Embodied Instruction Following in Unknown Environments






Published 6/18/2024 by Zhenyu Wu, Ziwei Wang, Xiuwei Xu, Jiwen Lu, Haibin Yan
Embodied Instruction Following in Unknown Environments


Enabling embodied agents to complete complex human instructions from natural language is crucial to autonomous systems in household services. Conventional methods can only accomplish human instructions in the known environment where all interactive objects are provided to the embodied agent, and directly deploying the existing approaches for the unknown environment usually generates infeasible plans that manipulate non-existing objects. On the contrary, we propose an embodied instruction following (EIF) method for complex tasks in the unknown environment, where the agent efficiently explores the unknown environment to generate feasible plans with existing objects to accomplish abstract instructions. Specifically, we build a hierarchical embodied instruction following framework including the high-level task planner and the low-level exploration controller with multimodal large language models. We then construct a semantic representation map of the scene with dynamic region attention to demonstrate the known visual clues, where the goal of task planning and scene exploration is aligned for human instruction. For the task planner, we generate the feasible step-by-step plans for human goal accomplishment according to the task completion process and the known visual clues. For the exploration controller, the optimal navigation or object interaction policy is predicted based on the generated step-wise plans and the known visual clues. The experimental results demonstrate that our method can achieve 45.09% success rate in 204 complex human instructions such as making breakfast and tidying rooms in large house-level scenes.

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  • This paper presents a novel approach for enabling robots to follow abstract instructions in unknown environments.
  • The proposed method combines Socratic Planner, Embodied Agents, and Enabling Robots to allow robots to understand and execute high-level instructions without prior knowledge of the environment.
  • The system can Explore, Explain, and Self-Supervise its navigation and task completion, enabling Self-Explainable Affordance Learning for embodied agents.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a way for robots to follow general instructions in unfamiliar environments. Rather than being programmed to complete specific tasks, the robot can understand and carry out high-level instructions using a combination of different AI techniques.

The key idea is that the robot can explore its surroundings, figure out how to complete the given task, and then explain its reasoning and actions. This allows the robot to learn as it goes, rather than needing to be programmed for every possible situation.

For example, if the robot is told to "find the blue cup and place it on the table," it would scan the room, identify the cup, and then move it to the table. It could then describe the steps it took to complete the task, helping it learn for the future.

This approach gives robots more flexibility and autonomy compared to traditional programming. Instead of being limited to predefined actions, the robot can adapt to new environments and instructions on the fly. This could be very useful for tasks like home assistance or search-and-rescue operations where the environment is unpredictable.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes an Explore, Explain, and Self-Supervise framework for Embodied Instruction Following in Unknown Environments. The key components are:

  1. Socratic Planner: An AI system that can understand high-level instructions and generate plans to complete them, even in unfamiliar environments.
  2. Embodied Agents: Robots or virtual agents that can physically interact with and navigate through the environment.
  3. Self-Explainable Affordance Learning: The ability for the agent to analyze its own actions, understand their effects, and learn new skills.
  4. Enabling Robots: Techniques that allow the robot to translate high-level instructions into low-level control signals to execute the task.

The system works by having the Socratic Planner generate a plan to complete the given instruction. The Embodied Agent then explores the environment, carrying out the plan and Explaining its actions and reasoning. This self-supervision allows the agent to Learn and improve its performance over time.

Critical Analysis

The proposed approach addresses an important challenge in robotics and AI: enabling agents to follow abstract, high-level instructions in unknown environments. By combining several advanced techniques, the system demonstrates promising results.

However, the paper acknowledges some limitations. The experiments were conducted in simulated environments, and the system's performance may degrade in more complex, real-world settings. Additionally, the ability to translate instructions into plans and actions is still an active area of research, with room for improvement.

Further research could explore ways to enhance the robustness and generalization of the system, such as incorporating more sophisticated learning mechanisms or exploring transfer learning techniques. Integrating the system with real-world robotic platforms and testing it in diverse environments would also be valuable.

Overall, the paper presents an innovative approach that brings us closer to the goal of enabling robots to seamlessly interact with and assist humans in a wide range of settings.


This paper introduces a novel framework for Embodied Instruction Following in Unknown Environments, combining techniques like Socratic Planner, Embodied Agents, and Self-Explainable Affordance Learning to enable robots to understand and execute high-level instructions without prior knowledge of their surroundings.

By allowing the robot to Explore, Explain, and Self-Supervise its actions, the system demonstrates the potential to Enable Robots to fluidly interact with and assist humans in a wide range of real-world scenarios. Further research and development in this area could significantly advance the field of robotics and embodied AI.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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