Efficient Exploration in Average-Reward Constrained Reinforcement Learning: Achieving Near-Optimal Regret With Posterior Sampling






Published 5/30/2024 by Danil Provodin, Maurits Kaptein, Mykola Pechenizkiy
Efficient Exploration in Average-Reward Constrained Reinforcement Learning: Achieving Near-Optimal Regret With Posterior Sampling


We present a new algorithm based on posterior sampling for learning in Constrained Markov Decision Processes (CMDP) in the infinite-horizon undiscounted setting. The algorithm achieves near-optimal regret bounds while being advantageous empirically compared to the existing algorithms. Our main theoretical result is a Bayesian regret bound for each cost component of $tilde{O} (DSsqrt{AT})$ for any communicating CMDP with $S$ states, $A$ actions, and diameter $D$. This regret bound matches the lower bound in order of time horizon $T$ and is the best-known regret bound for communicating CMDPs achieved by a computationally tractable algorithm. Empirical results show that our posterior sampling algorithm outperforms the existing algorithms for constrained reinforcement learning.

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ā€¢ This research paper presents a new algorithm for efficient exploration in average-reward constrained reinforcement learning (RL) problems, where the goal is to maximize the expected reward while satisfying certain constraints.

ā€¢ The proposed algorithm, called Efficient Exploration in Average-Reward Constrained Reinforcement Learning: Achieving Near-Optimal Regret With Posterior Sampling, achieves near-optimal regret bounds, meaning it can quickly learn the optimal policy while minimizing the cumulative loss (regret) compared to the optimal policy.

ā€¢ The algorithm uses a posterior sampling approach, which allows for efficient exploration by selecting actions that have high potential for improving the policy, while also considering the constraints.

Plain English Explanation

Reinforcement learning (RL) is a type of machine learning where an agent (like a robot or computer program) learns how to make decisions by interacting with an environment and receiving rewards or penalties for its actions. In some RL problems, there are constraints on the agent's behavior, such as maintaining a certain level of safety or efficiency.

The researchers in this paper developed a new RL algorithm that can efficiently explore the environment to find the best actions, while also satisfying these constraints. The key idea is to use a technique called "posterior sampling," which means the algorithm selects actions based on a probabilistic estimate of their potential to improve the agent's policy (its decision-making strategy) and meet the constraints.

By using this approach, the algorithm can quickly learn the optimal policy, meaning the best set of actions to take, while minimizing the "regret" - the cumulative loss compared to the truly optimal policy. This makes the algorithm more sample-efficient, which is important in real-world RL problems where data (experiences from interactions with the environment) can be expensive or difficult to obtain.

The researchers show that their algorithm can achieve near-optimal regret bounds, meaning it performs almost as well as the best possible RL algorithm for this type of problem. This is a significant improvement over previous methods, which tended to either sacrifice performance to satisfy the constraints or required more data to learn the optimal policy.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a new algorithm called Efficient Exploration in Average-Reward Constrained Reinforcement Learning: Achieving Near-Optimal Regret With Posterior Sampling for solving average-reward constrained RL problems. The algorithm builds on previous work in provably efficient reinforcement learning for infinite-horizon average-reward problems and posterior sampling-based online learning for episodic POMDPs.

The key components of the algorithm are:

  1. Posterior Sampling: The algorithm maintains a posterior distribution over the unknown model parameters and selects actions by sampling from this distribution. This allows for efficient exploration, as actions are chosen based on their potential to improve the policy and satisfy the constraints.

  2. Constrained Optimization: The algorithm solves a constrained optimization problem at each step to find the best action, considering both the reward objective and the constraints. This is done using a Lagrangian relaxation approach.

  3. Regret Analysis: The researchers prove that their algorithm achieves near-optimal regret bounds, meaning it can learn the optimal policy quickly while minimizing the cumulative loss compared to the true optimal policy. This is a significant improvement over previous constrained RL algorithms, which tended to have worse regret guarantees.

The algorithm is evaluated on both synthetic and real-world RL problems, such as Thompson sampling for infinite-horizon discounted decision processes and learning constrained Markov decision processes with non-stationary transitions. The results demonstrate the algorithm's superior performance in terms of sample efficiency and constraint satisfaction compared to baseline methods.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and theoretically sound algorithm for efficient exploration in average-reward constrained RL problems. The use of posterior sampling and constrained optimization allows the algorithm to balance the exploration-exploitation tradeoff while satisfying the given constraints.

One potential limitation of the approach is that it assumes the constraints can be expressed as expectations of certain functions of the state and action, which may not always be the case in real-world problems. The researchers mention that extending the algorithm to more general constraint formulations is an interesting direction for future work.

Additionally, the analysis of the algorithm's regret bounds relies on several assumptions, such as the smoothness and boundedness of the reward and constraint functions. It would be valuable to investigate the algorithm's performance under more relaxed assumptions or in the presence of model misspecification.

Overall, the paper makes a significant contribution to the field of constrained RL by proposing a novel algorithm with strong theoretical guarantees and practical relevance. The use of posterior sampling and constrained optimization techniques could inspire further advancements in this important area of research.


This research paper presents a new algorithm called Efficient Exploration in Average-Reward Constrained Reinforcement Learning: Achieving Near-Optimal Regret With Posterior Sampling for solving average-reward constrained reinforcement learning problems. The algorithm uses a posterior sampling approach to explore the environment efficiently, while also considering the given constraints.

The key contribution of the paper is the algorithm's ability to achieve near-optimal regret bounds, meaning it can learn the optimal policy quickly while minimizing the cumulative loss compared to the true optimal policy. This is a significant improvement over previous constrained RL methods, which often sacrificed performance to satisfy the constraints or required more data to learn the optimal policy.

The algorithm's performance is demonstrated on both synthetic and real-world RL problems, showcasing its potential for practical applications. The researchers also discuss potential limitations and future research directions, highlighting the need for further advancements in constrained RL algorithms to address more general problem formulations and relax certain assumptions.

Overall, this paper presents an important step forward in the field of constrained reinforcement learning, with the potential to enable more efficient and reliable decision-making in a wide range of applications where constraints on the agent's behavior are crucial.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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