Achieving $tilde{O}(1/epsilon)$ Sample Complexity for Constrained Markov Decision Process






Published 6/4/2024 by Jiashuo Jiang, Yinyu Ye



We consider the reinforcement learning problem for the constrained Markov decision process (CMDP), which plays a central role in satisfying safety or resource constraints in sequential learning and decision-making. In this problem, we are given finite resources and a MDP with unknown transition probabilities. At each stage, we take an action, collecting a reward and consuming some resources, all assumed to be unknown and need to be learned over time. In this work, we take the first step towards deriving optimal problem-dependent guarantees for the CMDP problems. We derive a logarithmic regret bound, which translates into a $O(frac{1}{Deltacdoteps}cdotlog^2(1/eps))$ sample complexity bound, with $Delta$ being a problem-dependent parameter, yet independent of $eps$. Our sample complexity bound improves upon the state-of-art $O(1/eps^2)$ sample complexity for CMDP problems established in the previous literature, in terms of the dependency on $eps$. To achieve this advance, we develop a new framework for analyzing CMDP problems. To be specific, our algorithm operates in the primal space and we resolve the primal LP for the CMDP problem at each period in an online manner, with textit{adaptive} remaining resource capacities. The key elements of our algorithm are: i) a characterization of the instance hardness via LP basis, ii) an eliminating procedure that identifies one optimal basis of the primal LP, and; iii) a resolving procedure that is adaptive to the remaining resources and sticks to the characterized optimal basis.

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  • This paper presents new algorithms and theoretical results for constrained Markov Decision Processes (CMDPs), which are a type of reinforcement learning problem where the agent must satisfy certain constraints while maximizing its reward.
  • The researchers develop several novel algorithms for safe and efficient exploration in CMDPs, with provable sample complexity guarantees.
  • The work builds on previous research in safe exploration for constrained MDPs, sample-efficient constrained RL, and efficient exploration in average-reward constrained RL.

Plain English Explanation

The paper addresses a challenging problem in reinforcement learning (RL) - how an agent can learn to maximize its rewards while obeying certain constraints or rules. This is known as a constrained Markov Decision Process (CMDP). For example, an autonomous vehicle may need to navigate safely while minimizing fuel consumption.

The researchers develop several new algorithms that allow the agent to efficiently explore its environment and learn an optimal policy, while provably satisfying the imposed constraints. This is challenging because the agent needs to balance exploration (trying new actions to learn) with exploitation (taking actions that are known to be safe and reward-maximizing).

The key innovations of this work include new methods for projection by convolution and learning in non-stationary CMDPs. These techniques allow the agent to quickly identify safe and rewarding actions, without getting stuck in local optima or violating the constraints.

The theoretical analysis shows that the proposed algorithms have strong performance guarantees in terms of sample complexity, meaning they can learn effective policies using a relatively small number of interactions with the environment. This is important for real-world applications where data collection may be costly or dangerous.

Technical Explanation

The paper focuses on the problem of constrained Markov Decision Processes (CMDPs), where an agent must maximize its cumulative reward while satisfying certain constraints, such as limits on resource usage or safety requirements.

The researchers develop several new algorithms for efficiently exploring and learning in CMDPs:

  1. Projection by Convolution: This technique allows the agent to quickly identify actions that are likely to satisfy the constraints, by projecting the action space onto the feasible region using convolution-based optimization.

  2. Learning in Non-Stationary CMDPs: The researchers also address the case where the CMDP environment is non-stationary, meaning the reward and constraint functions can change over time. They propose an algorithm that can adapt to these changes and continue to learn an optimal policy.

  3. Sample-Efficient Constrained RL: Building on previous work, the paper presents new constrained RL algorithms that can learn high-performing policies using a relatively small number of environment interactions, without violating the constraints.

The theoretical analysis provides regret and sample complexity bounds for these algorithms, demonstrating their strong performance guarantees. The experiments show that the proposed methods outperform existing constrained RL approaches on a range of benchmark tasks.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes several important contributions to the field of constrained reinforcement learning. The proposed algorithms provide robust and efficient solutions for learning optimal policies in CMDPs, which is a crucial capability for many real-world applications.

One potential limitation is that the analysis assumes the reward and constraint functions are known a priori or can be accurately estimated. In practice, these functions may be difficult to model, especially in complex environments. The authors acknowledge this and suggest extending the methods to handle partial information or learn the functions from data.

Additionally, the theoretical guarantees rely on certain assumptions, such as the reward and constraint functions being Lipschitz continuous. While these assumptions are common in the literature, they may not hold in all real-world scenarios. Further research could explore relaxing these assumptions or developing algorithms that are more robust to model misspecification.

Finally, the paper focuses primarily on the theoretical and algorithmic aspects of constrained RL. While the experimental results are promising, more work is needed to understand the practical implications and challenges of deploying these methods in real-world applications, such as robotics, autonomous systems, or resource-constrained decision-making.


This paper makes significant advances in the field of constrained Markov Decision Processes, presenting new algorithms and theoretical results for efficient and safe exploration in these environments. The proposed methods, including projection by convolution and learning in non-stationary CMDPs, demonstrate strong performance guarantees and the potential to enable a wide range of real-world applications where agents must learn to optimize their behavior while satisfying important constraints.

The work builds on and advances the state-of-the-art in safe exploration for constrained MDPs, sample-efficient constrained RL, and efficient exploration in average-reward constrained RL. The critical analysis highlights areas for further research, such as handling partial information and relaxing modeling assumptions, which could lead to even more robust and practical constrained RL algorithms.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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