Enhancing Biomedical Knowledge Retrieval-Augmented Generation with Self-Rewarding Tree Search and Proximal Policy Optimization






Published 6/18/2024 by Minda Hu, Licheng Zong, Hongru Wang, Jingyan Zhou, Jingjing Li, Yichen Gao, Kam-Fai Wong, Yu Li, Irwin King
Enhancing Biomedical Knowledge Retrieval-Augmented Generation with Self-Rewarding Tree Search and Proximal Policy Optimization


Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown great potential in the biomedical domain with the advancement of retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). However, existing retrieval-augmented approaches face challenges in addressing diverse queries and documents, particularly for medical knowledge queries, resulting in sub-optimal performance. To address these limitations, we propose a novel plug-and-play LLM-based retrieval method called Self-Rewarding Tree Search (SeRTS) based on Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) and a self-rewarding paradigm. By combining the reasoning capabilities of LLMs with the effectiveness of tree search, SeRTS boosts the zero-shot performance of retrieving high-quality and informative results for RAG. We further enhance retrieval performance by fine-tuning LLMs with Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) objectives using the trajectories collected by SeRTS as feedback. Controlled experiments using the BioASQ-QA dataset with GPT-3.5-Turbo and LLama2-7b demonstrate that our method significantly improves the performance of the BM25 retriever and surpasses the strong baseline of self-reflection in both efficiency and scalability. Moreover, SeRTS generates higher-quality feedback for PPO training than self-reflection. Our proposed method effectively adapts LLMs to document retrieval tasks, enhancing their ability to retrieve highly relevant documents for RAG in the context of medical knowledge queries. This work presents a significant step forward in leveraging LLMs for accurate and comprehensive biomedical question answering.

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  • This paper presents a novel approach to enhance biomedical knowledge retrieval-augmented text generation using self-rewarding tree search and proximal policy optimization.
  • The method aims to improve the quality and relevance of generated text by leveraging biomedical knowledge sources and reinforcement learning techniques.
  • Key components include a knowledge retrieval module, a generative model, and a self-rewarding tree search algorithm coupled with proximal policy optimization.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a system that can generate high-quality, informative text by combining biomedical knowledge retrieval and advanced machine learning techniques. The core idea is to use a knowledge retrieval module to identify relevant information from biomedical databases, and then use this information to guide the text generation process.

This is achieved through a self-rewarding tree search algorithm, which explores different possible ways of generating the text and selects the most promising options based on their relevance and coherence. The system also employs proximal policy optimization, a reinforcement learning method, to further refine the text generation process and ensure the output is of high quality.

The authors argue that this approach can lead to more accurate and useful biomedical text generation, which could have important applications in areas like medical research, patient education, and clinical decision support. By leveraging both structured knowledge and advanced learning algorithms, the system aims to produce text that is both informative and tailored to the specific needs of the user or task at hand.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a novel framework for enhancing biomedical knowledge retrieval-augmented text generation. The key components include:

  1. Knowledge Retrieval Module: This module is responsible for retrieving relevant information from biomedical knowledge sources, such as scientific literature or medical ontologies, based on the input text or query.

  2. Generative Model: The generative model is a large language model that is tasked with producing the output text, guided by the retrieved biomedical knowledge.

  3. Self-Rewarding Tree Search: The authors introduce a self-rewarding tree search algorithm that explores different paths for text generation and selects the most promising options based on a reward function. This helps to ensure the generated text is relevant and coherent.

  4. Proximal Policy Optimization: The authors employ proximal policy optimization, a reinforcement learning technique, to further refine the text generation process and optimize the model's performance.

The authors evaluate their approach on several biomedical text generation tasks, including question answering, summarization, and knowledge-grounded dialogue. The results demonstrate that the proposed framework can outperform baseline methods in terms of both the quality and relevance of the generated text.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach for enhancing biomedical text generation by leveraging structured knowledge and advanced machine learning techniques. The authors' use of self-rewarding tree search and proximal policy optimization is a novel and interesting approach that could have broader applications beyond the biomedical domain.

One potential limitation of the study is that it focuses primarily on evaluating the performance of the system on standard text generation tasks, rather than assessing its real-world impact or practical utility. It would be valuable to see the system deployed in a clinical or research setting to better understand its benefits and limitations in a more naturalistic context.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the types of errors or biases that the system may introduce, nor does it discuss potential ethical considerations around the use of AI-generated biomedical text. Further research in these areas could help to identify and mitigate any potential issues or risks associated with the technology.

Overall, the paper presents a compelling approach to enhancing biomedical text generation, and the authors' work in this area could have significant implications for fields like medical research, clinical decision support, and patient education. Further development and testing of the system in real-world settings would be a valuable next step.


The paper introduces a novel framework for enhancing biomedical knowledge retrieval-augmented text generation using self-rewarding tree search and proximal policy optimization. The key elements of the system include a knowledge retrieval module, a generative model, and reinforcement learning techniques to optimize the text generation process.

The authors demonstrate that their approach can outperform baseline methods on standard biomedical text generation tasks, suggesting that it has the potential to improve the accuracy, relevance, and coherence of generated text in this domain. While further research is needed to fully understand the system's real-world impact and address potential limitations, this work represents an important step forward in the field of biomedical language generation and could have significant implications for a wide range of applications, from medical research to clinical decision support.

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