MotionMaster: Training-free Camera Motion Transfer For Video Generation






Published 5/2/2024 by Teng Hu, Jiangning Zhang, Ran Yi, Yating Wang, Hongrui Huang, Jieyu Weng, Yabiao Wang, Lizhuang Ma
MotionMaster: Training-free Camera Motion Transfer For Video Generation


The emergence of diffusion models has greatly propelled the progress in image and video generation. Recently, some efforts have been made in controllable video generation, including text-to-video generation and video motion control, among which camera motion control is an important topic. However, existing camera motion control methods rely on training a temporal camera module, and necessitate substantial computation resources due to the large amount of parameters in video generation models. Moreover, existing methods pre-define camera motion types during training, which limits their flexibility in camera control. Therefore, to reduce training costs and achieve flexible camera control, we propose COMD, a novel training-free video motion transfer model, which disentangles camera motions and object motions in source videos and transfers the extracted camera motions to new videos. We first propose a one-shot camera motion disentanglement method to extract camera motion from a single source video, which separates the moving objects from the background and estimates the camera motion in the moving objects region based on the motion in the background by solving a Poisson equation. Furthermore, we propose a few-shot camera motion disentanglement method to extract the common camera motion from multiple videos with similar camera motions, which employs a window-based clustering technique to extract the common features in temporal attention maps of multiple videos. Finally, we propose a motion combination method to combine different types of camera motions together, enabling our model a more controllable and flexible camera control. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our training-free approach can effectively decouple camera-object motion and apply the decoupled camera motion to a wide range of controllable video generation tasks, achieving flexible and diverse camera motion control.

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  • This paper presents MotionMaster, a novel method for transferring camera motion from one video to another without the need for training.
  • MotionMaster can generate new video sequences by applying the camera motion from a reference video to a target image or video.
  • The approach relies on disentangling the camera motion from the scene content, allowing for independent manipulation of these two components.

Plain English Explanation

MotionMaster is a technique that allows you to take the camera movement from one video and apply it to a different video or image. This is useful for creating new video sequences without having to film everything from scratch.

For example, let's say you have a video of a person walking through a city, and you want to use that same camera movement to film a different person in a different location. MotionMaster can take the camera motion from the original video and apply it to a new video or image, generating a new sequence that looks like it was filmed using the same camera.

The key innovation is that MotionMaster can separate the camera motion from the actual scene content. This means you can manipulate the camera movement independently, without changing the people, objects, or background in the video. This level of control allows for a lot of creative possibilities in video generation and editing.

Technical Explanation

MotionMaster works by disentangling the camera motion from the scene content in a video. It learns to represent the camera motion as a separate component, which can then be applied to a different video or image.

The MotionMaster architecture consists of several key components:

  • Motion Encoder: Extracts the camera motion information from the reference video.
  • Content Encoder: Encodes the scene content of the target video or image.
  • Motion Transfer Module: Applies the camera motion from the reference to the target, generating a new video sequence.

During inference, the user provides a reference video with the desired camera motion and a target video or image. MotionMaster then transfers the camera motion from the reference to the target, creating a new video that combines the camera movement with the target scene content.

This approach allows for video generation and video customization without the need for extensive training. It also enables multi-camera tracking and human-motion generation applications.

Critical Analysis

The MotionMaster approach has several advantages, such as the ability to transfer camera motion without extensive training and the flexibility to apply camera motion to different scenes. However, there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  • The method relies on accurately disentangling the camera motion from the scene content, which can be challenging in complex or dynamic scenes.
  • The quality of the generated videos may be limited by the accuracy of the motion transfer and the fidelity of the target scene content.
  • The approach does not address issues like occlusion, depth estimation, or lighting changes, which can affect the realism of the generated videos.

Further research could explore ways to improve the robustness and generalization of the MotionMaster approach, as well as investigate its application to a wider range of video generation and editing tasks.


MotionMaster is a promising approach for transferring camera motion between videos without the need for extensive training. By disentangling the camera motion from the scene content, it enables a range of video generation and editing applications, such as video customization, multi-camera tracking, and human motion generation.

While the method has some limitations, the ability to manipulate camera movement independently opens up new creative possibilities for video production and post-processing. As the field of video generation continues to advance, techniques like MotionMaster may play an increasingly important role in empowering users to create more dynamic and compelling visual content.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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