EvIL: Evolution Strategies for Generalisable Imitation Learning






Published 6/19/2024 by Silvia Sapora, Gokul Swamy, Chris Lu, Yee Whye Teh, Jakob Nicolaus Foerster
EvIL: Evolution Strategies for Generalisable Imitation Learning


Often times in imitation learning (IL), the environment we collect expert demonstrations in and the environment we want to deploy our learned policy in aren't exactly the same (e.g. demonstrations collected in simulation but deployment in the real world). Compared to policy-centric approaches to IL like behavioural cloning, reward-centric approaches like inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) often better replicate expert behaviour in new environments. This transfer is usually performed by optimising the recovered reward under the dynamics of the target environment. However, (a) we find that modern deep IL algorithms frequently recover rewards which induce policies far weaker than the expert, even in the same environment the demonstrations were collected in. Furthermore, (b) these rewards are often quite poorly shaped, necessitating extensive environment interaction to optimise effectively. We provide simple and scalable fixes to both of these concerns. For (a), we find that reward model ensembles combined with a slightly different training objective significantly improves re-training and transfer performance. For (b), we propose a novel evolution-strategies based method EvIL to optimise for a reward-shaping term that speeds up re-training in the target environment, closing a gap left open by the classical theory of IRL. On a suite of continuous control tasks, we are able to re-train policies in target (and source) environments more interaction-efficiently than prior work.

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  • The paper proposes a novel approach called "EvIL" (Evolution Strategies for Generalisable Imitation Learning) that uses evolution strategies to learn a generalisable policy from expert demonstrations.
  • The key idea is to learn a potential-based reward function that can be used to guide the policy search towards behaviors that mimic the expert's demonstrations.
  • The authors evaluate EvIL on several benchmark tasks and show that it outperforms existing imitation learning methods in terms of both performance and sample efficiency.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new technique called "EvIL" (Evolution Strategies for Generalisable Imitation Learning) that helps a robot or virtual agent learn how to perform a task by watching an expert demonstrate the task. This is a common problem in the field of machine learning, where the goal is to have an agent learn to perform a task without needing to be explicitly programmed with all the rules and steps.

The key insight behind EvIL is to have the agent learn a "reward function" that captures what makes the expert's demonstrations successful. This reward function acts as a guide, helping the agent explore behaviors that mimic the expert. The authors use a technique called "evolution strategies" to efficiently search for the best reward function and policy (the agent's decision-making process).

Compared to other imitation learning methods, EvIL is able to learn policies that generalize better to new situations, rather than just mimicking the specific demonstrations. This is important, as it means the agent can adapt to changes in the environment or task.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of EvIL on several benchmark tasks, showing that it outperforms existing methods in terms of both performance and sample efficiency (the number of training examples needed). This suggests that EvIL could be a useful tool for training agents to perform a wide variety of tasks by observing expert demonstrations.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel approach called "EvIL" (Evolution Strategies for Generalisable Imitation Learning) that uses evolution strategies to learn a potential-based reward function from expert demonstrations. This reward function is then used to guide the policy search towards behaviors that mimic the expert's demonstrations.

The key insight is that by learning a reward function that captures the underlying structure of the expert's demonstrations, the agent can generalize its policy to new situations more effectively than by simply trying to replicate the specific actions of the expert. The authors draw inspiration from expert proximity and imitation bootstrapped reinforcement learning approaches, but introduce several novel algorithmic components to improve the sample efficiency and generalization capabilities of the learned policies.

In the experiments, the authors evaluate EvIL on a range of benchmark tasks, including simulated robotic control problems and classic reinforcement learning environments. They show that EvIL outperforms existing imitation learning methods in terms of both performance and sample efficiency, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach to imitation learning that addresses some of the limitations of existing methods. The key strength of EvIL is its ability to learn generalisable policies that can adapt to new situations, rather than simply mimicking the specific expert demonstrations.

However, the paper does not fully address the potential limitations and caveats of the proposed approach. For example, the authors do not discuss how the method would scale to more complex tasks or environments, or how sensitive the performance is to the quality and diversity of the expert demonstrations provided.

Additionally, while the authors demonstrate the effectiveness of EvIL on several benchmark tasks, it would be valuable to see how the method performs on real-world problems with more complex dynamics and noise. This could help to further validate the practical applicability of the approach.

Overall, the paper makes a valuable contribution to the field of imitation learning, but there is still room for further research and refinement of the EvIL algorithm to address these potential limitations and expand its capabilities.


The EvIL approach proposed in this paper offers a promising new direction for imitation learning, using evolution strategies to learn a generalisable reward function that can guide the policy search towards behaviors that mimic expert demonstrations. The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of EvIL on several benchmark tasks, showing that it outperforms existing imitation learning methods in terms of both performance and sample efficiency.

This research has the potential to significantly improve the ability of AI systems to learn from expert demonstrations, which could have important applications in areas such as robotics, game AI, and other domains where learning from human experts is crucial. While the paper does not fully address all the potential limitations of the approach, it represents an important step forward in the field of imitation learning and provides a solid foundation for future research in this area.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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