Efficient Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning via Task-Specific Action Correction






Published 4/10/2024 by Jinyuan Feng, Min Chen, Zhiqiang Pu, Tenghai Qiu, Jianqiang Yi
Efficient Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning via Task-Specific Action Correction


Multi-task reinforcement learning (MTRL) demonstrate potential for enhancing the generalization of a robot, enabling it to perform multiple tasks concurrently. However, the performance of MTRL may still be susceptible to conflicts between tasks and negative interference. To facilitate efficient MTRL, we propose Task-Specific Action Correction (TSAC), a general and complementary approach designed for simultaneous learning of multiple tasks. TSAC decomposes policy learning into two separate policies: a shared policy (SP) and an action correction policy (ACP). To alleviate conflicts resulting from excessive focus on specific tasks' details in SP, ACP incorporates goal-oriented sparse rewards, enabling an agent to adopt a long-term perspective and achieve generalization across tasks. Additional rewards transform the original problem into a multi-objective MTRL problem. Furthermore, to convert the multi-objective MTRL into a single-objective formulation, TSAC assigns a virtual expected budget to the sparse rewards and employs Lagrangian method to transform a constrained single-objective optimization into an unconstrained one. Experimental evaluations conducted on Meta-World's MT10 and MT50 benchmarks demonstrate that TSAC outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods, achieving significant improvements in both sample efficiency and effective action execution.

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  • This paper presents a novel approach to efficient multi-task reinforcement learning (RL) for robotic manipulation tasks with sparse, goal-oriented rewards.
  • The key idea is to use task-specific action correction, which learns to modify the agent's actions to better match the desired task-specific behaviors.
  • This allows the agent to learn multiple tasks simultaneously while achieving high performance on each individual task.

Plain English Explanation

In this research, the authors are working on a problem where a robot needs to learn how to perform multiple different tasks, like picking up and moving different objects. The challenge is that each task has its own specific goal or "reward" that the robot is trying to achieve, and these rewards are often very sparse - meaning the robot only gets feedback on whether it succeeded or failed, with little information in between.

To address this, the researchers develop a new method called "task-specific action correction". The basic idea is to have the robot learn not just what actions to take to complete each task, but also how to

its actions to better match the specific requirements of each task. [This relates to the concept of multi-task reinforcement learning and task planning for robotic manipulation.]

By learning these task-specific action corrections, the robot is able to more efficiently master multiple challenging manipulation tasks, even when the reward signals are sparse and difficult to learn from. [This connects to the broader challenge of continual and offline RL and partial label multi-task learning.]

The key insight is that by explicitly modeling the task-specific adjustments needed, the agent can learn to generalize across tasks much more effectively than trying to learn each task in isolation. This allows the robot to become a more flexible and capable multi-tasker.

Technical Explanation

The researchers formulate the multi-task RL problem as learning a

shared policy network
that can be adapted to task-specific
action correction networks
. This allows the agent to leverage common skills and features across tasks, while also specializing its behavior for each individual task objective.

The action correction networks are trained using a Lagrangian relaxation method, which optimizes a trade-off between minimizing the task-specific losses and keeping the corrections close to the base policy. This encourages the corrections to be as small as possible while still achieving good performance.

Experiments on a suite of challenging robotic manipulation tasks show that this approach significantly outperforms standard multi-task RL baselines, especially when the reward signals are very sparse. The agent is able to learn effective behaviors for all tasks simultaneously, without getting stuck in local optima or catastrophically forgetting previous skills.

[The insights from this work relate to the ideas of dynamic task sampling and using auxiliary tasks or reward shaping to guide the agent's exploration and learning.]

Critical Analysis

The key limitation of this work is that the action correction networks are still trained separately for each task, which could become computationally expensive as the number of tasks grows. An interesting avenue for future research would be to investigate methods for

learning the task-specific corrections, perhaps by exploiting task structure or relationships.

Additionally, the experiments are conducted in simulated environments, so further evaluation on real-world robotic platforms would be valuable to assess the practical applicability of this approach. Robustness to noisy observations, modeling errors, and other real-world complexities should also be examined.

Overall, this is a promising approach that demonstrates the benefits of explicitly modeling task-specific adaptation within a multi-task RL framework. With further refinements and extensions, it could lead to more flexible and efficient robotic systems capable of mastering a wide range of manipulation skills.


This paper presents a novel technique for efficient multi-task reinforcement learning, where the key innovation is to learn task-specific action corrections in addition to a shared policy network. This allows the agent to leverage common skills across tasks while also specializing its behavior for each individual objective, particularly in the presence of sparse, goal-oriented rewards.

The results show significant performance improvements over standard multi-task RL baselines, suggesting that this approach could be a valuable tool for developing more capable and adaptable robotic systems. By explicitly modeling the task-specific adaptations needed, the agent can learn to generalize more effectively, overcoming the challenges of sparse rewards and local optima.

While there are some limitations to be addressed, this work represents an important step forward in the field of multi-task reinforcement learning, with potential applications in a wide range of robotic domains.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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