Incentive-Aware Recommender Systems in Two-Sided Markets






Published 6/19/2024 by Xiaowu Dai, Wenlu Xu, Yuan Qi, Michael I. Jordan



Online platforms in the Internet Economy commonly incorporate recommender systems that recommend products (or arms) to users (or agents). A key challenge in this domain arises from myopic agents who are naturally incentivized to exploit by choosing the optimal arm based on current information, rather than exploring various alternatives to gather information that benefits the collective. We propose a novel recommender system that aligns with agents' incentives while achieving asymptotically optimal performance, as measured by regret in repeated interactions. Our framework models this incentive-aware system as a multi-agent bandit problem in two-sided markets, where the interactions of agents and arms are facilitated by recommender systems on online platforms. This model incorporates incentive constraints induced by agents' opportunity costs. In scenarios where opportunity costs are known to the platform, we show the existence of an incentive-compatible recommendation algorithm. This algorithm pools recommendations between a genuinely good arm and an unknown arm using a randomized and adaptive strategy. Moreover, when these opportunity costs are unknown, we introduce an algorithm that randomly pools recommendations across all arms, utilizing the cumulative loss from each arm as feedback for strategic exploration. We demonstrate that both algorithms satisfy an ex-post fairness criterion, which protects agents from over-exploitation. All code for using the proposed algorithms and reproducing results is made available on GitHub.

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  • Recommender systems in the internet economy face a key challenge: myopic users who are incentivized to choose the optimal option based on current information rather than exploring alternatives.
  • The paper proposes a novel recommender system that aligns with user incentives while still achieving optimal long-term performance.
  • The framework models this as a multi-agent bandit problem in two-sided markets, incorporating user opportunity costs.
  • The paper presents algorithms for incentive-compatible recommendations when opportunity costs are known, and for when they are unknown.
  • These algorithms satisfy an ex-post fairness criterion to protect users from over-exploitation.

Plain English Explanation

Online platforms like e-commerce or social media often use recommender systems to suggest products or content to users. A key issue with these systems is that users may be short-sighted, preferring to choose the currently optimal option rather than exploring alternatives that could lead to better long-term outcomes.

The researchers propose a new type of recommender system that aims to address this problem. Their approach models the interactions between users and the platform's recommendations as a multi-agent bandit problem in a two-sided market. This allows them to incorporate the users' "opportunity costs" - the value they lose by not choosing their preferred option.

When the users' opportunity costs are known to the platform, the researchers show there is an algorithm that can make recommendations in a way that aligns with the users' incentives. This algorithm strategically mixes recommendations between a high-performing option and an unknown option, to encourage exploration.

In cases where the opportunity costs are unknown, the researchers introduce a different algorithm. This algorithm randomly pools recommendations across all options and uses the cumulative loss from each option as feedback to guide strategic exploration.

Importantly, both algorithms satisfy a fairness criterion, ensuring users are not exploited by the recommender system. The researchers make all their code publicly available on GitHub so others can use and build upon their work.

Technical Explanation

The paper models the interactions between users (or "agents") and the platform's recommender system as a multi-agent bandit problem in a two-sided market. This allows them to capture the users' "opportunity costs" - the value they lose by not choosing their preferred option.

When the users' opportunity costs are known to the platform, the researchers show there exists an incentive-compatible recommendation algorithm. This algorithm uses a randomized and adaptive strategy to pool recommendations between a genuinely good arm (product or content) and an unknown arm. This encourages users to explore the unknown arm, which benefits the overall system performance.

For the case where opportunity costs are unknown, the researchers introduce an algorithm that randomly pools recommendations across all arms. It uses the cumulative loss from each arm as feedback to guide strategic exploration, slowly shifting recommendations towards higher-performing options.

Importantly, both algorithms satisfy an ex-post fairness criterion, which protects users from being over-exploited by the recommender system. This means users are guaranteed a minimum level of utility, even if the system has imperfect information about their preferences.

The researchers evaluate their approaches through theoretical analysis and numerical simulations. They demonstrate that their algorithms achieve asymptotically optimal performance, as measured by regret in repeated interactions. All code for reproducing the results is made available on GitHub.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to addressing the challenge of myopic user behavior in recommender systems. By explicitly modeling user incentives and opportunity costs, the researchers develop algorithms that can align the system's objectives with those of the individual users.

One potential limitation is the assumption of known or unknown opportunity costs. In real-world scenarios, the platform may have partial information about user preferences, requiring more nuanced modeling. Additionally, the theoretical analysis relies on several simplifying assumptions, such as stationary user preferences, that may not hold in dynamic, real-world settings.

Further research could explore ways to relax these assumptions, perhaps by incorporating contextual information or using multi-sided recommendation approaches to better capture the complexities of real-world platforms.

Additionally, the paper does not address potential issues around user privacy and data collection, which are critical concerns in the design of recommender systems. Exploring ways to balance user incentives, system performance, and privacy considerations could be a valuable direction for future work.


This paper presents a novel approach to designing recommender systems that aligns with user incentives and achieves asymptotically optimal performance. By modeling the interactions between users and the platform as a multi-agent bandit problem, the researchers develop algorithms that encourage strategic exploration while protecting users from over-exploitation.

The proposed solutions have the potential to improve the user experience and collective outcomes on online platforms, especially in domains where myopic user behavior is a concern. The researchers' commitment to open-sourcing their code further contributes to the advancement of this important area of research.

As recommender systems become increasingly prevalent in the internet economy, developing frameworks that balance individual and collective interests will be crucial. This paper represents a valuable step in that direction, and its insights may inspire future work in multi-sided recommendation and personalized content delivery.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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