framework for the dynamic online matching problem with contextual information, where agents' preferences can change over time based on dynamic side information. In contrast, prior work has focused on the static online matching problem with fixed agent preferences.

The key component of the proposed approach is a dynamic matching bandit algorithm that can online estimate the preference ranking of agents with statistical guarantees. Theoretically, the authors show this algorithm can deliver an agent-optimal stable matching result with high probability, and they prove a logarithmic regret upper bound and construct a corresponding instance-dependent matching regret lower bound.

Experimentally, the authors demonstrate the dynamic matching algorithm is robust to various preference schemes, dimensions of contexts, reward noise levels, and context variation levels. They also show its practical application in a job-seeking market scenario.

The work is an important advancement over previous static online matching methods by enabling tracking of shifting preferences driven by changing contextual information. This aligns with the growing need for dynamic, context-aware matching in modern online platforms, beyond the limitations of fixed preference models.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for the importance of dynamic preference modeling in online matching platforms, going beyond static preference assumptions. The proposed algorithm appears to be a robust solution with strong theoretical guarantees.

One potential limitation is the focus on a single-shot, non-repeated matching scenario. In many real-world applications, agents may interact repeatedly, and their preferences may evolve over multiple rounds of matching. Extending the framework to handle such repeated, dynamic matching could be an interesting area for further research.

Additionally, the experimental evaluation, while thorough, is limited to simulated data. Validating the algorithm's performance on real-world datasets from various online platforms would help demonstrate its practical effectiveness and generalizability.

Another consideration is the computational complexity of the proposed algorithm, especially as the number of agents and contextual features grows. Exploring ways to improve the scalability of the approach could broaden its applicability to larger-scale matching problems.

Overall, this work makes a valuable contribution to the field of online matching by addressing the critical need for dynamic, context-aware preference modeling. The strong theoretical guarantees and promising experimental results suggest the proposed framework is a promising direction for further development and real-world deployment.


This paper presents a novel framework for dynamic online matching with contextual information, addressing the limitations of previous static preference models. The key innovation is a dynamic matching bandit algorithm that can continuously adapt to shifting agent preferences driven by changing contextual data.

Theoretically, the authors prove strong guarantees on the algorithm's ability to find an agent-optimal stable matching, with logarithmic regret bounds. Experiments demonstrate the robustness of the approach across various preference schemes, context dimensions, and noise levels.

Overall, this work represents an important advancement in online matching, enabling platforms to better track and respond to the dynamic preferences of participants. As online marketplaces continue to grow in complexity, this type of contextual, adaptive matching will become increasingly crucial for optimizing outcomes and user satisfaction. The proposed framework lays a solid foundation for further research and real-world applications in this area.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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