Engineering software 2.0 by interpolating neural networks: unifying training, solving, and calibration






Published 4/23/2024 by Chanwook Park, Sourav Saha, Jiachen Guo, Xiaoyu Xie, Satyajit Mojumder, Miguel A. Bessa, Dong Qian, Wei Chen, Gregory J. Wagner, Jian Cao and 1 other
Engineering software 2.0 by interpolating neural networks: unifying training, solving, and calibration


The evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) and neural network theories has revolutionized the way software is programmed, shifting from a hard-coded series of codes to a vast neural network. However, this transition in engineering software has faced challenges such as data scarcity, multi-modality of data, low model accuracy, and slow inference. Here, we propose a new network based on interpolation theories and tensor decomposition, the interpolating neural network (INN). Instead of interpolating training data, a common notion in computer science, INN interpolates interpolation points in the physical space whose coordinates and values are trainable. It can also extrapolate if the interpolation points reside outside of the range of training data and the interpolation functions have a larger support domain. INN features orders of magnitude fewer trainable parameters, faster training, a smaller memory footprint, and higher model accuracy compared to feed-forward neural networks (FFNN) or physics-informed neural networks (PINN). INN is poised to usher in Engineering Software 2.0, a unified neural network that spans various domains of space, time, parameters, and initial/boundary conditions. This has previously been computationally prohibitive due to the exponentially growing number of trainable parameters, easily exceeding the parameter size of ChatGPT, which is over 1 trillion. INN addresses this challenge by leveraging tensor decomposition and tensor product, with adaptable network architecture.

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  • This paper presents a novel approach called "Interpolating Neural Networks" (INN) that aims to unify the training, solving, and calibration processes in various engineering and scientific domains.
  • The key idea is to leverage the power of neural networks to interpolate solutions to complex problems, rather than relying on traditional numerical solvers or optimization techniques.
  • The authors demonstrate the versatility of INN by applying it to diverse applications, including interpretable neural networks, time-series forecasting, neuromorphic edge applications, soft sensing, and topology optimization.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new way of solving complex problems in engineering and science using neural networks. Instead of relying on traditional numerical solvers or optimization techniques, the researchers propose a method called "Interpolating Neural Networks" (INN) that can learn to interpolate solutions to these problems.

The key idea behind INN is to train a neural network to take in the relevant inputs and parameters of a problem and directly output the desired solution, rather than going through a separate solving or optimization process. This allows the neural network to learn the underlying patterns and relationships in the problem, and then use that knowledge to quickly generate solutions.

The researchers demonstrate the versatility of INN by applying it to a wide range of applications, from forecasting time-series data to optimizing the design of physical structures. In each case, the neural network is able to learn the relevant patterns and relationships, and then use that knowledge to provide accurate and efficient solutions.

The main advantage of this approach is that it can potentially be much faster and more scalable than traditional methods, as the neural network can be trained once and then used to generate solutions quickly for new instances of the problem. Additionally, the neural network can provide insights into the underlying structure of the problem, which can be useful for further understanding and optimization.

Technical Explanation

The core idea of the Interpolating Neural Networks (INN) approach is to use neural networks to directly learn the mapping between the inputs and outputs of a problem, rather than relying on separate training, solving, and calibration processes.

The authors propose a unified framework where the neural network is trained to take in the relevant inputs and parameters of a problem and directly output the desired solution. This is in contrast to traditional approaches where the problem would be solved using numerical methods or optimization techniques, and then the results would be calibrated or post-processed.

By training the neural network to interpolate the solutions, the researchers aim to capture the underlying patterns and relationships in the problem domain. This allows the neural network to learn a more holistic representation of the problem, which can then be leveraged to efficiently generate solutions for new instances of the problem.

The authors demonstrate the versatility of INN by applying it to a wide range of applications, including interpretable neural networks, time-series forecasting, neuromorphic edge applications, soft sensing, and topology optimization. In each case, the neural network is able to learn the relevant patterns and relationships, and then use that knowledge to provide accurate and efficient solutions.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach with the potential to significantly impact various engineering and scientific domains. By unifying the training, solving, and calibration processes into a single neural network-based framework, the authors aim to address the limitations of traditional methods, which often involve complex pipelines and rely on human expertise for tasks like parameter tuning and post-processing.

However, the authors acknowledge that the success of INN is highly dependent on the availability of high-quality training data and the ability of the neural network to accurately capture the underlying complexity of the problem. In domains with limited or noisy data, or where the problem exhibits highly nonlinear and chaotic behavior, the performance of INN may be limited.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into the interpretability and explainability of the INN models, which is an important consideration for many real-world applications. While the authors demonstrate the versatility of INN, further research is needed to understand the internal workings of the neural networks and how they arrive at their solutions.

Finally, the paper focuses on the theoretical framework and proof-of-concept applications of INN, but does not provide a comprehensive evaluation of its performance compared to traditional methods across a wide range of benchmarks. Rigorous comparative studies would help to better understand the strengths and limitations of the INN approach.


The "Interpolating Neural Networks" (INN) approach presented in this paper offers a promising new direction for solving complex problems in engineering and scientific domains. By unifying the training, solving, and calibration processes into a single neural network-based framework, the authors aim to address the limitations of traditional methods and potentially unlock new levels of efficiency and scalability.

While the paper demonstrates the versatility of INN across a range of applications, further research is needed to fully understand the strengths, limitations, and interpretability of the approach. Nonetheless, the core idea of leveraging neural networks to directly interpolate solutions is a fascinating concept that could have significant implications for how we approach problem-solving in the future.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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