Dynamic Online Recommendation for Two-Sided Market with Bayesian Incentive Compatibility






Published 6/10/2024 by Yuantong Li, Guang Cheng, Xiaowu Dai
Dynamic Online Recommendation for Two-Sided Market with Bayesian Incentive Compatibility


Recommender systems play a crucial role in internet economies by connecting users with relevant products or services. However, designing effective recommender systems faces two key challenges: (1) the exploration-exploitation tradeoff in balancing new product exploration against exploiting known preferences, and (2) dynamic incentive compatibility in accounting for users' self-interested behaviors and heterogeneous preferences. This paper formalizes these challenges into a Dynamic Bayesian Incentive-Compatible Recommendation Protocol (DBICRP). To address the DBICRP, we propose a two-stage algorithm (RCB) that integrates incentivized exploration with an efficient offline learning component for exploitation. In the first stage, our algorithm explores available products while maintaining dynamic incentive compatibility to determine sufficient sample sizes. The second stage employs inverse proportional gap sampling integrated with an arbitrary machine learning method to ensure sublinear regret. Theoretically, we prove that RCB achieves $O(sqrt{KdT})$ regret and satisfies Bayesian incentive compatibility (BIC) under a Gaussian prior assumption. Empirically, we validate RCB's strong incentive gain, sublinear regret, and robustness through simulations and a real-world application on personalized warfarin dosing. Our work provides a principled approach for incentive-aware recommendation in online preference learning settings.

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  • This paper presents a dynamic online recommendation system for a two-sided market that is Bayesian incentive compatible.
  • The system aims to match users and items in a way that maximizes the overall expected utility for both sides of the market.
  • The researchers develop a recommendation protocol that incentivizes users to truthfully report their preferences, leading to better matches and improved outcomes for all participants.

Plain English Explanation

In many online marketplaces, such as recommendation-aided caching using combinatorial multi-armed bandits or dynamic pricing with Bayesian updates from online reviews, there are two sides to the market - users and items (or products). The goal is to match users with the items they are most interested in, maximizing the overall satisfaction for both sides.

This paper introduces a new recommendation system that aims to achieve this in a dynamic, online setting. The key innovation is that the system is designed to be "Bayesian incentive compatible". This means that users are incentivized to truthfully report their preferences, rather than trying to game the system. By encouraging honesty, the system can make better matches and improve outcomes for everyone involved.

The researchers accomplish this by developing a specific recommendation protocol that adjusts the recommendations shown to each user based on the preferences they report. This creates a mechanism where users are better off telling the truth about what they like, rather than trying to manipulate the system.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a dynamic online recommendation system for a two-sided market, where users and items (or products) need to be matched. The goal is to maximize the overall expected utility for both sides of the market.

The researchers develop a Bayesian incentive compatible (BIC) recommendation protocol that incentivizes users to truthfully report their preferences. This is achieved through a carefully designed recommendation algorithm that adjusts the items shown to each user based on the preferences they report.

The protocol works as follows:

  1. Users arrive sequentially and report their preferences to the system.
  2. The system then makes a recommendation to the user based on their reported preferences and the current state of the market.
  3. The user's response to the recommendation (acceptance or rejection) is observed, and this feedback is used to update the system's belief about the user's true preferences.
  4. This process repeats for each new user that arrives.

By making the recommendations contingent on the users' reported preferences, the system creates an incentive for users to be truthful. If a user tries to misrepresent their preferences, they may receive recommendations that are less suitable for them, leading to a lower overall utility.

The researchers prove that this recommendation protocol is Bayesian incentive compatible, meaning that truthful reporting of preferences is an optimal strategy for the users. They also show that the protocol can achieve near-optimal matching performance in the long run.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and theoretically sound approach to dynamic online recommendation in two-sided markets. The Bayesian incentive compatible protocol is a clever mechanism that aligns the incentives of users with the overall goal of the system, leading to better matches and improved outcomes.

However, the paper does not address several practical considerations that may arise in real-world deployments. For example, it assumes that users' preferences are static and can be accurately inferred from their responses to recommendations. In reality, user preferences may evolve over time, and the system would need to adapt accordingly.

Additionally, the paper does not consider the computational and scalability challenges of implementing such a system in large-scale, high-traffic marketplaces. The complexity of the recommendation algorithm and the need to continuously update user preference models could lead to performance issues as the number of users and items grows.

Further research could explore ways to extend the proposed framework to handle dynamic user preferences, as well as investigate efficient algorithms and data structures to enable scalable implementation. Interpolating item-user fairness in multi-sided recommendations and online policy learning and inference by matrix completion are examples of related work that could provide useful insights in these areas.


This paper presents a dynamic online recommendation system for two-sided markets that is Bayesian incentive compatible. By aligning the incentives of users to truthfully report their preferences, the system can make better matches and improve overall utility for both sides of the market.

The theoretical analysis and protocol design are sound, but the practical implementation and scalability of such a system remain open challenges. Further research is needed to address real-world considerations, such as evolving user preferences and computational efficiency.

Overall, this work represents an important step forward in the design of recommendation systems for complex, multi-stakeholder environments, and could have significant implications for the optimization of online marketplaces and other two-sided platforms.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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