Thompson Sampling for Infinite-Horizon Discounted Decision Processes






Published 5/20/2024 by Daniel Adelman, Cagla Keceli, Alba V. Olivares-Nadal

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We model a Markov decision process, parametrized by an unknown parameter, and study the asymptotic behavior of a sampling-based algorithm, called Thompson sampling. The standard definition of regret is not always suitable to evaluate a policy, especially when the underlying chain structure is general. We show that the standard (expected) regret can grow (super-)linearly and fails to capture the notion of learning in realistic settings with non-trivial state evolution. By decomposing the standard (expected) regret, we develop a new metric, called the expected residual regret, which forgets the immutable consequences of past actions. Instead, it measures regret against the optimal reward moving forward from the current period. We show that the expected residual regret of the Thompson sampling algorithm is upper bounded by a term which converges exponentially fast to 0. We present conditions under which the posterior sampling error of Thompson sampling converges to 0 almost surely. We then introduce the probabilistic version of the expected residual regret and present conditions under which it converges to 0 almost surely. Thus, we provide a viable concept of learning for sampling algorithms which will serve useful in broader settings than had been considered previously.

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  • The paper models a Markov decision process with an unknown parameter and studies the behavior of a sampling-based algorithm called Thompson sampling.
  • The standard definition of regret (the difference between the optimal reward and the obtained reward) is not always suitable, especially when the underlying chain structure is general.
  • The authors introduce a new metric called the "expected residual regret" that focuses on the optimal reward moving forward from the current period, rather than the immutable consequences of past actions.
  • They show that the expected residual regret of Thompson sampling is upper bounded by a term that converges exponentially fast to 0.
  • They also present conditions under which the posterior sampling error and the probabilistic version of the expected residual regret converge to 0 almost surely.

Plain English Explanation

In this paper, the researchers are studying a type of decision-making algorithm called Thompson sampling. Thompson sampling is a way for an algorithm to learn and make decisions under uncertainty, by repeatedly sampling from a probability distribution that represents the algorithm's current beliefs about the best course of action.

The researchers are looking at how well Thompson sampling performs in a specific type of decision-making problem called a Markov decision process, where the outcomes of actions depend on the current state of the system. They find that the standard way of measuring the performance of Thompson sampling, called "regret," doesn't always work well, especially when the underlying system is complex.

To address this, the researchers introduce a new way of measuring performance called the "expected residual regret." This metric focuses on how well the algorithm is doing in the present and future, rather than dwelling on past mistakes that can't be undone. They show that Thompson sampling has a strong performance guarantee using this new metric - its expected residual regret converges to 0 exponentially fast.

The researchers also provide conditions under which the algorithm's internal beliefs (its "posterior sampling error") and the probabilistic version of the expected residual regret both converge to 0 almost surely, meaning the algorithm is learning and performing well with high probability.

Overall, this research provides a more nuanced and useful way to evaluate the performance of Thompson sampling and similar decision-making algorithms, which could be valuable in a wide range of real-world applications.

Technical Explanation

The paper models a Markov decision process with an unknown parameter and studies the asymptotic behavior of the Thompson sampling algorithm. The standard definition of regret (the difference between the optimal reward and the obtained reward) is not always suitable to evaluate a policy, especially when the underlying chain structure is general.

The authors show that the standard (expected) regret can grow (super-)linearly and fails to capture the notion of learning in realistic settings with non-trivial state evolution. To address this, they develop a new metric called the "expected residual regret," which measures regret against the optimal reward moving forward from the current period, rather than the immutable consequences of past actions.

The authors prove that the expected residual regret of the Thompson sampling algorithm is upper bounded by a term that converges exponentially fast to 0. They also present conditions under which the posterior sampling error of Thompson sampling converges to 0 almost surely, as well as conditions under which the probabilistic version of the expected residual regret converges to 0 almost surely.

These results provide a more viable concept of learning for sampling algorithms, which can be useful in a broader range of settings than had been considered previously.

Critical Analysis

The paper introduces a novel concept, the "expected residual regret," that addresses limitations of the standard regret metric when evaluating the performance of Thompson sampling in complex Markov decision processes. This new metric is a valuable contribution, as it allows for a more nuanced understanding of an algorithm's learning and decision-making capabilities.

One potential limitation of the research is that the theoretical guarantees are derived under specific conditions, such as the assumptions made about the Markov decision process and the algorithm's ability to accurately estimate the posterior distribution. It would be interesting to see how these results hold up in more realistic, noisy, or adversarial settings.

Additionally, the paper does not provide any empirical validation of the proposed expected residual regret metric. While the theoretical analysis is compelling, it would be helpful to see how this new metric performs in practice, particularly in comparison to the standard regret measure.

Furthermore, the paper does not discuss the computational complexity of the Thompson sampling algorithm or the proposed analysis. Understanding the scalability of these methods would be important for their real-world applicability, especially in large-scale or high-stakes decision-making scenarios.

Overall, this research presents a promising new approach to evaluating the performance of Thompson sampling and similar sampling-based algorithms. Further empirical validation and analysis of the practical implications would help strengthen the impact of this work.


This paper introduces a new metric, the "expected residual regret," to evaluate the performance of the Thompson sampling algorithm in the context of Markov decision processes with unknown parameters. The authors show that the expected residual regret of Thompson sampling is upper bounded by a term that converges exponentially fast to 0, and they present conditions under which the posterior sampling error and the probabilistic version of the expected residual regret also converge to 0 almost surely.

This research provides a more nuanced and useful way to assess the learning and decision-making capabilities of Thompson sampling and similar sampling-based algorithms, which could be valuable in a wide range of real-world applications where the underlying system dynamics are complex and the standard regret metric may not be sufficient.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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