Environment Design for Inverse Reinforcement Learning






Published 5/15/2024 by Thomas Kleine Buening, Victor Villin, Christos Dimitrakakis



Learning a reward function from demonstrations suffers from low sample-efficiency. Even with abundant data, current inverse reinforcement learning methods that focus on learning from a single environment can fail to handle slight changes in the environment dynamics. We tackle these challenges through adaptive environment design. In our framework, the learner repeatedly interacts with the expert, with the former selecting environments to identify the reward function as quickly as possible from the expert's demonstrations in said environments. This results in improvements in both sample-efficiency and robustness, as we show experimentally, for both exact and approximate inference.

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  • Current inverse reinforcement learning methods struggle with low sample-efficiency and lack of robustness to changes in environment dynamics
  • The paper proposes a framework called "adaptive environment design" to address these challenges
  • The key idea is to have the learner repeatedly interact with the expert, selecting environments that help identify the reward function as quickly as possible from the expert's demonstrations

Plain English Explanation

In this paper, the researchers tackle the problem of learning a reward function from expert demonstrations. This is a common approach in reinforcement learning, where the goal is to learn what reward function the expert is optimizing for based on their actions.

However, current methods that focus on learning from a single environment can struggle with low sample-efficiency and lack of robustness when the environment dynamics change slightly. To address these challenges, the researchers propose a new framework called "adaptive environment design."

The core idea is to have the learner repeatedly interact with the expert, but rather than just observing the expert in a fixed environment, the learner gets to choose the environments. The goal is to select environments that will help the learner identify the reward function as quickly as possible based on the expert's demonstrations in those environments.

This approach can lead to improvements in both sample-efficiency and robustness, as the learner can actively explore a variety of environments to better understand the underlying reward function.

Technical Explanation

The key technical innovation in this paper is the framework of "adaptive environment design." Instead of passively observing the expert in a single environment, the learner is given the ability to choose the environments in which the expert will demonstrate their behavior.

The learner's goal is to select environments that will provide the most informative demonstrations from the expert in order to identify the underlying reward function as quickly as possible. This is formulated as an optimization problem, where the learner tries to minimize the expected error in the estimated reward function.

The researchers show that this approach can lead to significant improvements in sample-efficiency and robustness compared to standard inverse reinforcement learning methods. They demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach through both exact and approximate inference techniques.

Critical Analysis

The proposed "adaptive environment design" framework is a promising approach to addressing the limitations of current inverse reinforcement learning methods. By actively selecting environments, the learner can potentially gain a much richer understanding of the expert's reward function in fewer interactions.

However, the paper does not discuss the computational complexity of the environment selection process. Implementing this approach in practice may be challenging, especially if the space of possible environments is very large. Additionally, the paper does not address how the learner can ensure that the chosen environments are feasible or realistic for the expert to demonstrate in.

Further research could explore ways to make the environment selection more efficient and practical, as well as investigate the potential for negative transfer if the chosen environments are too different from the real-world scenarios the expert is meant to operate in.


This paper proposes a novel framework called "adaptive environment design" to improve the sample-efficiency and robustness of inverse reinforcement learning. By allowing the learner to actively select the environments in which the expert demonstrates their behavior, the approach can help identify the underlying reward function more effectively than traditional methods.

While the proposed approach shows promise, it also raises some practical concerns that warrant further exploration. Nonetheless, the core idea of actively shaping the learning process through environment selection is an intriguing direction that could lead to significant advancements in the field of inverse reinforcement learning.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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