A Bayesian Approach to Robust Inverse Reinforcement Learning






Published 4/9/2024 by Ran Wei, Siliang Zeng, Chenliang Li, Alfredo Garcia, Anthony McDonald, Mingyi Hong



We consider a Bayesian approach to offline model-based inverse reinforcement learning (IRL). The proposed framework differs from existing offline model-based IRL approaches by performing simultaneous estimation of the expert's reward function and subjective model of environment dynamics. We make use of a class of prior distributions which parameterizes how accurate the expert's model of the environment is to develop efficient algorithms to estimate the expert's reward and subjective dynamics in high-dimensional settings. Our analysis reveals a novel insight that the estimated policy exhibits robust performance when the expert is believed (a priori) to have a highly accurate model of the environment. We verify this observation in the MuJoCo environments and show that our algorithms outperform state-of-the-art offline IRL algorithms.

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  • This paper proposes a Bayesian approach to offline model-based inverse reinforcement learning (IRL).
  • The key difference from existing offline model-based IRL methods is that this framework simultaneously estimates the expert's reward function and their subjective model of the environment dynamics.
  • The paper introduces a class of prior distributions that parameterize the expert's model accuracy, enabling efficient algorithms to estimate the reward and subjective dynamics in high-dimensional settings.
  • A novel insight is that the estimated policy exhibits robust performance when the expert is believed to have a highly accurate model of the environment.
  • The algorithms outperform state-of-the-art offline IRL methods on MuJoCo environments.

Plain English Explanation

In this research, the authors take a Bayesian approach to a problem called inverse reinforcement learning (IRL). IRL is about trying to figure out the reward function that an expert is optimizing for, based on observing the expert's behavior.

The new twist in this paper is that the authors don't just try to estimate the reward function, but also the expert's own internal model of how the environment works. The authors use a special type of prior distribution that allows them to capture how accurate they think the expert's model of the environment is.

This lets them develop efficient algorithms to estimate both the reward function and the expert's subjective model of the environment, even in complex, high-dimensional settings. An interesting finding is that when the expert is believed to have a very accurate model of the environment, the policy estimated by their algorithms performs quite robustly.

The authors test their approach on simulated MuJoCo environments and show that it outperforms other state-of-the-art offline IRL algorithms.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a Bayesian approach to offline model-based inverse reinforcement learning (IRL). Unlike existing offline model-based IRL methods, this framework simultaneously estimates the expert's reward function and their subjective model of the environment dynamics.

The authors introduce a class of prior distributions that parameterize the accuracy of the expert's model of the environment. This allows them to develop efficient algorithms to estimate the expert's reward and subjective dynamics in high-dimensional settings.

The analysis reveals a novel insight - the estimated policy exhibits robust performance when the expert is believed (a priori) to have a highly accurate model of the environment. The authors verify this observation in MuJoCo environments and show that their algorithms outperform state-of-the-art offline IRL algorithms like TIRL and Contrastive UCB.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling Bayesian approach to offline model-based IRL, with the key innovation being the joint estimation of the expert's reward function and subjective model of the environment. This is an important advance, as most prior work has focused only on recovering the reward function, ignoring the expert's internal model.

However, the paper does not deeply explore the limitations of this approach. For example, the reliance on a specific class of prior distributions may restrict the types of experts that can be modeled effectively. Additionally, the assumption that the expert has a highly accurate model of the environment may not hold in many real-world settings, where there is often significant uncertainty and partial observability.

Further research is needed to understand how robust this approach is to violations of these assumptions, and to explore ways of relaxing them. It would also be valuable to see the method applied to more diverse domains beyond the MuJoCo simulations presented here.

Overall, this paper makes an important contribution to the field of inverse reinforcement learning, but there is still plenty of room for further refinement and expansion of this Bayesian model-based approach.


This paper proposes a novel Bayesian approach to offline model-based inverse reinforcement learning that simultaneously estimates the expert's reward function and subjective model of the environment. By introducing a class of priors that parameterize the expert's model accuracy, the authors develop efficient algorithms that outperform state-of-the-art offline IRL methods on MuJoCo benchmarks.

The key insight is that when the expert is believed to have a highly accurate model of the environment, the estimated policy exhibits robust performance. This finding has important implications for developing IRL systems that can reliably extract reward functions from expert behavior, even in complex, high-dimensional settings.

While the paper represents an important advance in the field, further research is needed to understand the limitations of this approach and explore ways to relax the reliance on certain assumptions. Nonetheless, this work opens up new avenues for model-based reinforcement learning and inverse reinforcement learning that deserve further investigation.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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